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ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR due to presence of main.js in webpages on PARENTS account


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On a Windows 10 Lenovo laptop, the PARENTS Windows account (which KSK shows clearly is NOT restricted at all) is unable to load many images or JS files or even entire webpages (including pages like Google Maps or Google Sheets). When I do View Source on these webpages, I see that a huge script named main.js is being added to the page by KSK and the console shows lots of ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR reports blocking image and script files, making webpages unusable.

As a test, I uninstalled KSK from the computer and the problem disappeared, so there is no question this is due to KSK.

I reinstalled KSK from the website (latest version) and set it to protect ONLY the child's Windows account, yet the problem returned to the unrestricted PARENTS account, making many webpages inaccessible or unusable.

Does anyone know of a way to fix this problem without completely uninstalling KSK? 

Thank you,


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38 minutes ago, JR69 said:

On a Windows 10 Lenovo laptop, the PARENTS Windows account (which KSK shows clearly is NOT restricted at all) is unable to load many images or JS files or even entire webpages (including pages like Google Maps or Google Sheets). When I do View Source on these webpages, I see that a huge script named main.js is being added to the page by KSK and the console shows lots of ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR reports blocking image and script files, making webpages unusable.

As a test, I uninstalled KSK from the computer and the problem disappeared, so there is no question this is due to KSK.

I reinstalled KSK from the website (latest version) and set it to protect ONLY the child's Windows account, yet the problem returned to the unrestricted PARENTS account, making many webpages inaccessible or unusable.

Does anyone know of a way to fix this problem without completely uninstalling KSK? 

Hello @JR69

Welcome back!

We don't have a Lenovo, but we do use a device that has Windows 10, KSK parent & child profiles & Google Maps, Sheets, etc. & see none of the issues you're reporting. 

  1. Does the issue happen in all browsers? 
  2. Is the happening in a Chrome browser? IF 'yes', disable QUIC protocol - in URL field type:  chrome://flags, in the Experiments Search field type quic, change Experimental QUIC protocol from Default to Disabled. 
  3. IF the issue persists, please log a request with Kaspersky Customer Servicehttps://support.kaspersky.com/b2c#contacts  - on the support page, select either Chat or Email, then fill in the template as shown; please include images & OR a video of the error & a *detailed history*. Support may request logs, traces & other data, they will guide you: 


Please share the outcome with the Community, when it's available? 
Thank you🙏

Edited by Flood and Flood's wife
added all browsers & QUIC
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  • 5 weeks later...

Hello. Sorry for the delay in my response. Yes, the exact same issue happens in Chrome and in Edge. Changing QUIC setting made no difference. 

I would like you to understand that KSK is adding a line of JavaScript to the HEAD section of every page in every website being visited, even though this is a parent's login account, confirmed by a KSK message each time we log in to this parent's account.

Nevertheless, the following line of code is added into the HEAD of every webpage in every browser (even when visiting google.com):

<script type="text/javascript" src="/86AAF7CD-A199-463A-BEEF-AEE7400B3F0D/main.js?attr=heA2CzeHYTii4hHqofsQ-UBzG1IaloRpzB-WBLAf8IMuKW-lcto8HIjROWchZWAlRirtC3Cc0uIa2jxO87xysA" charset="UTF-8"></script></HEAD>

This script tag is loading a massive script into every page. I am attaching the resulting script as a text file to this message. Both the top and bottom of the script show clearly that it is from KSK. This forum would not let me attach the text file, so I copied the script into a code block at the end of this message.

When I uninstall KSK from the computer, this script no longer appears on websites and websites load normally. However, when KSK is active -- even though it is not protecting the current parent login account -- numerous webpages (including google.com search page, Calendar page, and countless other pages) are packed with errors that prevent the pages from displaying correctly, including not loading CSS files and image files. I am attaching an image file showing what we see in the browser console shows in these cases.

This script should NOT be appearing in the browser for an unprotected account and it should not be harming our ability to browse the web while still protecting our children's login accounts on the PC. This has nothing to do with our browser software or internet connection or anything else besides KSK inserting this harmful script where it should not be placed.



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1 hour ago, JR69 said:

Yes, the exact same issue happens in Chrome and in Edge.

Changing QUIC setting made no difference. 

  1. This script should NOT be appearing in the browser for an unprotected account and it should not be harming our ability to browse the web while still protecting our children's login accounts on the PC. 


Hello @JR69

Thank you for posting back & the information!

  1. Agreed. 
  • IF the issue persists, please log a request with Kaspersky Customer Servicehttps://support.kaspersky.com/b2c#contacts  - on the support page, select either Chat or Email, then fill in the template as shown; please include a *detailed history*. Support may request logs, traces & other data, they will guide you: 


Please share the outcome with the Community, when it's available? 
Thank you🙏

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