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Application Management Plugin installs in wrong language

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I want to configure an installation package. I need the Application Management Plugin. I can get it from https://www.kaspersky.co.uk/small-to-medium-business-security/downloads/endpoint or via the link from within the console. Whichever way I choose I get a file called klcfginst.msi which installs the plugin in French. Where do I get the English version?
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I've been there. It doesn't mention the plugin. I thought upgrading the application might help, now I have part of my console in French and the plugin still doesn't work. At the moment I wish I'd chosen something else, probably with a less confusing admin console. I don't want French, I never asked for French. It just started doing it on its own.
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I have a server. It has Kaspersky Security Centre on it. I downloaded the Kaspersky Endpoint update ready to install on my clients and things started to go wrong. KSC said I needed to update a plugin but then the plugin was in French. I updated KSC and now bits of KSC are in French. I still haven't been able to update the clients with the new version of KES. I also can’t edit tasks because it asks for the plugin which installs in French. If I download the plugin from the page you referenced it installs in the wrong language.
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  • Solution
I tried again this morning and I’ve managed to get rid of all the French in my admin console and the properties for installation packages and tasks are in English. I don’t know what I did differently but it is often next to impossible to figure out how to get things done in the KSC console, there are far too many options and obscure features.
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