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Block internet searches


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I want to block internet searches on the pc  leaving full access to other Google functionalities (meet/classroom/docs...) 

In a perfect program I should restict searches on some subjects i.e. Pokémon, games, meme.. 

Is there any way to achieve this? 

I use safe kids on windows


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Hello @Luke7


There is no configurable content/word search filter. Parents cannot filter words/terms, that they would like to be managed. 

The following are available but are unable to be “tweaked” 

  1. Categorization of search queries, get instant notifications when your child searches the restricted content on the Internet”, however, that is pre-defined & managed by Kaspersky. Parents cannot add words that they’d like to be managed. 
  2. There’s also Safe search, lets you exclude inappropriate content from search results on Bing, Google, Mail.ru, Yahoo!, and Yandex.
  3. Kaspersky Safe Kids will additionally block the following website categories from appearing in search results: Adult content; Alcohol, tobacco, narcotics; Profanity, obscenity; Extremism, racism.
  4. Safe Search on YouTube. 
  5. Notify about searches on restricted themes, receive notifications if the child searches for information on restricted subject matter (for example, alcohol, tobacco, or adult content).

Looking at your requirements, for KSK v1.0.5.4096 and later, (ioo), it would be best to use:

Block all websites apart from exclusions, websites allowed in the exclusions list will not be blocked. 

We recommend using the Block all browsers feature, then create an Allow exclusion for a single browser, either Chrome or Edge Chromium. 

Do you have a KSK subscription, if “no” we always recommend installing KSK Premium Trial, fully test before investing. 

You may find using KSK combined with Windows Parent control allows a workable solution. 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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Thank you for your answer.

Yes I have a premium account.

It’s a bit disappointing that in the secure search you can exclude tobacco, violence  and sex but not videogames and stupid (meme) sites..

They should definitely set a more customizable way of filtering, using a regular expression on a search query should not be so difficoult.

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