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Enable TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 on KSC

Go to solution Solved by Nikolay Arinchev,

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I followed the guide on https://help.kaspersky.com/KSC/11/en-US/174316.htm to enable TLS 1.2 on KSC. Now I’m unable to connect to KSC.

I’m running Windows Server 20212 R2, SQL Server 2012 (11.0.6260)

I have the following error on System Event Log “A fatal error occurred while creating an SSL client credential . The internal error state is 10013.”

I also have the following error on Kaspersky Event Log

“Failed to connect to the database in 600 seconds. #1966 (-2147567259) Cannot connect the DB server”

The SQL server is running without issues. 


Any help is highly appreciated as this is becoming as an issue for our compliance standard.



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Please do the following: 

  1. Make sure that remote SQL Server (or SQL Express) used by the Administration Server is a really 64-bit application (sqlservr.exe is a 64-bit process). At the computer with Administration Server installed do following
  2. install MSOLEDBSQL provider and reboot the computer if required
  3. Set KLDBADO_UseMSOLEDBSQL=1 by defining global environment variable KLDBADO_UseMSOLEDBSQL=1or by setting Administration Server flag KLDBADO_UseMSOLEDBSQL=1 using klscflag.exe (see syntax below). klscflag.exe which is a standard support utility and is included in KSC Typical archive. Download latest version from here.

klscflag.exe syntax: “klscflag.exe -fset -pv klserver -n KLDBADO_UseMSOLEDBSQL -v 1 -t d”

KSC11 supports this soultion out-of-the-box.


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Please do the following: 

  1. Make sure that remote SQL Server (or SQL Express) used by the Administration Server is a really 64-bit application (sqlservr.exe is a 64-bit process). At the computer with Administration Server installed do following
  2. install MSOLEDBSQL provider and reboot the computer if required
  3. Set KLDBADO_UseMSOLEDBSQL=1 by defining global environment variable KLDBADO_UseMSOLEDBSQL=1or by setting Administration Server flag KLDBADO_UseMSOLEDBSQL=1 using klscflag.exe (see syntax below). klscflag.exe which is a standard support utility and is included in KSC Typical archive. Download latest version from here.

klscflag.exe syntax: “klscflag.exe -fset -pv klserver -n KLDBADO_UseMSOLEDBSQL -v 1 -t d”

KSC11 supports this soultion out-of-the-box.



@Nikolay arinchev  Thank you so much. It works perfectly. Appreciate your help

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