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Cloud+ not performing patches [Moved]

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We upgraded our service to "Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus" in the hopes of having an easy way to stay on top of updates.  I have tried for a month now to get programs to update and get out of Critical-High-Medium status.  This is found under - "Security management\Patch management\Software patches\Installation status" I have items that I have approved so that Kaspersky can implement the patches.  None of the patches that I have approved have moved past "Planned", over the course of 2 weeks.  I have followed the directions under your link "https://support.kaspersky.com/Cloud/1.0/en-US/131183.htm". (Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Management Console>Patch Management>Configuring patch installation) This did not resolve the issue.  Do you have any advice that may further the progress of the updating?


Thank you

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