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Does Kaspersky Internet Security update itself automatically, and must i manual reboot?


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Hi, Does Kaspersky Internet Security update itself automatically, and must i manual reboot?

Hello @D14BL0

Welcome back!

Patch updates & Version updates always require a manual reboot of the computer to apply the patch or new version.

A patch or version will arrive silently, it will wait for 168 hours, 7 days, if, in that period, the computer is not rebooted, at the end of that period, you’ll see the following, including a red Kaspersky icon on the Windows Taskbar or hidden icons:



Thank you🙏


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so the patches and updates will automatically download?

Hello @D14BL0

Thank you for posting back!


Kaspersky will announce a new patch or version release cycle, then begin a staggered release, across, the globe, that means the new patch or new version may not arrive on the first day that Kaspersky announces, the software rolls out according to a schedule/timetable they control, users have to wait, you will not know when the patch or version has arrived, each will arrive silently; Kaspersky *anticipates* users reboot the computers on a regular basis, for example once a week, that being the case, if a patch or version has silently arrived & the 168hrs/7day period (we spoke about about), has not expired, the patch or version will be applied & that’s that; or if the patch/version has arrived & the 168hr/7day period has expired & you see the alerts we showed above, reboot the computer & again, that’s all that’s required. 

Thank you🙏


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