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Can not activate Kasperesky Antivirus with legal/valid license (95 days of 365 remaining 5 devices) after Kaspersky Antivirus automatically upgrades from version to and removes license


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Recently Kaspersky Antivirus decided to do an automatic update/upgrade of the
Kaspersky Antivirus from version to version

After the automatic upgrade/installation to the new Kaspresky Antivirus version (
I get a Terms and Conditions screen that I have never had before.
No matter what I do (click on accept or not, close the screen etc) Kaspersky Antivirus continues and then apparently removes my valid/legal license (95 of 365 daysfor 5 devices remaining) and then says that there is no license available and asks me to add a license again.
When I do this, and enter the valid/legal license key (95 of 365 days for 5 devices remaining) that
Kaspersky Antivirus was using before the automatic upgrade I get an Error saying  "The activation code does not apply to this application" 

No matter what I do, I can not use the license key (activation code) to activate Kaspersky
I have tried a couple of things to get the license key (activation code) to work.
I have uninstalled/removed Kaspresky Antivirus via Software/remove programms or via the Kaspersky Antivirus removal tool.
I have reinstalled different versions of Kaspersky Antivirus but nothing works.

The only thing that works is installing Kaspersky Antivirus  when I do that and
enter the license key (activation code) again the Kaspersky Antivirus version accepts the license key (activation code) and starts working like it has worked for the past 270 days.
After that I can update the database of the Kaspersky Antivirus without a problem.

But then after a while Kaspersky Antivirus upgrades it self automatically again and I
have to redo the whole process.
I can not choose to stop the upgrade, to disable the upgrade or anything else to stop the upgrade from happening.

So my question is, can someone PLEASE help me with this.
Can someone either help me so that I can use my license key (activation code) with Kaspersky
Or can someone help me with Kaspersky Antivirus to stop it from upgrading it self??

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Hello @Davidargai


In the Russian & German community there have been posts where a registry hack has been provided, however, 1. each version update a new hack has to be reapplied, 2. Kaspersky have documented making changes to their software may vary the terms of their Support contract.

(ioo) most importantly, the issue needs to be fixed, by Kaspersky, not by Kaspersky customers having to hack the registry. 

Raise a case with Kaspersky Technical Support, fill in the template as in our image, in the problem description provide a detailed history, images & or video if they help explain the problem & the URL/link to this Community topic: Support may request Logs & or other system data, they will guide you if necessary:


  • After submitting the case, you’ll receive an automated email with an INC+12digits reference number, then, normally, within 5 business days, a Kaspersky Technical Support human will be in touch, also by email, you may continue to engage with the Kaspersky Technical Team via email or by updating the INC in their MyKaspersky account.
  • Please share the outcome with the Community when it’s available? 

Thank you🙏


⚠ Note, we’ve asked the Moderators to close your duplicate topic.

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