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Constant notifications: Windows Phone Link


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Phone Link is a windows app that attempts to link your phone to your pc.

My kid has a Pixel running Android 11 and a Dell 3190 laptop running Windows 10. Both devices have KSK installed, and I control the settings for both devices.

My kid and I are getting incessant messages about Phone Link. A message every 20 minutes.

On the laptop, we get:  "Phone Link is in the Unknown Category, which doesn't work on your device."

On my devices, I keep getting: "Kid tried to open the forbidden application Phone Link on the Kid's Laptop device. The application category: Unknown, the age restriction: 0+. Terms and Conditions The application was blocked because it belongs to the forbidden category Unknown."

To solve this problem, I used the Group Policy and the Regedit method to disable the phone linking feature on Windows, followed by reboot.
It doesn't work. We still get the same incessant notifications.
How can I remove or disable Phone Link so that we stop getting constant notifications from KSK?
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Hello @Dave2

Welcome back!

  1. Normally this issue does not happen if the Phone Link app has never been activated... Apart from the using "Group Policy and the Regedit method to disable the phone linking feature on Windows", has a phone ever been added, via the Phone Link app, to the Windows device?
  2. Has Microsoft Technical Support been consulted to seek advice on how to remove their  Phone Link app
  3. Re: "Phone Link is in the Unknown Category", Phone link app is miscategorized (by KSK), if it was categorized correctly, this issue would not be happening, IF KSK is Premium, not Free, contact Kaspersky Support, select either Chat or Email, fill in Application malfunction, Other template; Support may request logs, traces & other data, they will guide you. 
  4. When it's available, please share the outcome with the Community? 

Thank you?


Edited by Flood and Flood's wife
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