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Changing Color Code in Protection Deployment Report [moved]

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I have a requirement from information security team to change color code of machine in Protection Status Report. Currently, i have 1037 machines with status of OK but its bar in the summary of report is RED, which obviously raises alarms. I tried finding option but couldn't, please help me out here if its possible or not. thnx

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Hi @aaa381,
in case you find the report displaying weird data, I’d start with recreating that report.. Also, you can right-click that report and go to Properties.. There you can modify certain settings, like e.g. what columns will be displayed in report, and if/what fields you want to display in “summary part”:

Report → Properties​​​​​


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I have a requirement from information security team to change color code of machine in Protection Status Report. Currently, i have 1037 machines with status of OK but its bar in the summary of report is RED, which obviously raises alarms. I tried finding option but couldn't, please help me out here if its possible or not. thnx


Hi, i had CA request with your question in my case.

The answer is (in short): 

there is no status dependence on color in protection status report

So, you can do nothing with this color and they are random. Next time status ok can be: red, green, blue, or anything else. Mostly i have red and green, but it start assign colors from the lagest…. in your example it is status “OK”. 

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