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does anyone know where i can scan big files\installers? kapersky scan doesnt do the job !

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so i scanned this big file thats a downloader and it yust scans it and says its safe?? and I  know it might be safe but i need more details of what it does so i when to the scanner on the threat intelligence portal and it scanned it perfectly but... theres a problem the downloader needs like 6 extra files that are 2 gigs each and the intelligence portal cant scan big files so im here to ask to the professionals for help! so if yall know pls tell me !


heres the report hash:B66157F16489B018CCEECD7B2275D70F1D261A245D3BA2F19F027D4A4B2828CA

Edited by MRnutty200
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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, MRnutty200 said:

so i scanned this big file thats a downloader and it just scans it and says its safe?? and I  know it might be safe but i need more details of what it does so i when to the scanner on the threat intelligence portal and it scanned it perfectly but... there's a problem the downloader needs like 6 extra files that are 2 gigs each and the intelligence portal cant scan big files so I'm here to ask to the professionals for help! so if yall know pls tell me !

Hello @MRnutty200

Welcome back!

In an effort to effectively respond & wondering why (you've) decided to open a topic in the Beta Testing Products for Home & Business, Discussion section, we reviewed (your) previous topics; we observe a *theme*

To enable the Community to assist - please provide very simple information, outlined here:  Read before you create a new topic! by Danila T., primarily:

  1. OS version & build
  2. Kaspersky software name & version
  3. Which *scanner* was used in the Kaspersky software? 
  4. Re: "What it does" - are you referring to Kaspersky's scan software or the exe?
  5. READ: Scanning the computer & Scan settings -> *lots of information in the doco*. 

Thank you🙏

Edited by Flood and Flood's wife
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40 minutes ago, Flood and Flood's wife said:

Hello @MRnutty200

Welcome back!

In an effort to effectively respond & wondering why (you've) decided to open a topic in the Beta Testing Products for Home & Business, Discussion section, we reviewed (your) previous topics; we observe a *theme*

To enable the Community to assist - please provide very simple information, outlined here:  Read before you create a new topic! by Danila T., primarily:

  1. OS version & build
  2. Kaspersky software name & version
  3. Which *scanner* was used in the Kaspersky software? 
  4. Re: "What it does" - are you referring to Kaspersky's scan software or the exe?
  5. READ: Scanning the computer & Scan settings -> *lots of information in the doco*. 

Thank you🙏

i didnt see this was on the beta testing products etc but ok im using windows 10 and i used kapersky free since my trial is over (still waiting for christmass so i can buy it) i used the free version to scan this massive file and it came out as safe but i need specific directions of what it installs and does so i used kapersky threat intelligence portal to scan it . so im kinda asking if i need to buy premium on kapersky intelligence or can i do it whit the dialy trials . Also i used my dialy premium use and when i tried adding the file it was kinda big like 20 gigs so i yust added the exe(downloader) and it needed the other files so ? do i buy premium since i dont know if it supports massive files

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14 minutes ago, MRnutty200 said:

windows 10, Kaspersky free, do i buy premium since i don't know if it supports massive files

Hello @MRnutty200

Thank you for posting back some of the information!

The scan engine/function is the *same* across all of Kaspersky's software range - what is used in Kaspersky Free is the same as what's used in Kaspersky Premium - the different subscriptions have different features/options *but* not the basic fundamentals of the software - that's the same irrespective of: Free, Basic, Plus & or Premium. 

Thank you🙏

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31 minutes ago, Flood and Flood's wife said:

Hello @MRnutty200

Thank you for posting back some of the information!

The scan engine/function is the *same* across all of Kaspersky's software range - what is used in Kaspersky Free is the same as what's used in Kaspersky Premium - the different subscriptions have different features/options *but* not the basic fundamentals of the software - that's the same irrespective of: Free, Basic, Plus & or Premium. 

Thank you🙏

also where or in what part of the forum can i make a post about a exe file that i think bypasses kapersky scanning so it doesnt get detected?

its a cryptominer im pretty shure

would be nice if we could do it right here!

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Posted (edited)
36 minutes ago, MRnutty200 said:
  1. also where or in what part of the forum can i make a post about a exe file that i think bypasses Kaspersky scanning so it doesn't get detected?

its a crypto miner I'm pretty sure

Hello @MRnutty200

Thank you for posting back & the extra question!

  • When posting suspect - potentially malicious URL(s) or files to the Community for review, modify the information so it's not *live*
  1. Same place as you've posted (your) other topics: Home, English Forum, Products for Home, Virus and Ransomware related questions
  2. Alternatively, IF (your) Kaspersky software is *licensed*, not Free OR Trial, submit directly to Kaspersky Customer Service - https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c#contacts  - so KCS can escalate direct to Kaspersky's Virus Lab experts - they're the *only* Kaspersky team qualified to perform detailed analysis & provide verified results; fill in the template as shown in the image & IF it's an executable - ZIP it - password protect the ZIP with 'INFECTED' OR 'MALWARE & tell the support team the passwordimage.thumb.png.510ef775873a07752bf651439d3d17ca.png

Thank you🙏

Edited by Flood and Flood's wife
added - When posting suspect - potentially malicious URL(s) or files to the Community, for review, modify the information so it's not *live*
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18 minutes ago, Flood and Flood's wife said:

Hello @MRnutty200

Thank you for posting back & the extra question!

  • When posting suspect - potentially malicious URL(s) or files to the Community for review, modify the information so it's not *live*
  1. Same place as you've posted (your) other topics: Home, English Forum, Products for Home, Virus and Ransomware related questions
  2. Alternatively, IF (your) Kaspersky software is *licensed*, not Free OR Trial, submit directly to Kaspersky Customer Service - https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c#contacts  - so KCS can escalate direct to Kaspersky's Virus Lab experts - they're the *only* Kaspersky team qualified to perform detailed analysis & provide verified results; fill in the template as shown in the image & IF it's an executable - ZIP it - password protect the ZIP with 'INFECTED' OR 'MALWARE & tell the support team the passwordimage.thumb.png.510ef775873a07752bf651439d3d17ca.png

Thank you🙏

how do i not set it to "live"?

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7 minutes ago, MRnutty200 said:
  1. how do i not set it to "live"?

Hello @MRnutty200

Thank you for posting back & the extra question!

*Kaspersky's Virus Lab experts - are the *only* Kaspersky team qualified to perform detailed analysis & provide verified results*

  1. IF it's a suspect, potentially malicious URL - disable it!
  2. IF it's an executable, do not submit potentially malicious files to the Community -> provide the exact name, the source of the file = where you got the file; the version, the hash  - *any & all information* -> to enable the Community to help you -> noting, a Community member will more than likely submit the data to Kaspersky's Virus Lab experts - on your behalf

Thank you🙏

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20 minutes ago, Flood and Flood's wife said:

Hello @MRnutty200

Thank you for posting back & the extra question!

*Kaspersky's Virus Lab experts - are the *only* Kaspersky team qualified to perform detailed analysis & provide verified results*

  1. IF it's a suspect, potentially malicious URL - disable it!
  2. IF it's an executable, do not submit potentially malicious files to the Community -> provide the exact name, the source of the file = where you got the file; the version, the hash  - *any & all information* -> to enable the Community to help you -> noting, a Community member will more than likely submit the data to Kaspersky's Virus Lab experts - on your behalf

Thank you🙏

talking about this i yust sended the link to this forum guy called harlan4096 since he asked me to provide the link!

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Posted (edited)
On 5/16/2024 at 5:34 PM, MRnutty200 said:

talking about this i just send the link to this forum guy called harlan4096 since he asked me to provide the link!

Hello @MRnutty200

Thank you for posting back. 

We know, we're paying attention to both of your topics & just to be very clear - Moderator @harlan4096 requested (you) send the information in a private message - that's very different to posting potentially malicious files to the Community portal. 

IF - in the future, (you) have a similar Virus and Ransomware related topic, raise it in: Virus and Ransomware related questions BUT, if the problem is related to the *Kaspersky application* and its functioning other than a Virus or Ransomware issue, raise it in the section that's specific to (your) software which, at the moment is Kaspersky Free.  

& always use the guide provided by Danila T. It's very helpful. 

Thank you🙏

Edited by Flood and Flood's wife
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