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"Andriod Auto" and Mobile Kaspersky Internet security issues

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Hello, I recently bought a new car that has android auto and while I attempted to connect my phone (Samsung Galaxy S9 R38M1069GRA) I noticed my kaspersky app was constantly blocking andriod auto from fully connecting, after disabling most of the app (didnt completely turn it off) it still appears to be some how blocking the phone from finalizing the connection with my car.


I did some googling around and searching on here and I did not see any previous posts of other people complaining about this, any help would be appreciated.

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Hello, I recently bought a new car that has android auto and while I attempted to connect my phone (Samsung Galaxy S9 R38M1069GRA) I noticed my kaspersky app was constantly blocking andriod auto from fully connecting, after disabling most of the app (didnt completely turn it off) it still appears to be some how blocking the phone from finalizing the connection with my car.

Hello @DBX_5


  1. KIS version? refer Read before you create a new topic! tutorial by @Danila T. 
  2. Android OS version? refer Read before you create a new topic! tutorial by @Danila T. 
  3. How is the phone connected → USB cable or Bluetooth?
  4. Which data source → mobile data or wifi? 
  5. When Android auto app is blocked are there any errors, post screen print(s) - we need to see what you see please? 
  6. IF KIS is uninstalled does Android auto app work? 
  7. Is KIS Premium or Free? 

Please let us know? 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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