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EMail attachments, Several emails cannot be downloaded into Outlook 2013.


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I recently switched to Kaspersky Free to try it out (was using Panda Dome before). Several emails cannot be downloaded into Outlook 2013. These has relatively large attachments. One was an MP4 file at 12.8MB and the other was a Samsung “large” that my brother sent from his phone.

This is not a problem encountered with Panda Dome.

I looked at settings to see if there was something that affected downloads into Outlook 2013 such as this. I couldn’t see any.

Is this a known issue?

I’m trying to evaluate purchasing Kaspersky but this is a non-starter for me if it is limiting Outlook 2013 like this.





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Hello @KevMeist,


Please tell us:

  1. Windows version & build → in Windows Search bar🔎 , type   winver  → press enter
  2. Kaspersky Free full name, version & patch(x) x=letter → on the Windows Taskbar, right click or hover the mouse of the Kaspersky icon? 
  3. May we have an image(s) of the issue please? 
  4. For the emails that cannot be downloaded, are there error messages in Outlook?
  5. Has Do not scan archives larger than been configured?
  6. For the emails that cannot be downloaded, are there error messages in Kaspersky Reports → open Kaspersky, select More tools, select Reports, select Detailed Reports, select All events, select the time frame that covers the email download issue, select Export, save the Report as a .txt file, attach📎 to your reply please? 
  7. Please run a GSI & Windows Logs & attach to your reply?

Please post back?

Thank you🙏


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I added text here from Word, but twice saw it vanish. Not sure whether my text uploaded or not, so am doing it again.

  1.  V1909 (18363.900)
  3. No image really, just email would NOT download into Outlook 2013. I use MailWasher Pro ahead of Outlook…it sees the messages (but only looks at headers really). MW Pro checks automatically for junk etc, I then wash the junk with MW Pro and use Ctrl/M to then pull into Outlook 2013. I have used this method for at least 10 years now.
  4. I do not see any errors on screen display in Outlook. I watch the progress bar as it checks the 2 accounts I have (IMAP), but then those messages do NOTR download. I can go onto my account via Firefox and see the emails still there. I can mark them “unread”, still won’t DL into Outlook. I can see them still on my iPad and view the pictures there also.
  5. Not sure “where” this setting is and the web page didn’t seem to show me either.
  6. Kas_Report.txt uploaded.
  7. ZIP file uploaded (including Win event logs
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What’s more, having a single email (like one I received with a 12 MB MP4 file which will not download into Outlook blocks other emails sitting “behind” it in time sequence. So, I:


  1. Forwarded that email to a GMail account I have from my iPad (which views this MP4 file normally)
  2. Deleted that email via the IPad from the Outlook account
  3. Then checked my email again on the PC in MW (that email now gone, as it should be)
  4. Rest of the email now downloads OK into Outlook 2013 when I do a Ctrl/M in Outlook 2013

This phenomena has only arisen since installing Kaspersky.


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Hello @KevMeist,

Thank you for the information and data👌

  1. The Kaspersky Security Cloud Report appears not to be All events - before doing the following 2 → 8 steps, please rerun & attach to your reply?
  2. Malwarebytes is listed on the Check whether any applications installed on your computer are incompatible with Kaspersky Security Cloud (free), that is a prerequisite to installing Kaspersky Security Cloud (free). 
  3. Please uninstall all Malwarebytes software, at the completion of the uninstall, shutdown the computer using Shutdown, not Restart, power computer on, login. 
  4. Uninstall Kaspersky Security Cloud (free), at the completion of the uninstall, shutdown the computer using Shutdown, not Restart, power computer on, login. 
  5. Download & clean install Kaspersky Security Cloud (free), at the completion of the install, shutdown the computer using Shutdown, not Restart, power computer on, login. 
  6. Run a manual Kaspersky Security Cloud database update - allow it to complete. 
  7. Run a  Kaspersky Security Cloud full scan - allow it to complete.
  8. Run a new GSI & Windows Logs & attach to your reply?

Please post back?

Thank you🙏


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Well, thanks for your detailed statements. However, I have been using Malwarebytes for 15 years plus. MS Defender doesn’t complain about, Panda doesn’t complain about. Kaspersky identifies MWB as V3 (it is not, it V4).

Sorry to say, best solution for me is to uninstall Kaspersky. Installing Kaspersky should NOT be this difficult.

Again, thanks for your help.


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