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Can't turn off app for.more than 5 minutes - new version


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I installed safe kids version recently after my wife inadvertantly uninstalled the original. The 'turn off app' feature is different. I enter my password but then have to click a 'sign in' tab rather than 'turn off app' tab. Thereafter I get a 'turn off app' tab which sets the app off time to 5 mins. No option to pick your own off time (eg: 15 min, 30 Mon, etc) Is this a glitch or a function of this latest (free) version Thanks
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Hello York, Welcome! I don't have an immediate answer for your question, however, Kaspersky has recently "enhanced" KSK, to counter smart kids getting smarter: https://www.kaspersky.com/blog/smarter-safe-kids/27355/
  1. Is the parent account installed on a mobile device or Windows (PC)?
  2. &, on your childs device, has the same "new" version of KSK been installed?
https://help.kaspersky.com/KSK/Mob1.0MR16update13/en-US/179815.htm Again, this may not cover the issue you're reporting. I'm trying to update (my KSK) to the version you've advised to replicate your case, if you could provide the device info that would be much appreciated please? Please let us know? Thanks. https://help.kaspersky.com/KSK/Mob1.0MR16update13/en-US/94990.htm https://help.kaspersky.com/KSK/Mob1.0MR16update13/en-US/95103.htm
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Hi Flood, Thanks so much for taking the time to respond. In answer to your questions:
  1. Is the parent account installed on a mobile device or Windows (PC)?
  2. &, on your childs device, has the same "new" version of KSK been installed?
KSK is only installed on my child's tablet (a Nexus 7). When I'm "turning off the app", I do (or did!) it via the tablet. Again, this may not cover the issue you're reporting. I'm trying to update (my KSK) to the version you've advised to replicate your case, if you could provide the device info that would be much appreciated please? Again, thanks for the help. The info I have on the device is as follows - is this sufficient? Model number: Nexus 7 Android version: 6.0.1 Android security patch level: 5th August 2016 Kernal Version: 3.4.0-gad29d11 Build number: MOB30X Regards, York
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Hello York, Thanks for replying and the information, & yes it's exactly what I needed. So, if I understand correctly, KSK is installed on the childs tablet, on which you have a parent account, to manage the childs access and there's also a "child" account, on the tablet, that allows your child to use the tablet according to the permissions you've set? Because I don't have the free version I cannot replicate your steps:disappointed_relieved: I'm trying to convince my older kid to let me install KSK free, until I find the right "bribe", is it possible please to post some screen images of:
  1. 'Turn off app' = enter password
  2. > Click 'sign in' tab (rather than 'turn off app' tab).
  3. Then (I) get a 'turn off app' tab which sets the app off time to 5 mins.
If you can please that will help? & please censor/block out any private information. Thanks so much.
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Hi Flood, "So, if I understand correctly, KSK is installed on the childs tablet, on which you have a parent account, to manage the childs access and there's also a "child" account, on the tablet, that allows your child to use the tablet according to the permissions you've set?" That's it. Although the childs "account" is simply info on them and the device (along with restrictions applied to that device) entered in the parent account. "Because I don't have the free version I cannot replicate your steps:disappointed_relieved: I'm trying to convince my older kid to let me install KSK free, until I find the right "bribe" More screen time is an effective one :sunglasses: is it possible please to post some screen images of:
  1. 'Turn off app' = enter password
  2. > Click 'sign in' tab (rather than 'turn off app' tab).
  3. Then (I) get a 'turn off app' tab which sets the app off time to 5 mins.
If you can please that will help? & please censor/block out any private information. Photo 1: this is the same screen I used to get when I opened Safe Kids in the old version Photo 2. In the old version, when I pressed "turn off app" I'd get something the same as here: an email field (which auto filled my email address, except now grey (and uneditable) rather than, if I recall correctly, black (presumably editable). And a password field. Rather than "sign in" as the thing to click once I entered my password now, I used to get "turn off app" below the password entry field Photo 3: I've entered my password and the "sign in" tab has greened up, Photo 4: I've clicked on "sign in" and get this screen. It take about 15 seconds to complete (whereas I remember the old version used to process more quickly). (It would appear the old version operated "in app", recognising a correct login and moving quickly to the next stage, whereas now it appears I'm signing into to my account??) Photo 5: In the old version, once password entered you'd get a list of possible times to turn the app off for, you'd scroll down to the one you want, then click on "Turn off app". No time options here, just turn off the app. Photo 6: When you do click "Turn off the app" you simply get a 5 minute countdown timer like this. Thanks so much. Right back at you!
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Hello York. Thanks so much, I really appreciate the effort you've put into this. Ok, I have one kid in tears & one gloating on the phone to friends:zipper_mouth: The following are images from KSK v1.17.0.629 pre, parent email address & password required > pause/time OFF selections. ---- I'm in the process of installing, I'm wondering if the "qualification" "Kaspersky Safe Kids features on Android/iOS, You can install Kaspersky Safe Kids for Android/iOS on the child's mobile device and the parent's mobile device." "implies" two different devices, however, if the previous version of KSK with KSK (parent) & (child) installed on the same device, then, logically, the new version should also work.... ----
  1. I'll post back as soon as I've got to the same "Pause the app" step that's giving you grief, in the meantime, if any of this info is "illuminating" in anyway, please let me know?
Best regards. https://help.kaspersky.com/KSK/Mob1.0MR16update13/en-US/141486.htm https://help.kaspersky.com/KSK/Mob1.0MR16update13/en-US/95015.htm
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Thanks a mil. I'm in the process of trawling through holiday options for the same fecker that I'm (we're!) spending time on in sorting his tablet issues. Do you suppose he'll be thankful? :) Note: I wouldn't be installing the new over your old version. I assume you can't reinstall old versions? Thanks again for the input Flood
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Hello there York, Ah the endearing terminology:rofl:. In our world "child" & "grateful" are diametrically opposed. I hear you regarding the old<>new, issue atm, is unistalling the new working version, further imacting the crying child, it's a school day tomorrow, "?it" could punish me by pulling a :nauseated_face:, however, in the interests of helping a compatriot, in for a penny, in for a pound. I'm not sure you'll like my findings: (new) v
  1. Pause app on child's device
  1. authenticate credentials, parent email address auto-populates field, password must be entered.
  1. ➡ screen to select time period to pause KSK
All in all, I can't see a difference, ducking for cover here - sorry! Can you? I understand on your installed KSK, it's not working as you expect. Would you mind checking, when you select "pause" KSK, is it being done in KSK, "child" or KSK "parent"? & would you try please uninstalling KSK for both parent & child? Process / steps to follow:
  1. Uninstall KSK - child
  2. Reboot
  3. Uninstall KSK - parent
  4. Reboot
  5. Download KSK, install - parent
  6. Reboot
  7. Configure KSK - child
  8. Reboot.
  1. Recheck the "pause" feature...
Please let me know? Many thanks.
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