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Can't open some links


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I have been experience problems trying to open up some links. I get this code on the tab bar that say 6 (1x1) and this address   hxxps://elink,clickdimensions,com/

I need to access these websites. Please help. 


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Hello @Catherine,


  1. May we know the original URL, or name of site and tabs or links selected, that resulted in (1x1) black screen? (so we can test) please? 
  2. Does  (1x1) black screen happen in every browser? 
  3. Is Kaspersky protection extension installed?

If “yes”

  • ➡ 3a   What happens when Private Browsing is turned OFF for the site? 
  • ➡ 3b   What happens when Anti-Banner is turned OFF for the site? 

🤔 Please note: the issue you’re reporting, may be similar to already reported, and fixed (according to Kaspersky) (1x1) black screen issue, see reference topics at the end on my reply. 

Please let us know?

Thank you🙏


Reference topics:

Black screen (1x1) issue persists

Specific website, on the tab; generator.html (1x1) and a black page, nothing else

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