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GOM Player blocked by Kaspersky ad blocking

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I have a problem with my Kaspersky Internet Security 2020.

Recently almost everytime I open a video file, Kaspersky makes an annoying window pop up to show that an unwanted ad has been blocked by Kaspersky.
(I captured the troublesome moment and here I attach it.)

THANK YOU Kaspersky for blocking an unwanted action, but YOU Kaspersky YOURSELF is blocking me viewing the video files. What happens to Kaspersky? It was not long ago that this kind of annoyance started to occur.

What do I have to do to do away with this problem?

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Hello @David-J,

Please tell us:

  1. Operating system name, version & build
  2. KIS version & patch?
  3. Is KIS licensed?
  4. May I have a sample Youtube source URL please?
  5. Open KIS, select More Tools, select Reports, select Detailed Reports, select ALL Events, 24hrs or 7days, select Export, export the report as a .txt file, attach📎 the Report to your reply please?

Thank you🙏


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Thanks for your reply.

  1. Windows 10 x64 Pro, version 1903, OS build 18362.657
  2. KIS version & patch : (i)
  3. Kaspersky Internet Security, with a license.
  4. I find no problem with viewing footages online. The problem occurs when viewing dowloaded video files.  I have set the default Application for Videos to GOM Player.
  5. A report file is attached. Part of the report is made in Korean. So I have translated one line into English that I guess is related with the problematic event. 

Thank you.

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Hello @David-J,

You’re very welcome👌

Thank you for the additonal information & the data🙏

  1. Regading “ I’ve set the default Application for Videos to GOM Player”, is this in Windows or KIS?
  2. To enable me to test & hopefully replicate the “Protection against unwanted action, ad removed”, are the videos being downloaded from GOM or another source?
  3. If GOM, may I have the name (Korean or otherwise), & GOM URL, of one or more videos that KIS is blocking please? 
  4. If KIS is presenting the “Protection against unwanted action, ad removed” for videos from another source, please provide as much source detail to enable me to test please? 

Please post back?

Thank you🙏




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  1. Regarding the setting of the default Application, I mean the setting of the default App is in Window. Start->Windows setting->Apps->default Apps->Video Player : GOM Player
  2. The video files to be opened were downloaded from the internet, ex. youtube etc.
  3. The video player “GOM Player” is popular here in Korea. I’ll give you two examples. Search in the Google Search “Cosmic Eye (Original HD Landscape Version)”   Link

    or here’s a cnn news clip, https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=cnn+clip&mkt=ko-kr&httpsmsn=1&msnews=1&plvar=0&refig=b989bf7e12424efbaafc0b9fe66b5c5a&ru=%2fsearch%3fq%3dcnn%2bclip%26form%3dEDGNB4%26mkt%3dko-kr%26httpsmsn%3d1%26msnews%3d1%26plvar%3d0%26refig%3db989bf7e12424efbaafc0b9fe66b5c5a&view=detail&mmscn=vwrc&mid=41D29619FD892DBB724741D29619FD892DBB7247&FORM=WRVORC  
    Why don’t you download and open them with GOM Player to test. I am sure you can download the GOM Player with ease. 

  4. I’ve tried to open one of them with another video player, Windows Media Player, There’s no kaspersky pop up window appearing. That is, no problem. 

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Hello @David-J,

Thank you for the additional information👌

Regarding “Why don’t you download and open them with GOM Player to test”, that’s exactly what I’m wishing to do☺  

It’s important I test what you’ve encountered so I replicate your actions. 

I have installed GOM and have it working with various video files, I will now test with your sources. 

As soon as I have a result I will update you. 

Thank you🙏


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Hello @David-J,

➡ With KTS20.0.14.1085(h), I cannot replicate the issue:



  • ❓ Can you pinpont a date KIS blocking Videos played in GOM player, with KIS sending  “Protection against unwanted action, ad removed” notifications started please? 
  • When GOM was installed was the AV offer skipped ? If “no”, uninstall & reinstall GOM Player, making sure to leave both offers unchecked
  • Recheck KIS blocking Videos played in GOM player, with KIS sending  “Protection against unwanted action, ad removed” notifications please🤔

If the issue persists, I suggest the following: 

  1. Confirm KIS Hardware and software requirements ?
  2. Run KIS Software compatability check ?
  3. Uninstall KIS, saving License infromation ONLY, at the completion of the uninstall, shutdown device, using full Shutdown, not Restart. 
  4. Login, download & install KIS
  5. Run manual KIS Database Update - allow it to complete. 
  6. Run KIS Full Scan - allow it to complete. 
  7. Recheck, KIS blocking Videos played in GOM player, with KIS sending  “Protection against unwanted action, ad removed” notifications, if the issue persists, please raise the issue with Kaspersky Technical Support, they will ask for a GSI & Windows Logs, Traces run as the issue is replicated, a detailed history, including all actions taken to resolve, images and a video of the issue would be most helpful please?   After submitting the case, you’ll receive an automated email with an INC+12digits reference number, then, normally, within 5 business days, a Kaspersky Technical Support human will communicate with you, also by email, you may continue to engage with the Kaspersky Technical Team via email or by updating the INC in your MyKaspersky account.
  • Please let us know the outcome when it’s available? 

Thank you🙏


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Hello @David-J
You’re very welcome!

  • Can you pinpont a date KIS blocking Videos played in GOM player, with KIS sending  “Protection against unwanted action, ad removed” notifications started please? 
  • On the first GOM install test, I did not select either additional addons, on the 2nd install test, I selected both, however, I was still unable to replicate the: KIS blocking Videos played in GOM player, with KIS sending “Protection against unwanted action, ad removed” notifications.
  • It would be very interesting to hear what the Kaspersky Technical experts “diagnose”🤔
  • Please let us know the outcome when it’s available? 

Thank you🙏


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