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Does someone is also facing issues when installing KSC 13_13.0.0.11247?

Go to solution Solved by Demiad,

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Hi Kaspersky community! I work in a Kaspersky reseller and I’m facing unusual behavior during and after the installation of KSC I used to work in another field but recently I got transferred for the IS sales team. Our customer is a medium sized company and it’s interested in deploying Kaspersky to protect its network. Last Friday, the IT Manager of this company contacted us and said that he was trying to test the product by himself, but was unable to install it properly without the MMC console crashing. I thought he was doing something wrong, so I scheduled an online meeting next Tuesday in order to demonstrate the product capabilities and etc. I set up our test environment with two VMs with fresh installations of Windows Server 2016 Standard x64 with MS SQL Server Express 2019 with the KSC installed in the same machine. Each machine has 20 GB of RAM and 500 GB HD and I limited the maximum amount of RAM that can be consumed by SQL Server to 8GB. I’m now facing the same issues. After the installation, the configuration process through MMC Console isn’t smooth and breaks constantly and in different phases in both machines. Sometimes it crashes after downloading the packages, or during the acceptance of KSN terms. It’s bizarre. I’ve tried a fresh install of the product four times and it continues to happen. When I finally  managed a way to finish the installation, after opening MMC, connecting to server and clicking in Managed Devices the MMC just crashes. I’m just going to try installing the previous version in order to demonstrate some of the functionalities of the product, but this customer always wants everything in the latest version available, so no deal if we offer to install KSC in theis environment. Does someone else here is experiencing those issues?

I’m sending some prints that I’ve gathered from my environment. I think it maybe can help, but seems that the KSC is stuck in an insert operation that is compromising the database performance and making the entire environment crash.

Thanks for your time and attention!

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Known issue with MS SQL 2019:


If you are using SQL Server 2019 as a DBMS, you have to perform the following after installing Kaspersky Security Center:

  1. Connect to SQL Server using SQL Management Studio.
  2. Run the following commands (if you chose a different name for the database, use that name instead of KAV):





  3. Restart the SQL Server 2019 service.

Otherwise, using SQL Server 2019 may result in errors, such as "There is insufficient system memory in resource pool 'internal' to run this query".

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