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Does Kaspersky Safe Kids monitor web searches on DuckDuck Go? Also, why is data missing?

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Something is amiss… I have the premium account, yet much data is missing. First, the “where’s my child” feature  logs her last location data nearly 4+ weeks ago. Why? She uses it daily at home. It’s not important the GPS functioning properly, but this leads me to think this product is not well functioning.

Second, I see my child on the laptop daily. However, the “Device Use” has several days of missing data. Further, the “Internet” data is missing MOST data. Entire days are simply not listed. Why?

If she uses DuckDuckGo, does Kasperky collect that search data? Why isn’t data showing up from online school? No reports of logging into her school’s website (through Google/Chrome), but I physically see her online.

I work in data so I am well versed in understanding how to access, I simply do not see consistent, thorough recording as expected in a Premium product. Is this common or is my tween smarter than I am and circumventing Kaspersky’? (Probably...lol)

Thanks for any direction. 

Flood and Flood's wife
  1. Does Kaspersky collect DuckDuckGo search data?
  2. The “where’s my child” feature  logs her last location data nearly 4+ weeks ago. Why? She uses it daily at home. It’s not important the GPS functioning properly, but this leads me to think this product is not well functioning. 
  3. I see my child on the laptop daily. However, the “Device Use” has several days of missing data.
  4. The “Internet” data is missing MOST data. Entire days are simply not listed. Why?
  5. Why isn’t data showing up from online school? No reports of logging into her school’s website (through Google/Chrome), but I physically see her online.

Hello @Momof3


  • DuckDuckGo is a search engine, installed as an extension → image 2, if installed in Chrome browser version 87.0.4280.88 (Official Build) (64-bit), KSK does collect search data → image 3
  1. Which KSK version & patch(x) x=letter, is installed, on the Windows taskbar, rightclick the KSK icon, select About ? → image 1
  2. Is there any other Kaspersky software installed on the laptop? 
  3. Is your daughter accessing the laptop under a Local account
  4. Is there any VPN software installed? 
  5. Is there a reason DuckDuckGo is being used → your decision or your daughters’? 

🤔 It sounds as if KSK is not working correctly, please do the following: 

  1. If there’s any other Kaspersky software, please check Software compatibility conflicts, → the doc reference we’ve provided is for KIS, however applies to all Kaspersky Home AV software
  2. Check Windows is fully updated, with all updates having a “Successfully installed” status? 
  3. Confirm the Laptop meets KSK Computer requirements ? 
  4. In your MyKaspersky account, Disconnect the device → image 4
  5. Sign on to the Laptop with the Administrator/Parent account.
  6. Shutdown all applications except KSK.
  7. Uninstall KSK, at the end of the uninstall, shutdown the computer using Shutdown, not Restart, power on, login:
  8. Download a new KSK installer
  9. Install KSKat the end of the install, shutdown the computer using Shutdown, not Restart, power on, login:
  10. Check MyKaspersky → KSK, Settings, Notifications & the specific rules  you’ve set up for your daughter? 
  11. Sign out of the Parent account, shutdown the computer using Shutdown, not Restart, power on, login, ask your daughter to log in with the a Local/Standard account & use the laptop as she normally would, check the issues that can be immediately checked & monitor for 24/48 hrs, to allow for enough data collection, recheck: 
  • a] Does Where’s my child issue persist? 
  • b] Does Device Use issue persist?  
  • c] Does Internet data issue persist?  
  • d] Does Online school reports issue persist? 

Please let us know the outcome?

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋






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