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Could be removed /un flagged system informer as malware ?

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dear sir

Could be removed /un flagged system informer  as malware ?

it's a false positive 

https :// systeminformer.sourceforge.io/downloads


Edited by Berny
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@IanBacl Welcome.

On 8/26/2024 at 8:13 AM, IanBacl said:

Could be removed /un flagged system informer as malware ?

↓ This detection is correct ↓


Event : We found an application that can be used by intruders to damage your computer or personal data.
Result description : Detected
Type : Legitimate software that can be used by intruders to damage your computer or personal data
Name : not-a-virus:HEUR:RiskTool.Win32.ProcHack.gen
Precision : Heuristic Analysis
Threat level : Low
Object type : File
Object name : systeminformer-3.0.7660-release-setup.exe
MD5 of an object : 0D909A4A638465A17BC9F37C5024E574
Reason : Expert analysis
Databases release date: Today, 28/08/2024 13:49:00


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