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App not working


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Hi, I'm using KSK on tablet en phone, both android 9, on tablet I can see and change all (give permission of block time) and this work directly on kids devices. On my phone I can see and change also all but the kids devices doesn't respond on my request, working like nothing happens. Any tips how I can solve this problem? Thanks in advance. 

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Hello @Twiggless,


Please tell me: 

  1. The name & operating system of the children’s devices?
  2. Has KSK just been installed on the children’s devices?
  3. If KSK has just been installed/activated for the children’s devices, have all devices been shutdown & restarted? 
  4. The age of each child?
  5. Is KSK licensed or free?
  6. May I have images of the problem(s)?

Please post back?

Thank you🙏


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As first I would like to say that KSK was properly working on my both devices (tablet and phone) until month ago. On my husband devices all works fine, he is running on the windows device, and android 9, and android 10. Only on my phone comes problems. 

1. Kids using phones on Android 9

2. We are using KSK already 2 years on all kids devices, all with the newest updates 

3. KSK was uninstaled and reinstall, cache on all devices cleaned, shutdown and restart a couple of times 

4. Has nothing to do with the app?

5. Licensed 

6. What sort of image you would like to see? I don't have any pop-up windows with error? On every device from parents app looks the same. 

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Hello @Twiggless,

Thank you for replying and the extra information. 

Please post images of:   

 “On my phone I can see and change also all but the kids devices doesn't respond on my request

  • The requests you receive on your phone that KSK on the children’s phones is not responding to?


  • The matching requests that are being sent from the children’s devices? 

Please post back?

Thank you🙏

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