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Devices get added twice in cloud portal [moved]

Go to solution Solved by Guest #37,

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I have set up a KSC for out comany and noticed after some time that a few device gave a error “Network Agent has been inactive for a long time”. Upon further inspection these devices have been added twice in the cloud console. One time with the normal computer name and a second time with the computername ~~random number.


The devices with the normal name give the error the devices with the random number don’t.

I have tested if the devices could connect to the cloud server using the klnagchk.exe tool and they can connect just fine.


Does anyone know what could be the cause of this issue and if it is save to delete the devices and only keep the devices with the random number behind them?

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The real team is the one with ~
Some of the causes for machines to appear as duplicates are:
• Relocate host of a workgroup to a domain and vice versa;
• Replacement of a network card;
• Presence of hosts with the same names in different domains;
• Host with two operating systems and a name;
• Deploy the system with an image that was created on a host with the Network Agent installed.
Remove duplicate hosts and rename originals.



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  • 11 months later...


I know that this has been solved, but if this ever becomes a repeating issue with installs of update packages check that the local machines, if they’re Windows 10, aren’t set to Randomize Hardware addresses under Network and Sharing. I had this issue with only ONE machine because that particular version of laptop had it set to ‘on’ by default.



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