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Can I allow certain words? Kaspersky safe kids adult filter is preventing words associated with sexuality.


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I have no interest in censoring my kids from content about sexuality (as opposed to adult content about sex.) It seems that my gay child can't search for “is [celebrity] gay?” And I'm guessing that also means that ‘gay rights', ‘gay history' etc will also be blocked .  Can anyone help with a way to allow these terms without turning the adult category on?

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Hello @jopedder

Welcome back!

Correct, any searches using “gay” will be blocked.

In Kaspersky’s original Parental Control, Content/Word filtering was available, sadly, Kaspersky chose not to make the same functionality available in Kaspersky Safe Kids. 

The only “solution” is to toggle Safe search OFF → image 4, however, that will result in other, potentially undesirable word searches being available, some of which will be blocked & some not:











Thank you🙏


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Hi Floods Merry Christmas - wasn’t expecting any replies so soon!


Thanks - so have I understood correctly that if I turn off safe search most (but not all) adult content websites will still be blocked?  That sounds like the best option for this situation, but I’ll have to do some testing.

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Hello @jopedder

You’re most welcome☺ !

Thank you for the Christmas🎄 wishes, we return the same to you & your family!

If Safe Search is OFF, inappropriate content from search results on Bing, Google, Mail.ru, Yahoo!, and Yandex will not be managed. And, on Android, iOS, and Windows devices, Kaspersky Safe Kids will not block the following website categories from appearing in search results: adult content; alcohol, tobacco, narcotics; profanity, obscenity; extremism, racism, however, as we’ve shown in image 4 above, if Restrictions for Website categories: Adult content remains Forbidden, a word search (for example) porn, will display a lot of porn links, the links we tested, that do redirect to actual porn sites, are blocked, while “educational” porn links, for the most part, remain accessible. 

Definitely test, so you’re absolutely across how KSK works. 

(ioo), having the original Content/word filtering feature would significantly improve KSK; a number of parents have stated this. 

Thank you🙏


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