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Application tracking ignores particular applications (games)

Go to solution Solved by FreakErn,

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How on earth is it possible, a application that tracks applications ignores games? Isn’t this Software to monitor a Child? 


But before this entire post gets deleted because i am so angry… my Problem…


I have two kids, both 13 and 14. Kaspersky Safe Kids running on both windows 10 Computer. The Application Tracking is basically working. I can see they have had to use Enpass to log in into their games , they used Steam to launch their games, BUT THE 2 HOURS OF GAMING ARE NOT IN THE TRACKING!!!!!!! ??????


What do i have to do ALL of their Games get tracked? Do i really have to reinstall the entire Safe Kids stuff because of these stupidities? This happens almost every Month. Steam installs a Update and the game gets no longer tracked. So ridiculous. Every time this happens i plan to not longer use Kaspersky but with this whole corona ********, i think… Well, i guess this was a one time thing. But now it was the SIXT time, this happens.


So now, i wan’t a “click here, click here, click there” kinda solution… How to solve this?

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Hello @FreakErn

Welcome back!

Do i really have to reinstall the entire Safe Kids stuff because of these stupidities? This happens almost every Month. Steam installs a Update and the game gets no longer tracked

  1. It’s a bit unclear, please help us, so we can try to help you, it sounds as tho you’re saying, at some stage, KSK is accurately monitoring/reporting the games and then, after a period of time, KSK stops doing that, is that correct? 
  2. In KSK, Application monitoring, which games cannot be seen → please provide a list, we’ll test? 
  3. Also, it always helps us if we know, the device OS & versionKSK version, see tutorial by @Danila T. 
  4. Is KSK Premium or Free?

Thank you🙏


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  1. It’s a bit unclear, please help us, so we can try to help you, it sounds as tho you’re saying, at some stage, KSK is accurately monitoring/reporting the games and then, after a period of time, KSK stops doing that, is that correct? 

Thats correct!


  1. In KSK, Application monitoring, which games cannot be seen → please provide a list, we’ll test? 

Currently these:

  1. Star Wars - The old Republic (Steam)
  2. Sea of Thieves (Steam)
  3. Jurrasic World Alive (Epics Game Launcher)


  1. Also, it always helps us if we know, the device OS & version & KSK version, see tutorial by @Danila T. 




Windows 10, no Updates available





Windows 10, no Updates available


  1. Is KSK Premium or Free?

I wouldn’t be that angry if i would use a free version… Premium!


I don’t know if it makes any difference but the kids Launch their Games by using the Desktop Shortcuts. For a Steam Game the Executable path is something like this:


For an Epics game Launcher game it is something like this:


Thanks in Advance


Kind Regards


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Hello @FreakErn, Dave, 

Thank you for the information👌

It’s ok to be angry, as long as it’s “measured”😅

Sorry for taking so long to respond, despite giving this a very good crack, we cannot replicate the issues😥 , however, having said that, it’s not unknown for KSK to not recognise/categorise & or mis-categorise various applications/games… 🤔

  1. Does the KSK 30 day report show when the games were accurately monitored? IF “yes”, make sure you screen print it, you will need it!
  2. Have the you/the kids tested if the issue is replicable if the games are not accessed via the shortcuts? 
  3. Please log a case with Kaspersky Technical Support; Support will request Logs, Traces & other data, they will guide you, we strongly recommend including a video of the issue; for some reason Support seem to get their heads around issues with video “explainers”, more quickly than just text & images:



  • After submitting the case, you’ll receive an automated email with an INC+12digits reference number, then, normally, within 5 business days, a Kaspersky Technical Support human will be in touch, also by email, you may continue to engage with the Kaspersky Technical Team via email or by updating the INC in their MyKaspersky account.
  • When feedback from the Kaspersky Technical Team is available, please share it here in the Kaspersky Community? 

Thank you🙏


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however, having said that, it’s not unknown for KSK to not recognise/categorise & or mis-categorise various applications/games… ​​​​​​


Sorry, but this is unacceptable for a product i pay for. We have 15 (!) Kaspersky licenses… four phones, six computer, even my virtual machines have their own licenses.


I am software developer and if i would tell my colleagues/customers “it’s not unknown feature x does not always work as expected” i would INSTANTLY loose my job! And if i keep thinking… well, when the parental control software may not do its job correctly what if the antivirus software sometime does not recognize the virus i am infecting me right now?

No! Unacceptable.

Imagine a Car manufacturer may some day say… well the airbags work, but it’s not unknown they do not trigger… or it’s not unknown the brakes do not stop the car entirely... What the ****. I can’t believe you wrote that. 

There are a lot of parental control and a lot of antivirus applications.


Thanks for this enlightening sentence. 

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Hello @FreakErn

We did write that.

We also think it’s unacceptable that Kaspersky continues to drop the KSK ball. 

We’re parents & users of KSK software, we have no association with Kaspersky whatsoever. 

We share the information, direct from Kaspersky, that we’ve gathered, in our endeavours to get them make KSK work & be functional for parents & children in the 21st century. 

We hope you’ve logged a case, you’ll be able to have your own conversation with Technical Support & the KSK developers. 

Thank you🙏


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