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❓ It there any way to STOP Kaspersky from collecting and reporting every webpage my 17-year old accesses?

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I do restrict certain website categories for my kids, either with the setting “Forbidden” or “Warning.” That function seems to work pretty well.


However, I think it is a little too intrusive for my 17-year old that I can see every single webpage he has visited, and when.  At his age I would like to give him some privacy and would like Kaspersky Kids to stop collecting that information.


❓  It there any way to STOP Kaspersky from collecting and reporting of every webpage my 17-year old accesses, and instead only collect those websites and searches that I have categorized as “Warning” and “Forbidden”? 


Thanks for any insight you might have. ?

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  1. ❓  It there any way to STOP Kaspersky from collecting and reporting of every webpage my 17-year old accesses, and instead only collect those websites and searches that I have categorized as “Warning” and “Forbidden”? 
  2. At his age I would like to give him some privacy and would like Kaspersky Kids to stop collecting that information.

Hello @Kasper-in-the-Sky


  1. No, users cannot configure KSK Reports.
  2. Filter the report, you’ll see only what you wish to see, however, if you wish to see Blockings & Warnings, you’ll need to do the filter twice, it’s not possible to combine filters. 



Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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I do restrict certain website categories for my kids, either with the setting “Forbidden” or “Warning.” That function seems to work pretty well.


However, I think it is a little too intrusive for my 17-year old that I can see every single webpage he has visited, and when.  At his age I would like to give him some privacy and would like Kaspersky Kids to stop collecting that information.


❓  It there any way to STOP Kaspersky from collecting and reporting of every webpage my 17-year old accesses, and instead only collect those websites and searches that I have categorized as “Warning” and “Forbidden”? 


Thanks for any insight you might have. ?

Dear Kaspersky, it would be awesome if you could add a feature, which allows filtering without recording the browser behavior. I think this would make many users (especially teenager) feel much more comfortable, if they know their privacy is guaranteed. 

Thank you and all the best!

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I do restrict certain website categories for my kids, either with the setting “Forbidden” or “Warning.” That function seems to work pretty well.


However, I think it is a little too intrusive for my 17-year old that I can see every single webpage he has visited, and when.  At his age I would like to give him some privacy and would like Kaspersky Kids to stop collecting that information.


❓  It there any way to STOP Kaspersky from collecting and reporting of every webpage my 17-year old accesses, and instead only collect those websites and searches that I have categorized as “Warning” and “Forbidden”? 


Thanks for any insight you might have. ?

I would love to know what your settings are on because as of June 27th, my 10 year old daughters computer stopped showing any use at all. 

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Just the Microsoft that comes installed when you buy the computer. I had to turn it off to be able to activate Kaspersky.  It used to show her computer use before. Nothing changed. 


Thank you for posting back👌

IF KSK is not reporting correctly, please do the following: 

  1. Sign in with the administrator account on (your daughter’s) computer. 
  2. Confirm the computer meets KSK computer requirements
  3. Confirm all Windows updates have a “Successfully applied” status? 
  4. Create a System restore point
  5. Close all applications
  6. Uninstall KSK → follow the documentation carefully. 
  7. After restarting the computer, login. 
  8. Download a new KSK exe – from https://my.kaspersky.com/ or https://www.kaspersky.com/
  9. Install KSK → follow the documentation carefully. 
  10. Set up KSK
  11. Shutdown the computer using Shutdown, not Restart, power on, ask your daughter to login & use the computer normally.
  12. Monitor KSK reporting activity → if the issue persists, & if KSK is Premium, not Free, log a case with Kaspersky Technical Support, fill in Application malfunctionOther template →  Support may request Traces, Logs & other data; they will guide you: 



  • Logs & traces can be big to very big; run for only as long as it takes to replicate the issue &, if any of the files cannot be attached to the incident, don’t use WebDAV, simply upload the files to any cloud service of your choice, create a share link & add the share link to the incident. 
  • After submitting the case, you’ll receive an automated email with an INC+12digits reference number, then, normally, within 5 business days, a Kaspersky Technical Support human will be in touch, also by email, you may continue to engage with the Kaspersky Technical Team via email or by updating the INC in their MyKaspersky account.

When technical support provides an answer, please share the information with the Community? ​

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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By nothing changed - I mean we didn’t change any settings or anything when it stopped reporting. Also for some reason if she doesn’t get on the computer at the very start of allowed time - it makes her wait until the next allowed time period. 
For instance I give 2 hours of screen time then 2 hours for a break. So from 12p-2p she could be on it.  From 2p-4p was a break. 4p-6p she could get on. If she tried to get into at 12:30p - it would tell her to try back at 4p. So I changed the break times and her computer is still going by the old schedule so I don’t know what to do. 

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thank you so much for your help - I hope it doesn’t come to that bc I probably only understand a quarter of that. LOL

The computer should meet requirements since it used to work up until a couple of weeks ago right?

We do have the premium version - I monitor 3 devices for her and 3 devices for my son. Her computer is the only one not reporting and not updating the changes I made. 

I am going to try to do what your post suggested. I will let you know how that goes. 

Thank you again so much for your support. 

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By nothing changed - I mean we didn’t change any settings or anything when it stopped reporting. Also for some reason if she doesn’t get on the computer at the very start of allowed time - it makes her wait until the next allowed time period. 
For instance I give 2 hours of screen time then 2 hours for a break. So from 12p-2p she could be on it.  From 2p-4p was a break. 4p-6p she could get on. If she tried to get into at 12:30p - it would tell her to try back at 4p. So I changed the break times and her computer is still going by the old schedule so I don’t know what to do. 


  1. We understand you changed nothing, but, KSK is not working correctly
  2. There’s no tweaks & adjustments that can be done when this happens with KSK. 
  3. Please follow all the steps above → to reset and refresh KSK. 
  4. After step 11 (above), that’s a full refresh, and your daughter starts using the computer again → let us know the outcome & if the issue persists → log a case with technical support, again, following the guidance above. 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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