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Getting Multiple notifications continuously repeated even after 2 days


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Hello @goelaadamant 

  1. It helps us help you if we can see what you see, please post a full screen screen print of the notification? 
  2. Is the site in a blocked category
  3. Which browser does your son use? 
  4. Has the browser been reset to Default
  5. Your son's birth year
  6. Are Web activity monitoring default settings configured? 
  7. In Web activity monitoring, have any sites been specifically Allowed or Forbidden

Please post back? 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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can’t get access to his system since educational institutions still not functioning in Delhi, India due to pandemic restrictions. He’s busy with his online school XIth classes + engineering entrance classes throughout the day till 12am. He takes small half an hour breaks but at that time i’m at my workplace.

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