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Feature request.


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Hi. Just wanted to give a word of appreciation to the developers of Kaspersky Safe Kids and to request a couple of features.

  • the first one would be to combine the time on all devices ( basically, I'm interested in the number of hours my daughter spends in front of a screen, I don't care if it's the screen of her phone or the one of her tablet).
    When her total time is over, she won't be able to use any, which is fine.
  • Request number 2 is creating a button on the parent app to give another 10-15 minutes to the children. When the child’s time is over, he/she has no button to request more time, just a “complain to the developer" button. The parent also has no easy way to give more time, except going to the device schedule and add more time there.               
    Thanks in advance.


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Hello @Nightwishh


  1. Please see point 1 of topic: 4 Very Important Missing Features: Common Device Limits, Scheduling AND Time Limits Together, Choose Allowed Scheduling, Copy Schedules, raised by @AnnmarieP, you’ll see it was raised a 5th Jan 2020, Kaspersky have implemented 2 of these changes; sadly, ioo, they do not do useful KSK changes in a timely fashion, despite the changes being supported by many parents.
  2. Regarding the “Request more time → 10, 15 min” issue, for Windows, KSK already has (1) Push notifications, (2) alerts to KSK parent app, (3) notifications to (your) MyKaspersky account & (4) emails to parent - are you receiving any of these? 

Please let us know? 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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Hi and thanks for the quick answer.

I do receive emails, but never received a push notification. Push notifications are  enabled on my app. My daughter uses a Xiaomi phone and a Huawei tablet (without Google services). My phone is a Pixel 5 (Android 11).

Also, I checked my daughter's screen when her time finished and there was no “request more time” button, just something about complaining to the developers.

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Hello @Nightwishh

You’re most welcome☺ !

Please tell us:

  1. Daughter’s Xiaomi phone OS version
  2. Daughter’s Huawei tablet OS version
  3. Daughter’s Xiaomi phone KSK version
  4. Daughter’s Huawei tablet KSK version
  5. On your daughter’s Huawei, were was KSK installed from? 

Please let us know? 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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Hello again.

Just checked the phone and tablet, so:

  1. Daughter’s Xiaomi phone OS version   Android 10
  2. Daughter’s Huawei tablet OS version? Android 10
  3. Daughter’s Xiaomi phone KSK version?
  4. Daughter’s Huawei tablet KSK version?
  5. On your daughter’s Huawei, were was KSK installed from?  Huawei App Gallery, if i remember correctly

PS: This morning I reinstalled KSK on both devices and now I get push notifications, like “your child tried to use the forbidden app Settings” or “your child has asked for permission to use the forbidden app Settings”.
But at no point, when she runs out of time, she gets the option to ask for more time..
TThan you.





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Hello @Nightwishh

Thanks for the information👌

Windows, all of the notifications, we mentioned in our first reply, work & are effective, both for the the child & the parent. 
Sadly, KSK Android, does not work in the same manner. 

IF Block is used in combination with time expired, the child will see → The time allowed for using this device is up. You definitely have other things to do. Think about your plans for today - CLOSE.
If Warning is used for expired time, the child will see: Time for a break. You definitely have other things to do. Think about your plans todayI WANT MORE →  the child simply selects  I WANT MORE & full access is granted without parental intervention. Beyond the parent configuring Warning, Kaspersky hands all responsibility to the child to manage their device time. 

In your MyKaspersky, Notification centre, you’ll see a notification advising “child name” exceeded the daily limit for the “device name” device use.

This does not require a "new feature", it requires fixing. 

The issue was formally logged November 2019.




In 15.5 months, nothing has happened, besides Kaspersky writing rubbish like:

"Technology has its limitation and this is normal that's why we have so-called updates, releases, and versions to improve that said limitation. What we are asking from you is understanding and patience to any poor design and implementation information, like what we said before we are at the process improving our services, products, and online information to exceed s exceed our customers' expectations."

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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