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Device status

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I have kaspersky center 10 and have more critical status but all requirements for these devices are completed ( database up to date and scan ) although appear critical status for these devices .
Nikolay Arinchev
Hi, Could you please provide us with a screenshot of devices statuses and with GSI log from on of devices? Thank you!
this is device status rep and major of these devices don't have any problem
Nikolay Arinchev
Thank you for that info! Could you please confirm that local interface shows that Databases are up-to-date? Could you also confirm that you do have proper update tasks for all KES versions installed?
I created tasks for all versions and all tasks completed and force synchronization for devices completed update database but the devices show as critical status ( database out of date )
  • Solution
Nikolay Arinchev
Thank you for that info! For further investigation please do the following:
  1. Clear updates repositoty at KSC(RMC at updates repository - clear)
  2. Run KSC Update repository task and make sure it completed successfully
  3. At any local host with "critical" status start KES traces
  4. Run KES update task locally or remotely and wait for it to complete
  5. Make sure that bases are not updated
  6. Make sure that *HST* KES trace file is created
  7. Stop traces and provide us with full set of KES trace files(*SRV*, *HST* and *GUI*)
Thank you!

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