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Can Kaspersky AV prevent my streamer from being presented on netwrk?


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OS: Windows 10 Pro

My streamer (Dune HD base 3d) is wired to my router and is also accessible through wi-fi.

It has IP address and MAC but I can’t see it in my network.

Is there anything I can do in Kaspersky AV settings so that I can see my streamer in network and can access it from my pc through my home network?

Other devices like 2 TV sets, receiver and of course my pc + router are seen.

If it has nothing to do with Kaspersky AV please let me also know about it.




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Hi @zivshosh , 

Before proceeding with the advice from Richbuff:

  1. How are you accessing your streamer? Via browser? 
  2. Right click Start button → Command Prompt or Powershell → ping ///the IP address of the streamer here///. Any response from the streamer this way?
  3. Does it help to pause protection/exit/uninstall Kaspersky? 
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thank you Igor for your prompt answer

1 I used to access the streamer through explorer (there are audio and video files on the streamer)

3 I tried to pause protection for 30 minutes but it didn’t help

as for 2 I have to learn how to ping so it will take a day or two

In Kaspersky AV settings → network settings → block connections over SSL 2.0 connections is checked as recommended. Does it concern only browsing or anything that has something to do with files like the streamer? should I uncheck it?

and on settings → additional protection using hardware virtualization is also checked

can this prevent the display of streamer in network?

Thanks again


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Hello again

Tried to ping the IP address and for a response from another IP that destination is unreachable

I suppose the answer was from my router

Maybe the streamer has to be open?

I see the receiver (also wired from router) even when it is closed

I have an application for the streamer remote on my phone demanding the streamer IP and it works!

So maybe it has something to do with the router and I have to do forwarding for the streamer

thank you

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Hi Ziv,

You are welcome! 
The issue started after installation of Kaspersky AV, right?

Now you open Windows Explorer (or Internet Explorer?) and do not see the streamer in the navigation pane on the left under Network? Do you remember the network name of the streamer, can you type in Explorer address bar:


and press Enter, what happens? 

You can also try \\IPaddressofthestreamer.

If you exit Kaspersky AV, it does not resolve the issue? Uninstall Kaspersky AV, will the issue be resolved?

If we identify, that the issue gets resolved with Kaspersky exit or uninstallation, I would ask you to submit a case to technical support, we will request some additional details (traces, system information) for further in-depth analysis and resolution. 

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thank you again, Igor

Troubles didn’t start after installing Kaspersky AV, In fact I haven’t installed it for years since every year I renew my license and Kaspersky updates. This year it was a bit different. When I entered my new license it added my license instead of increasing my remaining days over 365 like it did last year but this is irrelevant to my problem.

all wi-fi and wired devices  are on the same network hence there is no \\streamername

using the IP address of streamer yields nothing

I tried pausing protection for 30 minutes and it didn’t help

I’, reluctant to exit Kaspersky since I don’t know how to set it back

Removing Kaspersky is out of the question

Since you didn’t comment on SSL 2.0 and hardware virtualization (Kaspersky settings) I understand that these are also irrelevant

Thank you again

I’ll try to see if it has anything to do with my modem-router and security issues. Maybe I need forwarding for the streamer



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In Kaspersky AV settings → network settings → block connections over SSL 2.0 connections is checked as recommended. Does it concern only browsing or anything that has something to do with files like the streamer? should I uncheck it?

and on settings → additional protection using hardware virtualization is also checked

can this prevent the display of streamer in network?

You can try disabling for the sake of testing, but the options you mentioned are likely not to be the reason of the issue. Do you recollect some specific actions that led to the situation of the streamer not working? 

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the streamer was “connected” with wi-fi but I didn’t see it in network, so I added a direct connection with ethernet cable and it still doesn’t see it.

Since a streamer is a kind of computer (entertainment compuer without screen keyboard or mouse but with picture viewer and audio video players) I suspected the AV

but since I tried everything I’ll try to search the router

many thanks for your help

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