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Hello, I am quite worried.

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Hello. I am new to this forum.

I will tell you a bit about myself.

I am a gamer, I like reviewing malware in virtual machines (for educational purposes) and like watching malware review.

I am 13, so don't expect me to have very good english.

I use the Kaspersky Free version, I was born at night, but not last night to execute obvious malware.

Now that that's out of the way, I want to talk about something.

I have recently seen a video, that talks about a R.A.T. mentioned a number of times in the video. It is named the "Doenerium Grabber" The youtuber that uploaded this uploaded with the title: "Doenerium Grabber: The Latest Threat That Kaspersky Couldn't Stop (Discord Malware Investigation)".

video link: https://www . youtube . com/watch?v=2dJSrvW9E60&t=5s

github repo: https:// github . com/doenerium69/doeneriumview at your own risk

I use Kaspersky as a daily basis. I switched from Malwarebytes once I got my new PC.


I am quite worried. I run some random applications on a daily basis. Will Kaspersky be able to stop malware like this in the future ?

Thank you for reading. I know this might have included outdated information on this thread, please correct me if I do.


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This is detected now.
Kaspersky has the best behavioral detection of any AV. In that video, they never ran the file with Kaspersky, they only scanned it.

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