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Endpoint Security for Windows Issues

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We have circa 10,000 devices running Windows 10 1909 Ent and have pushed out the latest Endpoint to devices. However we are seeing an issue with some newer Dell models (Latitude/Optiplex) whereby Windows crashes upon a cold boot when logging into the domain. If left it takes around 10mins to login but then presented with a black screen with only the mouse cursor. The only way to login in successfully is to force power off and back on again.

Checking EventViewer there are several Warnings of “appcrash” against avp.exe at the time the device hangs.

Has anyone else experienced this and is there a hotfix available? We are taking a very manual approach of downgrading to a previous version

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Hello JH1987,


Hope you are well, this sounds like something complex that would require some troubleshooting of the KES 11.6 to get fixed. I suggest to open an incident with support at companyaccount.kaspersky.com or call in to support for some assistance. That way we can begin troubleshooting and get to the bottom of this for you. Hope to talk to you soon!

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