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Does Kaspersky safe kids block websites in incognito mode?

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  1. Does Kaspersky safe kids block websites in incognito mode?
  2. Does it do that and how does it do it?
  3. Is there some sort of vpn or something?
  4. Where does it send the information back to?

Hello @Concerned Parent


  1. Yes
  2. Exactly the same as monitoring a browser run in normal mode. 
  3. No.
  4. Application monitoringWeb activity monitoring information is collated to the KSK Reports. 

KSK does not activate any additional applications, it's a monitoring tool with the capacity to BLOCK, RESTRICT or ALLOW, depending on the rules a parent has configured. 

IF a browser has a inbuilt VPN, as does Opera for example, Kaspersky still monitors & applies the rules the parent has configured. 

Note, by default, Opera is a blacklisted browser.  

 Browser run in normal mode


Browser run in Incognito mode 



We note you’ve added an iOS tag, if your child uses an iOS device, the only browser they should be using is KSK Safe browser. 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

Additional resource:

Read before you create a new topic! tutorial by @Danila T. 

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  1. How does Kaspersky Safe kids monitor things in incognito mode without a VPN profile? (For IOS)


Hello @Concerned Parent

Thank you for posting back!

  • KSK does not use a VPN, under any circumstances. 
  • KSK monitors any browser exactly the same, irrespective of the mode a browser is run in. 
  • Note: for iOS devices used by a child, the only browser they should be using is KSK Safe browser
  1. We do not understand the question, please provide more information?

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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You say at the end “Note: for iOS devices used by a child, the only browser they should be using is KSK Safe browser. “

  1. Does this mean if my child uses ex: Safari Private mode, It won't be tracked?


Hello @Concerned Parent

  1. Kaspersky Safe Kids cannot block Safari on a child’s iOS device, irrespective of whether Safari is run in normal mode or Incognito/Private mode. 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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