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Can I use Safe Kids with custom DNS, Proxy or VPN?


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I am a new user. 

I wonder if it’s possible to use Safe Kids with a custom DNS like cleanbrowsing DNS service? Or it may conflict? 

Next, if my kids use VPN or Proxy within their browser, will Sake Kids will be able to filter adult content?

A last question not fully related: my antivirus is Eset Internet Security, I got a warning when I installed Safe Kids that my Eset software was not compatible with Kaspersky products, but I do not see any issue for now… What may cause issues with Eset & Safe Kids? 

Thank you.

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Hello @Toriatama


  1. Last question first, while Eset is not specifically stated in KSK documentation, all such warnings exist to let users know the Kasperky software may not work correctly, if installing conflicting software. Kaspersky’s Home AV range lists Eset products in the software conflicts check. Also, if support is required for the Kaspersky product, one of the first things that would be advised is, the conflicting software be removed. 
  2. Regarding VPN/Proxy, which browser are your children using? 
  3. Regarding cleanbrowsing DNS, I’ll update you. 

Thank you


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Hi Flood and thank you for taking time to answer all these questions!

  • Regarding VPN/Proxy, which browser are your children using?

Mostly Yandex Browser. Please note that Yandex has a “protect” function that can use its own DNS settings (for example: Yandex DNS, AdGuard DNS, etc.).

If Yandex is not recommended for Safe Kids I may change and use another browser for kids. 

  • Regarding cleanbrowsing DNS, I’ll update you. 

Many thanks! 

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  • 2 weeks later...


Thank you for testing!

I am using Yandex Browser and it seems to work well, no problem.

Concerning CleanBrowsing, it’s basic feature is to change the computer DNS, using a filtering adult content DNS, quite effective, since it can also filter Youtube content (without blocking totally Youtube). 

For now my kids are not aware of DNS settings, so I do not have this problem. Next, a normal user account (with no admin rights) should not be able to edit DNS settings, so it should be ok. CleanBrowsing has also a free app that allows to check/enable/disable CleanBrowsing DNS settings (with admin rights).

My question was: what happens if I use CleanBrowsing with Kaspersky Safe Kids? Do I get the benefit from both filtering system? Or does KSK uses its own DNS?

Thank you!

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