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Help with Kaspersky Standrard Firewall

Go to solution Solved by harlan4096,

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Hi, I have Kaspersky Standard and have questions regarding the firewall. Right now, it accepts programs that are installed without asking me, for example, Steam, Battlenet and other programs. What I want is that when installing programs that require access, it will ask me and I will have to accept yes or no and that after that it will remember the choice and not have to ask me again. Anyone who can guide me?
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Welcome to Kaspersky Community.


You have to enable Interactive Mode, disabling this option:




By default, Kaspersky allows traffic to all the apps that are considered Trusted.


If You enable Interactive Mode, be careful that probably will get a big bunch of warnings notifications, anyway You may set the rights accesses via Intrusion Prevention -> Manage Applications, or in FireWall settings -> Application Rules.

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5 minutes ago, harlan4096 said:

Welcome to Kaspersky Community.


You have to enable Interactive Mode, disabling this option:




By default, Kaspersky allows traffic to all the apps that are considered Trusted.


If You enable Interactive Mode, be careful that probably will get a big bunch of warnings notifications, anyway You may set the rights accesses via Intrusion Prevention -> Manage Applications, or in FireWall settings -> Application Rules.

 Thanks. Should I trust those who are trusted and just leave everything as it is, or do you recommend changing settings.

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7 minutes ago, harlan4096 said:

I would let as Trust those that already were put in Trusted by Kaspersky, anyway You can change as You want.

Ok. So if I understand the picture above correctly, those who are now trusted will continue to be so but that other programs in the future will ask without accepting automatically as before?

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You will be "asked" if:


- You manually set it.


- The app was moved to some Restricted groups -> Low Restricted / High Restricted, see NetWork column:




In that picture, Trusted group does not appear in green, because I changed manually some of the defaults rights for Trusted apps:




I enabled "Ask user" for some rights -> see orange colour ones.

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