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Can't Cancel Renewal Order

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I received an email stating the subscription on an old order will be renewed in December. I tried to log-in to cancel the renewal as the PC it’s for is now dead (I have Kaspersky on 2 other devices, neither of which are close to renewal). I’ve wasted over an hour trying to cancel the order when I should be out, but regardless of which of 2 email addresses I used (the renewal email came to me via a second address), or alternatively using the order number and last 4 digits of my CC I always got error messages when there were no errors! The Kaspersky help pages are way too complex and useless. Finally giving up I got a window spring up re a short survey as I’d not been able to log-in. Passing through that new hurdle, I found my old password had expired which I’m FURIOUS about as while I should be the only person to cancel my password, if K are going to do it they should email me to tell me to input a new one and I’ve never had such an email. I eventually got into this Community Page and found these instructions re cancelling the renewal:

Note: the way to check if Auto-Renew is ON & to turn it off, log into your MyKaspersky account, select Licenses tab, select the License, select Details, if Auto-Renew does not show, it means Auto-Renew is not enabled, if Auto-Renew is ON, it will also show  Turn OFF

Catch 23: Auto Renewal didn’t show leaving only a RENEW button when what I want to do is CANCEL the order, so I’m NOT going to click RENEW when it’s exactly what I’m trying to prevent! That window states the order has already expired, yet it obviously hasn’t as the renewal for it isn’t even due until mid next month. I even feared more chaos would have occurred had I clicked the button even if I did want to renew it, which I DON’T! It makes me ask: what GENIUS designed this ludicrously complex not-working system? Or are you like so many UK companies whose customer services are so bad the only explanation is that they’re trying to get rid of customers?

I’ve been using Kaspersky on my old and now dead PC since 2006, plus I’ve also had it on my laptop for a number of years and I now have it on a new PC, but this experience of going around in circles for over and hour AND FAILING to simply cancel an order is making me want to leave a 1 Star review on Trustpilot as it’s totally  fracked up my day! HOW DO I CANCEL MY RENEWAL?!

This is Insane  as I now can’t submit this question! And why is this lettering  suddenly a different colour?!




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I too had a problem with Renewal. See my post :-


The above had direct debited my bank account 1 month before then of the license!!

I note that this year; with a bit over a month of license remaining, a big red reminder button Renew is on my KIS display.

Good luck with your quest - I was successful in the end and got my money back.

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Thanks for the replies above, but despite logging-in - this time equipped with holy water, a book of magic spells, 3 magic swords and a magic bow and arrow - I’ve followed all of the links above but I always end up in one of two places. Whenever I get to the Digital River section where I can input my order number and last 4 digits of my CC or my email address and password I always get the error message that one of the details are incorrect; or when via Licenses I click on Details what is shown on the diagrams isn’t what appears in my Details. All I get is a red RENEW button, which I’m obviously not going to click because I fear it will instantly renew the order and send a payment through. None of this is logical because the email I received states that I’ll be charged for the renewal on 5th December, while the panel on the site which comes up for that device/order states EXPIRED (which it isn’t as it doesn’t expire until next month) and thus all I get is a RENEW tab. The other 2 devices I have Kaspsersky active on do give me the TURN OFF option and I’ve turned them off so that I never have to go through this farce again, but re the device which I no longer use it’s Catch 22: it’s expired so I can’t turn off auto-renew; but it’s not expired therefore I’ll be charged for it on December 5th.
Is it possible to write or talk to a human staffer about this problem? or is Kaspersky like FB who are too rich to communicate with mere ‘economic units’ (formerly ‘customers’)? As I just go around and around in circles trying to cancel a direct debit payment - and I’ve now wasted around 3 hours trying to (which I wish I could charge Kaspersky for) - the only other alternative is to instruct my bank to bar all Kaspersky attempts at direct debiting from my account. [Last time my CC expired K’ emailed me that my renewal was due and I’d need to give them the new CC details, but I didn’t as I wasn’t going to renew, yet they managed to get my new CC details as I’d already given that re my laptop security and the PC security was renewed, so they can do magic! Yet I can’t on this site as I’m locked in to the Catch 22: my security has expired so I can’t cancel it, but it hasn’t so they’ll auto-charge me on 5-12].

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Hello @GnosticSpirit

Welcome back!

  • In our experience, we never been successful with the documented Digital River solution, you are not alone!

Re “Is it possible to write or talk to a human staffer” absolutely, contact Kaspersky Technical Support, on the contacts page, select your location, then select from options: Online Chat (not available all locations), Phone (not available all locations), Submit a request - via your MyKaspersky account. 

  • We’re hoping you’re in a location that does have Online Chat, ioe, for the most part, the Chat team are skilled, they should be able to resolve the issue for you, if the worst comes to worst, raise a request via the MyKaspersky account, fill in the template using our image as a guide


  • If you’re not completely exhausted by the exercise, please share the outcome with the Community, when it’s available!

Thank you🙏


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I’m not 100% sure the quest is over as I’ve received an email (which goes to an alternate email account, not the one I use for Kaplonky - sorry, Kaspersky), which tells me the renewal has been cancelled and thus - illogically, much - they’ve offered me $10 off the renewal! But what scares me - and I’m a veteran quester of ludicrously complex sites controlled by giant shape-changing algorithms from the planet Shapchang-Po - is that the email gives the “Order ID” as a number which isn’t the same as the Order Number! Does this mean that they give an Order Number a different Order ID, or does it mean that the security I have on my new PC (which still has over 300 days to go), or the security on my laptop (which has over 200 days to go) will expire in December while my now defunct ancient PC’s unneeded security will still be renewed charged? … I just checked and the Order ID isn’t the same as my other Order Numbers, but why give an Order Number an Order ID number which isn’t the same, though it is the same amount of digits? Well ya can call me pre-postmodern, but Kaspersky’s post-postmodern surrealism has me totally 😬 !

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I’m not 100% sure the quest is over as I’ve received an email (which goes to an alternate email account, not the one I use for Kaplonky - sorry, Kaspersky), which tells me the renewal has been cancelled and thus - illogically, much - they’ve offered me $10 off the renewal! But what scares me - and I’m a veteran quester of ludicrously complex sites controlled by giant shape-changing algorithms from the planet Shapchang-Po - is that the email gives the “Order ID” as a number which isn’t the same as the Order Number! Does this mean that they give an Order Number a different Order ID, or does it mean that the security I have on my new PC (which still has over 300 days to go), or the security on my laptop (which has over 200 days to go) will expire in December while my now defunct ancient PC’s unneeded security will still be renewed charged? … I just checked and the Order ID isn’t the same as my other Order Numbers, but why give an Order Number an Order ID number which isn’t the same, though it is the same amount of digits? Well ya can call me pre-postmodern, but Kaspersky’s post-postmodern surrealism has me totally 😬 !

Hello @GnosticSpirit

Thank you for the update👌

Your gracious, good humour is appreciated!

Agreed, a different & or new Order Number doesn’t make sense; we strongly recommend you re-engage with the Kaspersky Online chat team, request they clarify what’s going on?

Please inform us of the outcome!

Thank you🙏


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I’ve double-checked and it’s impossible to know what Customer Support did as everything looks the same as it did before I contacted them yesterday and the “Order ID” isn’t the same as any of my 3 “Order Numbers”. On the license which shouldn’t be renewed I’ve written in Details that it’s the one which should have been cancelled on 07-11-20 and I’ve listed both the Order Number and the given Order ID. What’s daftly confusing is that the email states that it will be cancelled in December, while on site it was already given yesterday as “expired” on one page and as “inactive” on the page with all 3 devices, yet until December it’s neither. All I can do is wait for December to see if I get billed for it. Logically I shouldn’t be, but it won’t be a surprise if I am. I’ll report back if I am.

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  • 1 month later...

The online chat solution back in November worked. I kept getting warnings that my security was almost due, then due, then finally that it’s expired and it was the correct one of the 3 - so I now have 2. I was dreading that a wrong device’s security would be deleted (or the one for the defunct device would be charged), but all is now okay. Thanks to all who responded to the original post.

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  • 2 months later...

I’m not 100% sure the quest is over as I’ve received an email (which goes to an alternate email account, not the one I use for Kaplonky - sorry, Kaspersky), which tells me the renewal has been cancelled and thus - illogically, much - they’ve offered me $10 off the renewal https://www.wiseessays.com/ ! But what scares me - and I’m a veteran quester of ludicrously complex sites controlled by giant shape-changing algorithms from the planet Shapchang-Po - is that the email gives the “Order ID” as a number which isn’t the same as the Order Number! Does this mean that they give an Order Number a different Order ID, or does it mean that the security I have on my new PC (which still has over 300 days to go), or the security on my laptop (which has over 200 days to go) will expire in December while my now defunct ancient PC’s unneeded security will still be renewed charged? … I just checked and the Order ID isn’t the same as my other Order Numbers, but why give an Order Number an Order ID number which isn’t the same, though it is the same amount of digits? Well ya can call me pre-postmodern, but Kaspersky’s post-postmodern surrealism has me totally 😬 !

Yes, there are more errors by the way.

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