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Can not login to Kaspersky security center web console 13.

Go to solution Solved by Samdy Prum,

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Dear all,

We have a problem after the certificate of the Kaspersky Security Center web console expired and it auto renew but when login it error "Administration Server uses an untrusted self-signed certificate. Please modify the application configuration by specifying a valid certificate for Administration Server.
Anyone know the problem please help!

Thank you!


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Hello Samdy and abdul,

normally that could have many reasonst but as the Error says it is a self signed certificate.

You can change Browser Settings the the Connection could be established.

You can change KSC Web Console and create a new self signed or add a signed Certificate.

You can also try to open Web Console with another Browser.



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  • 2 months later...
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Hi All!
The problem of not accessing the KSC Web Console is has solved.
I have uninstalled KSC Web Console using the tool https://support.kaspersky.com/ksc13/tools/15021
And reinstall new KSC Web Console and add the valid certificate to the KSC Administrator Server.
Make sure the certificate KSC server in "For Windows—%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\KasperskyLab\adminkit\1093\cert" is a valid certificate.

If you still need help can contact me.

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