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beta of ptches and new product version.

Go to solution Solved by Guest #37,

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Hi, My mistake, I did not realize in which section the consultation had been made, I only read the text of the consultation This link is for home products only (at the moment), I don´t know if will be for corporate products also in the future or not Sorry Regards
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Thank you for your answer, very interesting to see a corporate product here in public beta test. Not yet the sandbox I am waiting for, but one Corporate product in beta testing. :) One more question: I have now access to: Community / Сообщество - Corporate products beta-testing - Kaspersky Web Traffic Security 6.1 Virtual Appliance But if I click on "Corporate products beta-testing", I get an error. So I am not able to see the list of all Corporate products, which are currently available for test.
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