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App Blocking Loophole Google News Feed

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Hi, I am using Kaspersky Safe Kids Premium to manage my kid’s android phone and he seems to have found a loophole that allows him to still watch Youtube and access some web content.  I have browsers and YouTube blocked (everything is blocked except communication, email and educational software).  He is still able to access Google News Feed and this allows him to watch some YouTube videos and read articles.  News Feed seems to bypass both Youtube and Chrome to supply content.  I cannot find an app to block to that will shut down News Feed.  Anyone have suggestions?


He is using the latest version of Kaspersky Safe Kids on a Motorola x4 running Android 9.  






Hi, I’ve tried that already.  There is no app listed for Google News Feed.  In fact, usage of this feature doesn’t even show on the usage tracking.  As far as I can tell it is completely ignored by Kaspersky.  It doesn’t even seem to be counted for his overall daily usage because he is able to still access after he has reached a daily limit.

Flood and Flood's wife

Hello @MikeinDC,

  1. What age is your son please? 
  2. Is your son accessing Google News via the app from Google Play store? 
  3. May I have a image, link or web address for the source?
  • I’ve just activated Google News, KSK assigns to category Entertainment & automatically blocks




Please let me know?

Thank you🙏



Hi Flood, Thanks for the response. My son is 17.  The news feed is accessed by swiping right on the main application page.  Google News is not installed on his phone, see screenshot.  I use the same phone and I notice at least some of the same information is avaiLable via the “Discover” option from the search feature also.  See this link: https://blog.google/products/search/introducing-google-discover/



Flood and Flood's wife

Hello @MikeinDC,

You’re very welcome!

Thank you for replying, the information & the image👌

  1. May I have an image of the of the main application page please? 
  2. What is Google Fi, (I can’t find it), may I have a link for it as well please? 
  3. Is Settings blocked?

Please let me know?

Thank you🙏



Hi Flood,


  1. The by main applications page, I mean the phone screen you see when you first open your phone.  I don’t have his phone currently.


  1. Google Fi is the Google mobile phone service application.  That is our wireless carrier.


  1. Settings on his phone was not blocked, as he needs it occasionally, though I see that may be what it takes to keep him from using this feature if some other blocking can’t be managed.
Flood and Flood's wife

Hello @MikeinDC 

I did a little more research now that I know it is called the Discover Feed.  These two links provide information on turning it off.  The first link tells you how to stop the feed from populating with new info and the second turns off the swipe right feature.



  1. The by main applications page, I mean the phone screen you see when you first open your phone.  I don’t have his phone currently.
  2. Google Fi is the Google mobile phone service application.  That is our wireless carrier.
  3. Settings on his phone was not blocked, as he needs it occasionally, though I see that may be what it takes to keep him from using this feature if some other blocking can’t be managed.

 Hello @MikeinDC

Thank you for the additional information & the links👌

  1. If you’re able to provide an image or a video of your son activating Discover Feed, when you have time, access to the phone, that would be most helpful please?
  2. Also, block Settings, see if that does solve the issue, let me know please?
  • In the interim, I’ll try to get Discover Feed working on these devices to see how KSK is reacting to it. 
  • I’ll post back as soon as I’ve worked out the Feed. 

Thank you🙏



@FLOOD I’ll see if I can get this to you this afternoon when he returns from school.  


Thanks for your help!




See the attached video which shows the activity in question.   Hopefully you can access it.  Unfortunately it is too big for me to attached.



Also, in regards to one of your other queries, the settings which control this feature are outside of the phones main settings and thus are not blocked.  So, even though I can disable the feature, my son will be able to turn it back on if he figures out how.


I also opened a case with Kaspersky support, but they want me to install a debugging application on the phone.  I really don’t have time to do this, but hopefully, since this isn’t something unique to his phone, they should be able to figure it out between my description and the video.  


Best,  Mike

Flood and Flood's wife

Hello @MikeinDC

Thank you for taking the time to make the video, do the extra research & log with KLTS👍 . 

  • Regarding KLTS “figuring it out, without your data”, correct, they should be able to, whether or not they will, is another story. 
  • In my experience they’re adamant about us providing data, they’re frequently are unable to “diagnose” anything from the data, it can be an excruciating exercise. 
  • I’ve managed to get Discover ½ working, but the only page that comes up from swipe right is News & Weather, with no search fields😖

  • Regarding the actual source app Google: 
  1. In the Google Play Store, is it Google LLC, may I know the version? Open the app, go to Settings, About? 
  2. Does your son have his own Google account?
  3. Do you use Google Parental Control? 

Please let me know? 

Thank you🙏



@FLOOD Above is the screenshot of the play store version.


Interesting that yours isn't working fully.  That is just the way it was when we got the phone.  


My son does have his own Google account and I don't use their controls to my knowledge.  



Flood and Flood's wife

Hello @MikeinDC,

Thank you for the extra information & the image👌

  1. Google Parental Control has some features that, (imo) may be useful🤔
  2. Google Parental Control doesn’t prevent seeing restricted content as a search result or through a direct link.
  3. Kaspersky have acknowledged an known (similar) issue: quote: “KSK blocked apps unfortunately can be accessed via, for example, Whatsapp, due to a limitation in the design of Safe Kids. We are aware of the occurrence and are already looking to make an improvement.” unquote
  4. I’ll keep trying to troublehsoot Discover, will update your Topic with any progress. 
  5. When it’s available, please let me know the outcome of engaging KLTS? 

Thank you🙏


Flood and Flood's wife

Hello @MikeinDC

Additional to my previous reply: 

Confirming Google LLC, so I know we’re on the same page🤔

If Discover is toggled OFF, does the access issue persist? 

Google Parental Control


Thank you🙏



@FLOOD When discover is toggled off the feed does not populate, just a blank search page comes up. 


Thanks again.

Flood and Flood's wife

Hello @MikeinDC

You’re most welcome!

That’s good👌

It’s also possible to remove the blank page, if you wish to do that, let me know?

Unfortunately, the toggle OFF & removing the page will not stop the actual problem, if your Son is “industrious”🙁

Thank you🙏



@FLOOD Thanks.  I was able to figure out the hiding part.  He has shown some industry in the past.  At least I’ve slowed him down.  He’ll probably google it and find this post. 😉





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