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Are you looking for your important files?

 Send a message to repter@airmail.nz 



5d 3h 48m 4s


to DELETE everything...

Don't worry about anything, you can return all your files!

All your files documents, photos, databases and other important are encrypted with strongest encryption and unique key.
The only method of recovering files is to purchase decrypt tool and unique key for you.

Our Email = repter@airmail.nz

Your Personal ID = 866AFB06

What guarantees do we give to you?

  • You can send three of your encrypted file from your PC and we decrypt it for free.
    But we can decrypt only three file for free. File must not contain valuable information
    Don't try to use third-party decrypt tools because it will destroy your files.
    !! we 100% able to restore your files !!

Time is runnig out...

  • if timer runs out and you dont pay us , all of files will be DELETED and yuor hard disk will be seriously DAMAGED.
  • you will lose some of your data on day 7 in the timer.
  • THIS IS NOT A JOKE! you can wait for the timer to run out ,and watch deletion of your files :)
  • Discount 50% available if you contact us first 48 hours
    after 48 hours you should pay Double (Include this id in your message or email)
    in case of no answer in 2 hours write us to this Email = repter@tutamail.com


  • Don’t delete any files or rename encrypted files
  • If you using other applications to decrypt, it may damage your files
  • Don’t find your backups? they have been Successfully encrypted too or securly wiped.
  • Decryption of your files with the help of third parties may cause increased price (they add their fee to our) or you can become a victim of a scam..
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Por lo que comentas parece que has sido infectado por un ransomware, revisa cualquier word, excel. etc.. que tengas para ver que terminación tienen ahora los ficheros cifrados.

En cuanto a recuperar/descifrar los archivos, normalmente este tipo de virus cifran los archivos con unas claves de bits muy altas, y en casos muy muy contados se puede crear un descifrador, normalmente por fallo o descuido en la programación del malware. Pero en la gran mayoría no es posible, por lo menos de momento.

Puedes comprobar si el ransomware que te atacó tiene actualmente posibilidad de ser descifrado aquí: https://id-ransomware.malwarehunterteam.com/index.php?lang=es_ES

Puedes encontrar información que te puede ayudar aquí: https://www.nomoreransom.org/es/index.html

También prueba con las utilidades que ofrece Kaspersky: http://support.kaspersky.com/viruses/utility

Si eres usuario de Kaspersky con licencia vigente, abre un ticket de soporte en mi cuenta Kaspersky, envíales muestra de un fichero cifrado, y si tuvieras del mismo fichero sin cifrar.


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