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All of my machines are reporting as "Devices has become unmanaged"

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Hello, I will list down what we did and then explain my problem.
  1. We recently upgraded our Kaspersky server from Windows Server 2008 to Windows Server 2016.
  2. I followed the normal process of backup the data and restore (I have done this multiple times in the past, so I am sure nothing went wrong here).
  3. In installed the latest version of Kaspersky Security Center i.e, earlier I was running the version 10.4.343.
  4. After the update everything worked fine for a week and then suddenly all of my machines started reporting "Device has become unmanaged".
  5. I performed a klnagchk on the server and got an error saying "Attempt to connect to the Administration Server...Transport level error while connecting to http://[TheServerName]:13000: general error 0x502." (I have ommited the actual server name and replaced it with TheServerName so please dont be confused)
  6. I rebooted my Kaspersky Administration Server once and it temporarily solved the problem for a 2-3 days but now its happening again and there is now way I can find to fix it.
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