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Authorised apps are still blocked

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So I have just installed the free version of KSK and I have installed it on several kids devices to test how well it works and I have run into a serious problem.

I have installed it on a Motorola E5, Redmi Note 9S, Amazon Fire 7" and a Amazon Fire HD 8"

Now when the kids request access to a blocked app like Netflix or Youtube, I click allow the parent app on my phone. It then shows as authrorised on my phone and the kids can see that I have authroised it in the parental replies on their devices but when they go to open the app up it come back as blocked and they have to request again.

It doesnt matter how many times they request and I allow the app it is blocked, even though you can see I clicked allow on the kids devices.

Without allowing access to apps it cannot be used, have I done something wrong, any ideas?

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