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OС - windows 10 pro. В общем, в один момент перестал работать kaspersky free. Пробовал его удалить с помощью kavremover(в безопасном режиме тоже), через unlocker и много других подобных программ, вручную(папка Kaspersky lab не разрешает изменить владельца), все без результата. Avbr ничего не нашел, запускал его несколько раз, ничего запуску не препятствовало. При установке KSC минут 5 пытается удалить прошлую версию, не получается, а при следующем запуске установщика просто выводит "Неизвестную ошибку". Приложил один из логов установки и GSI.



17132:42e0 21:12:43.339 *** Build date: Feb 19 2021, time: 19:34:50, version: ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.342 *** Set process dpi awareness to PROCESS_PER_MONITOR_DPI_AWARE ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.348 *** Param: AverageCheckPrerequisitesTime = 5 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.348 *** Param: PrerequisitesErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=error&type=Prerequisites ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.348 *** Param: FileCheckSumErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=error&type=FileCheckSum ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.348 *** Param: MsiErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=error&type=MsiError ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.348 *** Param: PPCSid = 25000 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: WizardPageHeight = 500 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: GoogleChromeInstallerCmdLine = /r1:KPLA /r2:KPLB ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: FilesToCheckSign = corebases.cab;corebasesx64.cab;corebasesx86.cab;ipm.cab;product.cab;product.msi;kleaner.cab;productbases.cab;x64.cab;sharedbases.cab;common.z;coreproduct.z;coreproductgdpr.z;coreproductnogdpr.z;coreproductx64.z;ksde_corebases.cab;ksde.cab;ksde.msi;ksde_x64.cab;ksde_coreproduct.z;ksde_coreproductnogdpr.z;ksde_coreproductgdpr.z;ksde_coreproductx64.z ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: ShowActivateTrialOption = true ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: DiskSpaceErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=error&type=DiskSpace ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: FileNameKleanerCab = kleaner.cab ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: WinUpgradeParamsFilename = KAVKISKTSWinUpgradeParams.cfg ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: YandexBrowserAgreementLink = {LinkRedirectBase}?act-pid=<ApplicationType>&act-pv=<ApplicationVersion>&act-local=<Localization>&ppcs-id={PPCSid}&target=yandexbrowseragreement ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: CompatibilityModeLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=compatibility_mode ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: BundleKSDE_DisableInstallIntegration = no ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: GoogleChromeInstallerLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=google_chrome_install ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: ServerErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=error&type=Server ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: AdminRightsErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=error&type=AdminRights ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: AlienSoftwareWarning = {LinkHelpBase}&link=AlienSoftwareWarning ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: MinOsVersion = 5.1 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: FileSignatureErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=error&type=FileSignature ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: PrivacyPolicyLink = {LinkRedirectBase}?act-pid=<ApplicationType>&act-pv=<ApplicationVersion>&act-local=<Localization>&target=privacypolicy ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: AlienSoftwareLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=AlienSoftware ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: LinkHelpBase = https://click.kaspersky.com/?hl={SELECTED_LOCALIZATION}&customization=<RebrandingCode>&version={VERSION}&pid={PRODUCT_TYPE}&syst={OS_VER} ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: InstallationOnActiveInfectionLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=InstallationOnActiveInfection ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: AntiMalwareToolsLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=AntiMalwareTools ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: RescueDiskInfoLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=RescueDiskInfo ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: BundleKSDE_SpaceForInstallPreparation = 68157440 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: SlideShowUrl = https://redirect.kaspersky.com/partnersite/a151e0a4-378b-45d0-ba3a-8fb23f39ca2d/slideshow?act-local=<Localization> ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: GoogleToolbarTermsLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=google_terms ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: DotNetInstallErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=netframeworkerror ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode = {LinkHelpBase}&error={ErrorCode} ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: BFEErrorLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=error&type=BFEError ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: CompatibleAVSoftwareLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=CompatibleAVSoftware ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: NotSupportedFileSystemErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=NotSupportedFileSystem ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: InstallStageParts = 20 80 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: ProductAlreadyInstalledErrorLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=error&type=ProductAlreadyInstalledError ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: LinkAboutNewVersion = {LinkHelpBase} ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: CertificateUntrustedErrorLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=certuntrusted ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: KsnStatWeight = 1.0 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: KsnStatHttpGateway = https://ksn-stat-install.kaspersky-labs.com/s ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: WinUpdateDotNetInstallErrorLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=wusadotneterror ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: GoogleToolbalInstallerLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=google_toolbar_install ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: WinInstallBusyErrorLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=wininstbusy ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: TfuChangesLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=tfu_changes ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: EstimatedSpaceForDotNetInstall64 = 1782579200 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: Sha256NotSupportedErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=Sha256NotSupported ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: Support_URL = https://click.kaspersky.com/?hl=<Localization>&customization=<RebrandingCode>&version=<ApplicationVersion>&pid=<ApplicationType>&syst=<OsVersion>&link=kb ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: LinkRedirectBase = https://redirect.kaspersky.com/ ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: BundleKSDE_AverageInstallTime = 30 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: LinkRedirectBaseWithCulture = {LinkRedirectBase}?hl={SELECTED_LOCALIZATION}&customization=<RebrandingCode> ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: YandexSoftwareAgreementLink = {LinkRedirectBase}?act-pid=<ApplicationType>&act-pv=<ApplicationVersion>&act-local=<Localization>&ppcs-id={PPCSid}&target=yandexsoftagreement ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: DataProvisionStatementLink = {LinkRedirectBase}?act-pid=<ApplicationType>&act-pv=<ApplicationVersion>&act-local=<Localization>&target=dataprovision ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: WizardPageWidth = 572 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: ModalDialogWidth = 464 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: KPMCompatibleCustomizations = xforum; xtestbank; xnotgdpr; xsnaac ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: IndexReloadTimeout = 5 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: ModalDialogHeight = 252 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: UserAgentName = Kaspersky Downloader ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: AverageCheckIncompatibleSoftTime = 10 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: SetupFilesTempFolder = %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: DownloadAttemptsCount = 10 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.349 *** Param: FileNameAlienSoftWhitelistCab = sharedbases.cab ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: MaxOsVersion = 100.0 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: EnableYandexOffer = true ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: AppToLaunchAfterInstall = avpui.exe ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: SupportedOsBits = x86; x64 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: InternetTimeout = 240 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: InternetTimeoutForRejectable = 60 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: DirectConnectionTestFileUrl = {LinkHelpBase}&link=TestConnectionFile ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: KsnStatVpnPingHttpGateway = https://ksn-web-stat.kaspersky-labs.com/s ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: DumpServerConfigUrl = https://dmpcfg.kaspersky-labs.com/dumpserver/config.xml ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: EstimatedSpaceForInstallPreparation = 440401920 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: BundleKSDE_FileNameInstaller = ksde.msi ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: EstimatedSpaceForProductInstall = 398458880 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: EstimatedSpaceForDotNetInstall32 = 838860800 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: BundleKSDE_SpaceForProductInstall = 57671680 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: UpgradablePpcsParams = HideUpgradeTab; RedirectionBuyUrl; RedirectionRenewUrl; RedirectionUpgradeUrl; RedirectionMoreProductsUrl; RedirectionBuyKSeCUrl; RedirectionRenewKSeCUrl; BalloonSilent; IsOEMProduct; HideEOLPage; OemWelcomePageFirstStartAtReboot; OemWelcomePageFirstStartAtDay; OemWelcomePageStartAtEachReboot; OemWelcomePageStartAtEachDay; OemCommercialPreinstallation; CreateDesktopShortcut; CreateSafeBankingShortcut; CreateSecureConnectionShortcut; SubscriptionPasswordReq; ISP_URL; Support_URL; AboutPass_URL; AuthorizationError_URL; ISPError_URL; PPCSid; EnableAutoStartupDelay; CreateMetroShortcut; EnableSounds; TrialActivationCode_kav; TrialActivationCode_kis; TrialActivationCode_pure; TrialActivationCode_ksos; TrialActivationCode_saas; ActivationCode_kfa; AutoActivationType; SocializationFriendId; SocializationCampaignId; DisableDowngradeToFree; ShowActivateTrialOption ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: NotUpgradablePpcsParams = SlideShowUrl; DefaultSubscriptionPassword; PURE_URL; KSOS_URL; KIS_URL; KAV_URL; KFA_URL; KSDE_URL; SAAS_URL; IncComputer_URL; ISPServerConnectionError_URL; ServerRootFolder; TfuServerRootFolder; SecureServerRootFolder; SecureTfuServerRootFolder; IsDefaultDenyAvailable; ThirdPartyOffers; CommercialActivationCode; KasperskyId; UserId; oneTimeRegistrationSharedSecret; UcpUseTestUrls; Request_Saas_trial_tier; LocalizationAuto; BundleKSDE_DisableInstallIntegration ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: DotnetDownloadLink = {LinkRedirectBaseWithCulture}&act-pid={PRODUCT_TYPE}&act-pv={VERSION}&osver={OS_VER_NUMBER}{OS_SERVICE_PACK}&osbuild={OS_BUILD_NUMBER}&dotnetver={DOTNET_VER}&target=dotnet ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: DotnetDownloadAttemptsCount = 10 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: ShowCancelReasonsListProbability = 0.01 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: TfuServerRootFolder = http://tfu.kaspersky-labs.com ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: DisableVKontakteShareInRegions = UA ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: AgreementsMatchingGroups = Consumer/GDPR/Kaspersky_Security_for_Windows/2.0/EULA/;Consumer/GDPR/KAV_KIS_KTS_KFA/2019_TR/EULA/ ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: KPMCompatibleLocalizations = ar-ae; ar-sa; cs-cz; da-dk; de-ch; de-de; de-lu; en; en-ae; en-au; en-ca; en-gb; en-hk; en-id; en-il; en-in; en-my; en-sa; en-tw; en-us; en-za; es-es; es-mx; es-us; fi-fi; fr-be; fr-ca; fr-ch; fr-fr; fr-za; it-ch; it-it; ja-jp; ko-kr; nb-no; nl-nl; pl-pl; pt-br; pt-pt; pt-za; ru-by; ru-ru; sv-se; zh-hans-cn; zh-hant-hk; zh-hant-tw ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: LocsAreGDPRComplientSince2101 = pt-br; en-us; es-us ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: YandexPromotionPosition = BeforeKSN ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: ServerRootFolder = http://dm.kaspersky-labs.com ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: SecureServerRootFolder = https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: SecureTfuServerRootFolder = https://tfu.s.kaspersky-labs.com ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: RegistryStorageRoot = Software\KasperskyLabSetup ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: RegistryStorageProduct = Setup ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: WindowsStoreLink = ms-windows-store:PDP?PFN={AdditionalMetroPackageFamilyName} ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: AdditionalMetroPackageFamilyName = KasperskyLab.KasperskyNow_8jx5e25qw3tdc ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: SuggestSafeKids = true ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: SocialShare_VK = https://redirect.kaspersky.com/?target=social&act-local={SELECTED_LOCALIZATION}&act-pid={PRODUCT_TYPE}&act-pv={VERSION}&ppcs-id={PPCSid}&social-network=vkontakte&type=shareinstallation&rpe=1 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: SocialShare_FB = https://redirect.kaspersky.com/?target=social&act-local={SELECTED_LOCALIZATION}&act-pid={PRODUCT_TYPE}&act-pv={VERSION}&ppcs-id={PPCSid}&social-network=facebook&type=shareinstallation&rpe=1 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: SocialShare_TW = https://redirect.kaspersky.com/?target=social&act-local={SELECTED_LOCALIZATION}&act-pid={PRODUCT_TYPE}&act-pv={VERSION}&ppcs-id={PPCSid}&social-network=twitter&type=shareinstallation&rpe=1 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: YandexPartner = kaspersky-kss ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: AverageInstallTime = 120 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: AverageUninstallTime = 30 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: GoogleChromeTermsLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=google_terms ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: GoogleChromePrivacyLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=google_chrome_privacy ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: GoogleToolbarPrivacyLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=google_toolbar_privacy ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: GoogleSoftwareEULALink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=google_partner_eula ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: GoogleToolbalInstallerCmdLine = /r1:KPLA /r2:KPLB ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: LocalizationAuto = false ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: BalloonSilent = false ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: HideEOLPage = false ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: CreateDesktopShortcut = true ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: CreateSafeBankingShortcut = false ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: CreateMetroShortcut = true ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: EnableAutoStartupDelay = true ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: BundleKSDE_DontInstall = false ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: CreateSecureConnectionShortcut = false ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: KPCRegion = RU ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: YandexPromotionScheme = Checkboxes ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.350 *** Param: WebVisitorID = 53a3725e-80de-41a6-91b2-6e65e5402376 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.351 *** Cmd line param: -, value: force_use_new_version ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.351 *** [i_lock]    Add request for TryLock, id 42e0 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.351 *** [i_lock]    Request complete with result Success, id 42e0 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.351 *** Instance locked ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.351 *** [i_lock]    Add request for Unlock, id 42e0 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.351 *** [i_lock]    Request complete with result Success, id 42e0 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.351 *** Instance unlocked ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.352 *** [persistent]    Volatile storage cleared ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.352 *** Process command line: "C:\Users\Пользователь\Downloads\ks4. (6).exe" /-force_use_new_version  ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.352 *** [loc_mgr]    UI lang id: 0x419 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.352 *** [loc_mgr]    Embedded lang ids: 0x419 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.352 *** [loc_mgr]    auto selected lang: 0x419 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.352 *** Is beta: 0 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.352 *** Version: ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.356 *** [prerequisites]    Supported OS version 10.0x64 detected ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.356 *** [prerequisites]    Is Windows 8.1 or later: 1 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.356 *** [i_lock]    Add request for TryLock, id 42e0 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.356 *** [i_lock]    Request complete with result Success, id 42e0 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.356 *** Instance locked ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.356 *** Instance locked: 1 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.362 *** [before_env]    Check for {E0D9E8A5-76E2-4E16-A5CB-40351454B0D4}, count: 1, err: 0 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.363 *** [before_env]    Got product type: kfa ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.363 *** Property before_env_any_fl_installed set value 65 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.364 *** [before_env]    Check for {EB24CB50-CF22-4333-B1C7-871B239DC64E}, count: 0, err: 0 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.364 *** Property before_env_initialized set value 1 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.364 *** DC DPI: 96 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.364 *** Applied DPI: 96 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.364 *** Metrics icon size: 16 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.364 *** Max icon size: 16 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.366 *** [prerequisites]    Admin group membership attributes: 16 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.366 *** Not found language neutral string #2049 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.366 *** Set layout successfully to LTR ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.368 *** OS version: Microsoft Windows 10 x64 Edition (build 19044) ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.368 *** Process id: 17132 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.368 *** Localization list: ru-RU ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.368 *** Product type: SAAS ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.368 *** Setup version: ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.369 *** Property ShouldSendKsnStatFromThisInstance set value 1 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.369 *** auto lang id: 0x419 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.369 *** Property SelectedLangId set value 1049 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: AverageCheckPrerequisitesTime = 5 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: PrerequisitesErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=error&type=Prerequisites ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: FileCheckSumErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=error&type=FileCheckSum ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: MsiErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=error&type=MsiError ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: PPCSid = 25000 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: WizardPageHeight = 500 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: GoogleChromeInstallerCmdLine = /r1:KPLA /r2:KPLB ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: FilesToCheckSign = corebases.cab;corebasesx64.cab;corebasesx86.cab;ipm.cab;product.cab;product.msi;kleaner.cab;productbases.cab;x64.cab;sharedbases.cab;common.z;coreproduct.z;coreproductgdpr.z;coreproductnogdpr.z;coreproductx64.z;ksde_corebases.cab;ksde.cab;ksde.msi;ksde_x64.cab;ksde_coreproduct.z;ksde_coreproductnogdpr.z;ksde_coreproductgdpr.z;ksde_coreproductx64.z ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: ShowActivateTrialOption = true ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: DiskSpaceErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=error&type=DiskSpace ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: FileNameKleanerCab = kleaner.cab ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: WinUpgradeParamsFilename = KAVKISKTSWinUpgradeParams.cfg ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: YandexBrowserAgreementLink = {LinkRedirectBase}?act-pid=<ApplicationType>&act-pv=<ApplicationVersion>&act-local=<Localization>&ppcs-id={PPCSid}&target=yandexbrowseragreement ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: CompatibilityModeLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=compatibility_mode ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: BundleKSDE_DisableInstallIntegration = no ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: GoogleChromeInstallerLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=google_chrome_install ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: ServerErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=error&type=Server ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: AdminRightsErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=error&type=AdminRights ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: AlienSoftwareWarning = {LinkHelpBase}&link=AlienSoftwareWarning ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: MinOsVersion = 5.1 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: FileSignatureErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=error&type=FileSignature ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: PrivacyPolicyLink = {LinkRedirectBase}?act-pid=<ApplicationType>&act-pv=<ApplicationVersion>&act-local=<Localization>&target=privacypolicy ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: AlienSoftwareLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=AlienSoftware ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: LinkHelpBase = https://click.kaspersky.com/?hl={SELECTED_LOCALIZATION}&customization=<RebrandingCode>&version={VERSION}&pid={PRODUCT_TYPE}&syst={OS_VER} ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: InstallationOnActiveInfectionLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=InstallationOnActiveInfection ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: AntiMalwareToolsLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=AntiMalwareTools ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: RescueDiskInfoLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=RescueDiskInfo ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: BundleKSDE_SpaceForInstallPreparation = 68157440 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: SlideShowUrl = https://redirect.kaspersky.com/partnersite/a151e0a4-378b-45d0-ba3a-8fb23f39ca2d/slideshow?act-local=<Localization> ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: GoogleToolbarTermsLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=google_terms ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: DotNetInstallErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=netframeworkerror ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode = {LinkHelpBase}&error={ErrorCode} ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: BFEErrorLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=error&type=BFEError ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: CompatibleAVSoftwareLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=CompatibleAVSoftware ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: NotSupportedFileSystemErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=NotSupportedFileSystem ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: InstallStageParts = 20 80 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: ProductAlreadyInstalledErrorLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=error&type=ProductAlreadyInstalledError ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: LinkAboutNewVersion = {LinkHelpBase} ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: CertificateUntrustedErrorLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=certuntrusted ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: KsnStatWeight = 1.0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.370 *** Param: KsnStatHttpGateway = https://ksn-stat-install.kaspersky-labs.com/s ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: WinUpdateDotNetInstallErrorLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=wusadotneterror ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: GoogleToolbalInstallerLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=google_toolbar_install ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: WinInstallBusyErrorLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=wininstbusy ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: TfuChangesLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=tfu_changes ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: EstimatedSpaceForDotNetInstall64 = 1782579200 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: Sha256NotSupportedErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=Sha256NotSupported ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: Support_URL = https://click.kaspersky.com/?hl=<Localization>&customization=<RebrandingCode>&version=<ApplicationVersion>&pid=<ApplicationType>&syst=<OsVersion>&link=kb ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: LinkRedirectBase = https://redirect.kaspersky.com/ ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: BundleKSDE_AverageInstallTime = 30 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: LinkRedirectBaseWithCulture = {LinkRedirectBase}?hl={SELECTED_LOCALIZATION}&customization=<RebrandingCode> ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: YandexSoftwareAgreementLink = {LinkRedirectBase}?act-pid=<ApplicationType>&act-pv=<ApplicationVersion>&act-local=<Localization>&ppcs-id={PPCSid}&target=yandexsoftagreement ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: DataProvisionStatementLink = {LinkRedirectBase}?act-pid=<ApplicationType>&act-pv=<ApplicationVersion>&act-local=<Localization>&target=dataprovision ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: WizardPageWidth = 572 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: ModalDialogWidth = 464 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: KPMCompatibleCustomizations = xforum; xtestbank; xnotgdpr; xsnaac ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: IndexReloadTimeout = 5 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: ModalDialogHeight = 252 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: UserAgentName = Kaspersky Downloader ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: AverageCheckIncompatibleSoftTime = 10 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: SetupFilesTempFolder = %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: DownloadAttemptsCount = 10 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: FileNameAlienSoftWhitelistCab = sharedbases.cab ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: MaxOsVersion = 100.0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: EnableYandexOffer = true ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: AppToLaunchAfterInstall = avpui.exe ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: SupportedOsBits = x86; x64 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: InternetTimeout = 240 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: InternetTimeoutForRejectable = 60 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: DirectConnectionTestFileUrl = {LinkHelpBase}&link=TestConnectionFile ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: KsnStatVpnPingHttpGateway = https://ksn-web-stat.kaspersky-labs.com/s ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: DumpServerConfigUrl = https://dmpcfg.kaspersky-labs.com/dumpserver/config.xml ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: EstimatedSpaceForInstallPreparation = 440401920 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: BundleKSDE_FileNameInstaller = ksde.msi ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: EstimatedSpaceForProductInstall = 398458880 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: EstimatedSpaceForDotNetInstall32 = 838860800 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: BundleKSDE_SpaceForProductInstall = 57671680 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: UpgradablePpcsParams = HideUpgradeTab; RedirectionBuyUrl; RedirectionRenewUrl; RedirectionUpgradeUrl; RedirectionMoreProductsUrl; RedirectionBuyKSeCUrl; RedirectionRenewKSeCUrl; BalloonSilent; IsOEMProduct; HideEOLPage; OemWelcomePageFirstStartAtReboot; OemWelcomePageFirstStartAtDay; OemWelcomePageStartAtEachReboot; OemWelcomePageStartAtEachDay; OemCommercialPreinstallation; CreateDesktopShortcut; CreateSafeBankingShortcut; CreateSecureConnectionShortcut; SubscriptionPasswordReq; ISP_URL; Support_URL; AboutPass_URL; AuthorizationError_URL; ISPError_URL; PPCSid; EnableAutoStartupDelay; CreateMetroShortcut; EnableSounds; TrialActivationCode_kav; TrialActivationCode_kis; TrialActivationCode_pure; TrialActivationCode_ksos; TrialActivationCode_saas; ActivationCode_kfa; AutoActivationType; SocializationFriendId; SocializationCampaignId; DisableDowngradeToFree; ShowActivateTrialOption ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: NotUpgradablePpcsParams = SlideShowUrl; DefaultSubscriptionPassword; PURE_URL; KSOS_URL; KIS_URL; KAV_URL; KFA_URL; KSDE_URL; SAAS_URL; IncComputer_URL; ISPServerConnectionError_URL; ServerRootFolder; TfuServerRootFolder; SecureServerRootFolder; SecureTfuServerRootFolder; IsDefaultDenyAvailable; ThirdPartyOffers; CommercialActivationCode; KasperskyId; UserId; oneTimeRegistrationSharedSecret; UcpUseTestUrls; Request_Saas_trial_tier; LocalizationAuto; BundleKSDE_DisableInstallIntegration ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: DotnetDownloadLink = {LinkRedirectBaseWithCulture}&act-pid={PRODUCT_TYPE}&act-pv={VERSION}&osver={OS_VER_NUMBER}{OS_SERVICE_PACK}&osbuild={OS_BUILD_NUMBER}&dotnetver={DOTNET_VER}&target=dotnet ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: DotnetDownloadAttemptsCount = 10 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: ShowCancelReasonsListProbability = 0.01 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: TfuServerRootFolder = http://tfu.kaspersky-labs.com ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: DisableVKontakteShareInRegions = UA ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: AgreementsMatchingGroups = Consumer/GDPR/Kaspersky_Security_for_Windows/2.0/EULA/;Consumer/GDPR/KAV_KIS_KTS_KFA/2019_TR/EULA/ ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: KPMCompatibleLocalizations = ar-ae; ar-sa; cs-cz; da-dk; de-ch; de-de; de-lu; en; en-ae; en-au; en-ca; en-gb; en-hk; en-id; en-il; en-in; en-my; en-sa; en-tw; en-us; en-za; es-es; es-mx; es-us; fi-fi; fr-be; fr-ca; fr-ch; fr-fr; fr-za; it-ch; it-it; ja-jp; ko-kr; nb-no; nl-nl; pl-pl; pt-br; pt-pt; pt-za; ru-by; ru-ru; sv-se; zh-hans-cn; zh-hant-hk; zh-hant-tw ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: LocsAreGDPRComplientSince2101 = pt-br; en-us; es-us ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: YandexPromotionPosition = BeforeKSN ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: ServerRootFolder = http://dm.kaspersky-labs.com ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: SecureServerRootFolder = https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: SecureTfuServerRootFolder = https://tfu.s.kaspersky-labs.com ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: RegistryStorageRoot = Software\KasperskyLabSetup ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: RegistryStorageProduct = Setup ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: WindowsStoreLink = ms-windows-store:PDP?PFN={AdditionalMetroPackageFamilyName} ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: AdditionalMetroPackageFamilyName = KasperskyLab.KasperskyNow_8jx5e25qw3tdc ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: SuggestSafeKids = true ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: SocialShare_VK = https://redirect.kaspersky.com/?target=social&act-local={SELECTED_LOCALIZATION}&act-pid={PRODUCT_TYPE}&act-pv={VERSION}&ppcs-id={PPCSid}&social-network=vkontakte&type=shareinstallation&rpe=1 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: SocialShare_FB = https://redirect.kaspersky.com/?target=social&act-local={SELECTED_LOCALIZATION}&act-pid={PRODUCT_TYPE}&act-pv={VERSION}&ppcs-id={PPCSid}&social-network=facebook&type=shareinstallation&rpe=1 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: SocialShare_TW = https://redirect.kaspersky.com/?target=social&act-local={SELECTED_LOCALIZATION}&act-pid={PRODUCT_TYPE}&act-pv={VERSION}&ppcs-id={PPCSid}&social-network=twitter&type=shareinstallation&rpe=1 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: YandexPartner = kaspersky-kss ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: AverageInstallTime = 120 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: AverageUninstallTime = 30 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: GoogleChromeTermsLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=google_terms ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: GoogleChromePrivacyLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=google_chrome_privacy ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: GoogleToolbarPrivacyLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=google_toolbar_privacy ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: GoogleSoftwareEULALink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=google_partner_eula ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: GoogleToolbalInstallerCmdLine = /r1:KPLA /r2:KPLB ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: LocalizationAuto = false ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: BalloonSilent = false ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: HideEOLPage = false ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.371 *** Param: CreateDesktopShortcut = true ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.372 *** Param: CreateSafeBankingShortcut = false ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.372 *** Param: CreateMetroShortcut = true ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.372 *** Param: EnableAutoStartupDelay = true ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.372 *** Param: BundleKSDE_DontInstall = false ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.372 *** Param: CreateSecureConnectionShortcut = false ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.372 *** Param: KPCRegion = RU ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.372 *** Param: YandexPromotionScheme = Checkboxes ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.372 *** Param: WebVisitorID = 53a3725e-80de-41a6-91b2-6e65e5402376 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.372 *** [loc_mgr]    selected loc: ru-RU, lang: 1049, GDPR compliant: 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.372 *** Not found language neutral string #2049 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.372 *** Not found language neutral string #2049 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.372 *** selected lang id: 0x419 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.373 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped active_infection_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.373 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped alien_soft_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.373 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped cancel_install_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.373 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped cancel_ksde_install_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.373 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped cancel_uninstall_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.373 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped check_new_version.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.373 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\chrome-logo.png", was already saved 0 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.373 *** [hdlg_base]    Browser ctrl size, cx:588, cy: 588, zoom: 100x100 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.374 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped confirm_suggestion_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.378 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\default-slide-style.css", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.379 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped default_slide.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.379 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped delete_alien_soft_error_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.379 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped eula_gdpr_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.379 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped eula_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.379 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped found_installed_product_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.380 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\google-chrome-banner.png", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.380 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\google-toolbar-banner.png", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.381 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped google_apps_offer_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.381 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped install_error_back_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.381 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped install_error_exit_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.381 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped install_error_popup_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.381 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped install_error_popup_retry_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.381 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped install_error_retry_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.381 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped install_error_send_logs_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.382 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\install_programm.png", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.384 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\jquery-1.12.4.min.js", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.386 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\jquery.custom_select.min.js", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.387 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\kasperskysans-bold.eot", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.388 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\kasperskysans-bold.woff", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.389 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped kavrt_driver_removed_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.389 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\kis-about-disabled.png", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.390 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\kis-about-rtl.png", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.391 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\kis-about.png", was already saved 0 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.392 *** [hdlg_base]    Set topmost ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.392 *** [hdlg_base]    Set no topmost ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.392 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\kis-arrows.png", was already saved 0 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.393 *** Set dpi aware flag for browser control ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.393 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\kis-checkbox-checked-disabled.gif", was already saved 0 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.394 *** IE options override key created ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.394 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\kis-checkbox-checked.gif", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.395 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\kis-checkbox-unchecked-disabled.gif", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.397 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\kis-checkbox-unchecked.gif", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.398 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\kis-error.png", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.398 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\kis-icon-ok.png", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.400 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\kis-incompatible-soft-ico.png", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.401 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\kis-information.png", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.402 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\kis-loading-b.gif", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.403 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\kis-loading-f.gif", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.404 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\kis-loading-h.gif", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.406 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\kis-loading.gif", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.407 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\kis-logo.png", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.408 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\kis-print.css", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.409 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\kis-radio-checked.gif", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.411 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\kis-radio-unchecked.gif", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.412 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\kis-refresh-disabled.png", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.413 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\kis-refresh.png", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.414 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\kis-script-lte-ie8.js", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.416 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\kis-script.js", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.417 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\kis-select-bg.png", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.418 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\kis-select-down.png", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.419 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\kis-select-selected.png", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.421 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\kis-select-up.png", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.424 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\kis-style.css", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.425 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped ksn_ep_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.425 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped ksn_marketing_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.426 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped ksn_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.426 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped leaving_alien_soft_alert_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.426 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped must_remove_alient_soft_alert_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.426 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped new_version_exist.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.426 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped partially_compatible_soft_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.426 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\print.png", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.428 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\product.png", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.429 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped progress_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.429 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped progress_simple_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.429 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped rdp_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.429 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped reboot_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.429 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped recommended_settings_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.429 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\remove.png", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.431 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped replace_product_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.431 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped retry_install_from_local_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.431 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped retry_install_from_remote_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.432 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\rtl.css", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.433 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped select_birth_date_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.433 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped select_lang_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.433 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\tfu.png", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.434 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped tfu_new_version_eula.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.434 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped tfu_new_version_no_agr.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.434 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped tfu_ready_for_install.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.435 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped thank_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.435 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped thank_reboot_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.435 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped wait_logs_collecting_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.435 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped wait_rollback_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.435 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped welcome_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.435 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped welcome_page_kavkis.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.435 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped welcome_page_kfp.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.435 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped welcome_page_ready_for_install.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.435 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\yandex-logo.png", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.437 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\yandex-motivation.png", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.438 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped yandex_browser_buttons_style_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.438 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped yandex_browser_checkbox_style_page.html ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.438 *** [html_extractor]    Extracting took 63 ms ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.439 *** [prerequisites]    Try read registry UAC state ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.439 *** [prerequisites]    UAC on ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.439 *** Property Version set value ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.440 *** Property DFL_OriginalFolder set value C:\Users\Пользователь\Downloads ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.440 *** Property DFL_MappedFolder set value C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.441 *** [trash_remover]    Created directory(-ies) C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.441 *** [dfl]    No mappings to restore ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.472 *** [hdlg_base]    Set hk for 0x42e0 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.473 *** [hdlg_base]    Set hk for 0x4318 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.486 *** [hdlg_base]    On before navigate, url: about:blank ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.543 *** GetOptionKeyPath: Software\KasperskyLab\IEOverride ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.615 *** [dfl]    Original file not found: product.msi ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.615 *** Not found local MSI  ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.616 *** Property IsInstallationProtected set value 1 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.618 *** Property DownloadsDirectory set value C:\Users\Пользователь\Downloads ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.701 *** [dfl]    Original file not found: product.msi ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.701 *** [agr_state]    Sync agreements states from cmd line ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.701 *** Property DDRootIndexFileUrlList set value 1https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/;http://dm.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/ ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.702 *** Property SequenceState set value 33 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.702 *** Property SequenceState set value 2 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.711 *** [hdlg_base]    Set hk for 0x4324 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.711 *** [hdlg_base]    Set hk for 0x4340 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.711 *** [hdlg_base]    Set hk for 0x380 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.711 *** [hdlg_base]    OnDocumentComplete. URL: about:blank ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.714 *** [hdlg_base]    JS OK ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.714 *** [hdlg_base]    Set browser optical zoom to 100 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.715 *** Property IsJsOn set value 1 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.715 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\check_new_version.html", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.716 *** First page in 0.391s ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.718 *** [hdlg_base]    Browser ctrl size, cx:588, cy: 588, zoom: 100x100 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.718 *** [hdlg_base]    Page filename check_new_version.html ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.729 *** [hdlg_base]    On before navigate, url: C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\check_new_version.html ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.906 *** [hdlg_base]    Set hk for 0x437c ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.906 *** [hdlg_base]    Set hk for 0x4378 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.906 *** [hdlg_base]    Set hk for 0x4384 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.906 *** [hdlg_base]    OnDocumentComplete. URL: C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\check_new_version.html ***
17132:42e0 21:12:43.906 *** [hdlg_base]    Set browser optical zoom to 100 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.906 *** SetForeground ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.907 *** Property ksde_bundleInstallStatus set value 1 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.907 *** Property ksde_bundleReinstallCaseChecked set value 1 ***
17132:4318 21:12:43.907 *** No product for upgrade code: {EB24CB50-CF22-4333-B1C7-871B239DC64E}, and product code: {FF2A12B8-AEB7-48C0-95C8-E2E3D67DFCB2} ***
17132:4380 21:12:43.907 *** [DD]    DownloadVersionInfoFiles ***
17132:4380 21:12:43.909 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: Close buf  ***
17132:4380 21:12:43.909 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartEvent ***
17132:4380 21:12:43.909 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State change Idle -> Prepare ***
17132:4380 21:12:43.909 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: Close handle C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\index2.txt ***
17132:4380 21:12:43.909 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::DownloadEvent ***
17132:4380 21:12:43.909 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State change Prepare -> DownloadFile ***
17132:4380 21:12:43.909 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:4390 21:12:43.910 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: StartDownload start ***
17132:4390 21:12:43.910 *** [trash_remover]    Created directory(-ies) C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0 ***
17132:4390 21:12:43.910 *** [WinInet] 0xb34efd0: Downloader created, type 0 ***
17132:4390 21:12:43.911 *** [WinInet] 0xb34efd0: Downloader set access type, type 0 ***
17132:4390 21:12:43.911 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:4390 21:12:43.911 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:4390 21:12:43.911 *** [WinInet] 0xb34efd0: event struct DownloaderWinInet::StartLoadingEvent ***
17132:4390 21:12:43.911 *** [WinInet] 0xb34efd0: State change Idle -> LoadReqInitRoot ***
17132:4390 21:12:43.911 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: StartDownload end ***
17132:4390 21:12:43.911 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:4388 21:12:43.911 *** Created handle 0x00CC0004 ***
17132:4388 21:12:43.911 *** [WinInet] 0xb34efd0: Try get https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/ ***
17132:4388 21:12:43.911 *** [WinInet] 0xb34efd0: event struct DownloaderWinInet::InitRootDone ***
17132:4388 21:12:43.912 *** [WinInet] 0xb34efd0: State change LoadReqInitRoot -> OpenUrl ***
17132:4388 21:12:43.912 *** [TEP]    Created thread: 0x438c ***
17132:4388 21:12:43.912 *** [TEP]    Wait for loop to initialize ***
17132:4388 21:12:43.912 *** [TEP]    Loop initialized ***
17132:438c 21:12:43.912 *** [TEP]    Starting method loop in thread 0x438c ***
17132:4388 21:12:43.912 *** [TEP]    Posted msg id 1024 to thread 0x438c ***
17132:438c 21:12:43.912 *** [TEP]    StopTimer - not found TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0xb34efd0 ***
17132:4388 21:12:43.912 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:4388 21:12:43.912 *** [WinInet] 0xb34efd0: Open url flags: 0x84400100 ***
17132:438c 21:12:43.912 *** [TEP]    Created timer TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0xb34efd0, id: 32633 ***
17132:4388 21:12:44.354 *** Created handle 0x00CC000C ***
17132:4388 21:12:44.354 *** [WinInet] 0xb34efd0: event struct DownloaderWinInet::OpenUrlDone ***
17132:4388 21:12:44.354 *** [WinInet] 0xb34efd0: State change OpenUrl -> ResponseStatus ***
17132:4388 21:12:44.354 *** [TEP]    Posted msg id 1024 to thread 0x438c ***
17132:438c 21:12:44.354 *** [TEP]    Stopped timer TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0xb34efd0, id: 32633 ***
17132:4388 21:12:44.354 *** [WinInet] 0xb34efd0: HTTP response: 200 ***
17132:4388 21:12:44.354 *** [WinInet] 0xb34efd0: event struct DownloaderWinInet::QueryStatus ***
17132:4388 21:12:44.354 *** [WinInet] 0xb34efd0: State change ResponseStatus -> GetContentLen ***
17132:4388 21:12:44.355 *** [WinInet] 0xb34efd0: event struct DownloaderWinInet::GetContentLenDone ***
17132:4388 21:12:44.355 *** [WinInet] 0xb34efd0: State change GetContentLen -> ReadFile ***
17132:4388 21:12:44.355 *** [WinInet] 0xb34efd0: State change ReadFile -> FileLoaded ***
17132:4388 21:12:44.355 *** [WinInet] 0xb34efd0: State change FileLoaded -> Complete ***
17132:16b0 21:12:44.355 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:4388 21:12:44.355 *** [WinInet] 0xb34efd0: Successfully downloaded 5978 bytes per 444953 mks ***
17132:4388 21:12:44.355 *** [WinInet] 0xb34efd0: event struct DownloaderWinInet::DownloadStop ***
17132:4388 21:12:44.355 *** [WinInet] 0xb34efd0: State change Complete -> Idle ***
17132:4390 21:12:44.355 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: SaveBuffer start ***
17132:4388 21:12:44.355 *** [WinInet] 0xb34efd0: SignalFinished, addr: b34efd0, result: 0 ***
17132:16b0 21:12:44.355 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: DownloadBufferEventDone, addr: b34efd0 ***
17132:4388 21:12:44.355 *** Closed handle 0x00CC000C ***
17132:16b0 21:12:44.355 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloadBufferEventDone ***
17132:4388 21:12:44.355 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:4388 21:12:44.355 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:16b0 21:12:44.355 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: Queue buf done OK for dnl: b34efd0 ***
17132:4388 21:12:44.356 *** [WinInet] 0xb34efd0: State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
17132:16b0 21:12:44.356 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:4390 21:12:44.356 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: addr: 0B2FCAE8 downloader, addr: b34efd0 offset: 0 size: 5978 ***
17132:4390 21:12:44.356 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: SaveBuffer end ***
17132:4390 21:12:44.356 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:4390 21:12:44.356 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: Fragment succeeded, addr: b34efd0 result: 0 ***
17132:4390 21:12:44.356 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: Erase downloader, addr: b34efd0 offset: 0 size: 0 ***
17132:4390 21:12:44.356 *** [WinInet] 0xb34efd0: ~DownloaderWinInet ***
17132:4390 21:12:44.356 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: Download file complete ***
17132:4390 21:12:44.356 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: Close buf C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\index2.txt ***
17132:4390 21:12:44.356 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::Downloading ***
17132:4390 21:12:44.356 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::CheckDownloadStatus ***
17132:4390 21:12:44.356 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State change DownloadFile -> UnpackingFile ***
17132:4390 21:12:44.357 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:4390 21:12:44.357 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: OnFragmentDownloadSucceeded end ***
17132:4390 21:12:44.357 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:4390 21:12:44.357 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: Close handle C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\index2.txt ***
17132:4390 21:12:44.357 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:4390 21:12:44.357 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State change UnpackingFile -> CheckSignature ***
17132:4390 21:12:44.357 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:4390 21:12:44.357 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State change CheckSignature -> CheckFile ***
17132:4390 21:12:44.357 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:4390 21:12:44.357 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:4390 21:12:44.357 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: CheckFileSignature start ***
17132:4390 21:12:44.357 *** Checking KDS signature index2.txt, len: 5978, name signed: yes, use crl: no ***
17132:4390 21:12:44.366 *** KDS check result: 0, result flags: 37 ***
17132:4390 21:12:44.366 *** Overall KDS signature correct ***
17132:4390 21:12:44.366 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:4390 21:12:44.366 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State change CheckFile -> HashAndSignCheck ***
17132:4390 21:12:44.366 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:4390 21:12:44.366 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State change HashAndSignCheck -> Complete ***
17132:4390 21:12:44.366 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: CheckFileSignature end ***
17132:4390 21:12:44.366 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:4390 21:12:44.366 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State change Complete -> Idle ***
17132:4390 21:12:44.366 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::Downloading ***
17132:4390 21:12:44.366 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.367 *** DSKM not found sign ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.367 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.367 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.367 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.367 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.367 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.367 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.367 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.367 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.367 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.367 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.367 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.367 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.367 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.367 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.367 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.367 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.367 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.368 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.368 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/bases/kavkis2021mr3/saas/index-bases-x64-2.txt' ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.368 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/kleaner/interactive2021.2/global/index-kleaner-2.txt' ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.369 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: ~DownloaderFile ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.369 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: Close buf  ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.369 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartEvent ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.369 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: State change Idle -> Prepare ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.369 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: Close handle C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\index-bases-x64-2.txt ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.369 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::DownloadEvent ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.369 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: State change Prepare -> DownloadFile ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.369 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.369 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: StartDownload start ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.370 *** [trash_remover]    Created directory(-ies) C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0 ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.370 *** [WinInet] 0xb287da0: Downloader created, type 0 ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.370 *** [WinInet] 0xb287da0: Downloader set access type, type 0 ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.370 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.370 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.370 *** [WinInet] 0xb287da0: event struct DownloaderWinInet::StartLoadingEvent ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.370 *** [WinInet] 0xb287da0: State change Idle -> LoadReqInitRoot ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.370 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: StartDownload end ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.370 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:0458 21:12:44.370 *** [WinInet] 0xb287da0: Try get https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/bases/kavkis2021mr3/saas/index-bases-x64-2.txt ***
17132:0458 21:12:44.370 *** [WinInet] 0xb287da0: event struct DownloaderWinInet::InitRootDone ***
17132:0458 21:12:44.370 *** [WinInet] 0xb287da0: State change LoadReqInitRoot -> OpenUrl ***
17132:0458 21:12:44.370 *** [TEP]    Posted msg id 1024 to thread 0x438c ***
17132:438c 21:12:44.370 *** [TEP]    StopTimer - not found TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0xb287da0 ***
17132:0458 21:12:44.370 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:0458 21:12:44.370 *** [WinInet] 0xb287da0: Open url flags: 0x84400100 ***
17132:438c 21:12:44.370 *** [TEP]    Created timer TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0xb287da0, id: 32631 ***
17132:0458 21:12:44.404 *** Created handle 0x00CC000C ***
17132:0458 21:12:44.404 *** [WinInet] 0xb287da0: event struct DownloaderWinInet::OpenUrlDone ***
17132:0458 21:12:44.404 *** [WinInet] 0xb287da0: State change OpenUrl -> ResponseStatus ***
17132:0458 21:12:44.404 *** [TEP]    Posted msg id 1024 to thread 0x438c ***
17132:438c 21:12:44.404 *** [TEP]    Stopped timer TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0xb287da0, id: 32631 ***
17132:0458 21:12:44.404 *** [WinInet] 0xb287da0: HTTP response: 200 ***
17132:0458 21:12:44.404 *** [WinInet] 0xb287da0: event struct DownloaderWinInet::QueryStatus ***
17132:0458 21:12:44.404 *** [WinInet] 0xb287da0: State change ResponseStatus -> GetContentLen ***
17132:0458 21:12:44.404 *** [WinInet] 0xb287da0: event struct DownloaderWinInet::GetContentLenDone ***
17132:0458 21:12:44.404 *** [WinInet] 0xb287da0: State change GetContentLen -> ReadFile ***
17132:0458 21:12:44.405 *** [WinInet] 0xb287da0: State change ReadFile -> FileLoaded ***
17132:0458 21:12:44.405 *** [WinInet] 0xb287da0: State change FileLoaded -> Complete ***
17132:0458 21:12:44.405 *** [WinInet] 0xb287da0: Successfully downloaded 4425 bytes per 35715 mks ***
17132:0458 21:12:44.405 *** [WinInet] 0xb287da0: event struct DownloaderWinInet::DownloadStop ***
17132:16b0 21:12:44.405 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:0458 21:12:44.405 *** [WinInet] 0xb287da0: State change Complete -> Idle ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.405 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: SaveBuffer start ***
17132:0458 21:12:44.405 *** [WinInet] 0xb287da0: SignalFinished, addr: b287da0, result: 0 ***
17132:16b0 21:12:44.405 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: DownloadBufferEventDone, addr: b287da0 ***
17132:16b0 21:12:44.405 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: State machine change an event on struct DownloadBufferEventDone ***
17132:0458 21:12:44.405 *** Closed handle 0x00CC000C ***
17132:0458 21:12:44.405 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:0458 21:12:44.405 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:16b0 21:12:44.405 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: Queue buf done OK for dnl: b287da0 ***
17132:16b0 21:12:44.405 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:0458 21:12:44.405 *** [WinInet] 0xb287da0: State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.405 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: addr: 0B35E2F8 downloader, addr: b287da0 offset: 0 size: 4425 ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.405 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: SaveBuffer end ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.405 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.405 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: Fragment succeeded, addr: b287da0 result: 0 ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.405 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: Erase downloader, addr: b287da0 offset: 0 size: 0 ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.406 *** [WinInet] 0xb287da0: ~DownloaderWinInet ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.406 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: Download file complete ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.406 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: Close buf C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\index-bases-x64-2.txt ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.406 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::Downloading ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.406 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::CheckDownloadStatus ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.406 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: State change DownloadFile -> UnpackingFile ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.406 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.406 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: OnFragmentDownloadSucceeded end ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.406 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.406 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: Close handle C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\index-bases-x64-2.txt ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.406 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.406 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: State change UnpackingFile -> CheckSignature ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.406 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.406 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: State change CheckSignature -> CheckFile ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.406 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.406 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.406 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: CheckFileSignature start ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.406 *** Checking KDS signature index-bases-x64-2.txt, len: 4425, name signed: yes, use crl: no ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.415 *** KDS check result: 0, result flags: 37 ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.415 *** Overall KDS signature correct ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.415 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.415 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: State change CheckFile -> HashAndSignCheck ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.415 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.415 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: State change HashAndSignCheck -> Complete ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.415 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: CheckFileSignature end ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.415 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.415 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: State change Complete -> Idle ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.415 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::Downloading ***
17132:43d8 21:12:44.415 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.415 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb35e348: ~DownloaderFile ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.415 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: Close buf  ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.415 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartEvent ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.415 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State change Idle -> Prepare ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.415 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: Close handle C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\index-kleaner-2.txt ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.415 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::DownloadEvent ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.416 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State change Prepare -> DownloadFile ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.416 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.416 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: StartDownload start ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.416 *** [trash_remover]    Created directory(-ies) C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0 ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.416 *** [WinInet] 0x6405100: Downloader created, type 0 ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.416 *** [WinInet] 0x6405100: Downloader set access type, type 0 ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.416 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.416 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.416 *** [WinInet] 0x6405100: event struct DownloaderWinInet::StartLoadingEvent ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.416 *** [WinInet] 0x6405100: State change Idle -> LoadReqInitRoot ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.417 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: StartDownload end ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.417 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:43dc 21:12:44.417 *** [WinInet] 0x6405100: Try get https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/kleaner/interactive2021.2/global/index-kleaner-2.txt ***
17132:43dc 21:12:44.417 *** [WinInet] 0x6405100: event struct DownloaderWinInet::InitRootDone ***
17132:43dc 21:12:44.417 *** [WinInet] 0x6405100: State change LoadReqInitRoot -> OpenUrl ***
17132:43dc 21:12:44.417 *** [TEP]    Posted msg id 1024 to thread 0x438c ***
17132:438c 21:12:44.417 *** [TEP]    StopTimer - not found TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0x6405100 ***
17132:43dc 21:12:44.417 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:43dc 21:12:44.417 *** [WinInet] 0x6405100: Open url flags: 0x84400100 ***
17132:438c 21:12:44.417 *** [TEP]    Created timer TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0x6405100, id: 32630 ***
17132:43dc 21:12:44.450 *** Created handle 0x00CC000C ***
17132:43dc 21:12:44.450 *** [WinInet] 0x6405100: event struct DownloaderWinInet::OpenUrlDone ***
17132:43dc 21:12:44.450 *** [WinInet] 0x6405100: State change OpenUrl -> ResponseStatus ***
17132:43dc 21:12:44.450 *** [TEP]    Posted msg id 1024 to thread 0x438c ***
17132:43dc 21:12:44.450 *** [WinInet] 0x6405100: HTTP response: 200 ***
17132:43dc 21:12:44.450 *** [WinInet] 0x6405100: event struct DownloaderWinInet::QueryStatus ***
17132:438c 21:12:44.450 *** [TEP]    Stopped timer TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0x6405100, id: 32630 ***
17132:43dc 21:12:44.450 *** [WinInet] 0x6405100: State change ResponseStatus -> GetContentLen ***
17132:43dc 21:12:44.450 *** [WinInet] 0x6405100: event struct DownloaderWinInet::GetContentLenDone ***
17132:43dc 21:12:44.450 *** [WinInet] 0x6405100: State change GetContentLen -> ReadFile ***
17132:43dc 21:12:44.451 *** [WinInet] 0x6405100: State change ReadFile -> FileLoaded ***
17132:43dc 21:12:44.451 *** [WinInet] 0x6405100: State change FileLoaded -> Complete ***
17132:43dc 21:12:44.451 *** [WinInet] 0x6405100: Successfully downloaded 4148 bytes per 35368 mks ***
17132:43dc 21:12:44.451 *** [WinInet] 0x6405100: event struct DownloaderWinInet::DownloadStop ***
17132:16b0 21:12:44.451 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:43dc 21:12:44.451 *** [WinInet] 0x6405100: State change Complete -> Idle ***
17132:43dc 21:12:44.451 *** [WinInet] 0x6405100: SignalFinished, addr: 6405100, result: 0 ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.451 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: SaveBuffer start ***
17132:16b0 21:12:44.451 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: DownloadBufferEventDone, addr: 6405100 ***
17132:16b0 21:12:44.451 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloadBufferEventDone ***
17132:43dc 21:12:44.451 *** Closed handle 0x00CC000C ***
17132:43dc 21:12:44.451 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:43dc 21:12:44.451 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:16b0 21:12:44.451 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: Queue buf done OK for dnl: 6405100 ***
17132:43dc 21:12:44.451 *** [WinInet] 0x6405100: State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
17132:16b0 21:12:44.451 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.451 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: addr: 0B2FCAE8 downloader, addr: 6405100 offset: 0 size: 4148 ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.451 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: SaveBuffer end ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.451 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.451 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: Fragment succeeded, addr: 6405100 result: 0 ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.451 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: Erase downloader, addr: 6405100 offset: 0 size: 0 ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.452 *** [WinInet] 0x6405100: ~DownloaderWinInet ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.452 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: Download file complete ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.452 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: Close buf C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\index-kleaner-2.txt ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.452 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::Downloading ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.452 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::CheckDownloadStatus ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.452 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State change DownloadFile -> UnpackingFile ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.452 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.452 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: OnFragmentDownloadSucceeded end ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.452 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.452 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: Close handle C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\index-kleaner-2.txt ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.452 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.452 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State change UnpackingFile -> CheckSignature ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.452 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.452 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State change CheckSignature -> CheckFile ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.452 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.452 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.452 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: CheckFileSignature start ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.452 *** Checking KDS signature index-kleaner-2.txt, len: 4148, name signed: yes, use crl: no ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.461 *** KDS check result: 0, result flags: 37 ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.461 *** Overall KDS signature correct ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.461 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.461 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State change CheckFile -> HashAndSignCheck ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.461 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.461 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State change HashAndSignCheck -> Complete ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.461 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: CheckFileSignature end ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.461 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.461 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State change Complete -> Idle ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.461 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::Downloading ***
17132:0454 21:12:44.461 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.461 *** DSKM not found sign ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.461 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/bases/kavkis2021mr3/SAAS/corebases.cab' ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.461 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/bases/kavkis2021mr3/SAAS/corebasesx64.cab' ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.461 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/bases/kavkis2021mr3/SAAS/kdscrl.rdb.z' ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.461 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/bases/kavkis2021mr3/SAAS/ksde_corebases.cab' ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.461 *** DSKM not found sign ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.461 *** InternetCrackUrl failed for url kleaner.cab, err: 12006 ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.462 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/kleaner/interactive2021.2/global/kleaner.cab' ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.463 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb2fcb38: ~DownloaderFile ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.463 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: Close buf  ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.463 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartEvent ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.463 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State change Idle -> Prepare ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.463 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: Close handle C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\kdscrl.rdb.z ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.463 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::DownloadEvent ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.464 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State change Prepare -> UnpackingFile ***
17132:4380 21:12:44.464 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.465 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: Incorrect MD5 value: ccda5cbf524ece33e601ba1d745a1e78, file size: 5223, file: https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/bases/kavkis2021mr3/SAAS/kdscrl.rdb.z ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.465 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: Close handle C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\kdscrl.rdb.z ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.465 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.465 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State change UnpackingFile -> CheckSignature ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.465 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.465 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State change CheckSignature -> CheckFile ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.465 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.465 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State change CheckFile -> ReloadFile ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.465 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: File kdscrl.rdb.z, has hash: 1, is hash valid: 0, has sign: 1, is sign valid: 0 ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.465 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.465 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.465 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: Close handle C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\kdscrl.rdb.z ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.466 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.466 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State change ReloadFile -> Prepare ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.466 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: Close handle C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\kdscrl.rdb.z ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.466 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::DownloadEvent ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.466 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State change Prepare -> DownloadFile ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.466 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.466 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.466 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: StartDownload start ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.466 *** [trash_remover]    Created directory(-ies) C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0 ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.467 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: Open filebuf C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\kdscrl.rdb.z ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.467 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: Failed to open existing file C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\kdscrl.rdb.z, err: 2 ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.467 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: Output to C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\kdscrl.rdb.z ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.467 *** [WinInet] 0xb2fcb38: Downloader created, type 0 ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.468 *** [WinInet] 0xb2fcb38: Downloader set access type, type 0 ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.468 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.468 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.468 *** [WinInet] 0xb2fcb38: event struct DownloaderWinInet::StartLoadingEvent ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.468 *** [WinInet] 0xb2fcb38: State change Idle -> LoadReqInitRoot ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.468 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: StartDownload end ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.468 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:43e0 21:12:44.468 *** [WinInet] 0xb2fcb38: Try get https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/bases/kavkis2021mr3/SAAS/kdscrl.rdb.z ***
17132:43e0 21:12:44.468 *** [WinInet] 0xb2fcb38: event struct DownloaderWinInet::InitRootDone ***
17132:43e0 21:12:44.468 *** [WinInet] 0xb2fcb38: State change LoadReqInitRoot -> OpenUrl ***
17132:43e0 21:12:44.468 *** [TEP]    Posted msg id 1024 to thread 0x438c ***
17132:438c 21:12:44.468 *** [TEP]    StopTimer - not found TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0xb2fcb38 ***
17132:43e0 21:12:44.468 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:43e0 21:12:44.468 *** [WinInet] 0xb2fcb38: Open url flags: 0x84400100 ***
17132:438c 21:12:44.468 *** [TEP]    Created timer TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0xb2fcb38, id: 32629 ***
17132:43e0 21:12:44.501 *** Created handle 0x00CC000C ***
17132:43e0 21:12:44.501 *** [WinInet] 0xb2fcb38: event struct DownloaderWinInet::OpenUrlDone ***
17132:43e0 21:12:44.501 *** [WinInet] 0xb2fcb38: State change OpenUrl -> ResponseStatus ***
17132:43e0 21:12:44.502 *** [TEP]    Posted msg id 1024 to thread 0x438c ***
17132:43e0 21:12:44.502 *** [WinInet] 0xb2fcb38: HTTP response: 200 ***
17132:43e0 21:12:44.502 *** [WinInet] 0xb2fcb38: event struct DownloaderWinInet::QueryStatus ***
17132:438c 21:12:44.502 *** [TEP]    Stopped timer TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0xb2fcb38, id: 32629 ***
17132:43e0 21:12:44.502 *** [WinInet] 0xb2fcb38: State change ResponseStatus -> GetContentLen ***
17132:43e0 21:12:44.502 *** [WinInet] 0xb2fcb38: event struct DownloaderWinInet::GetContentLenDone ***
17132:43e0 21:12:44.502 *** [WinInet] 0xb2fcb38: State change GetContentLen -> ReadFile ***
17132:43e0 21:12:44.502 *** [WinInet] 0xb2fcb38: State change ReadFile -> FileLoaded ***
17132:43e0 21:12:44.502 *** [WinInet] 0xb2fcb38: State change FileLoaded -> Complete ***
17132:43e0 21:12:44.502 *** [WinInet] 0xb2fcb38: Successfully downloaded 5223 bytes per 35431 mks ***
17132:43e0 21:12:44.502 *** [WinInet] 0xb2fcb38: event struct DownloaderWinInet::DownloadStop ***
17132:16b0 21:12:44.502 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:43e0 21:12:44.502 *** [WinInet] 0xb2fcb38: State change Complete -> Idle ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.502 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: SaveBuffer start ***
17132:43e0 21:12:44.502 *** [WinInet] 0xb2fcb38: SignalFinished, addr: b2fcb38, result: 0 ***
17132:16b0 21:12:44.502 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: DownloadBufferEventDone, addr: b2fcb38 ***
17132:43e0 21:12:44.502 *** Closed handle 0x00CC000C ***
17132:43e0 21:12:44.502 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:43e0 21:12:44.502 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:16b0 21:12:44.502 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State machine change an event on struct DownloadBufferEventDone ***
17132:43e0 21:12:44.502 *** [WinInet] 0xb2fcb38: State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
17132:16b0 21:12:44.502 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: Queue buf done OK for dnl: b2fcb38 ***
17132:16b0 21:12:44.502 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.502 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: addr: 0B38B900 downloader, addr: b2fcb38 offset: 0 size: 5223 ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.502 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: SaveBuffer end ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.502 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.503 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: Fragment succeeded, addr: b2fcb38 result: 0 ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.503 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: Erase downloader, addr: b2fcb38 offset: 0 size: 0 ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.503 *** [WinInet] 0xb2fcb38: ~DownloaderWinInet ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.503 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: Download file complete ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.503 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: Open handle C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\kdscrl.rdb.z ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.504 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: Close buf C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\kdscrl.rdb.z ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.504 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::Downloading ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.504 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::CheckDownloadStatus ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.504 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State change DownloadFile -> UnpackingFile ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.504 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.504 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: OnFragmentDownloadSucceeded end ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.504 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.505 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: Close handle C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\kdscrl.rdb.z ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.505 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.505 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State change UnpackingFile -> CheckSignature ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.505 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.505 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.505 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: UnpackAndCheckFile start ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.505 *** Unpack 7zip file: C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\kdscrl.rdb.z ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.507 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: File unpacking failed: extract 7zip file failed (last err: 5) (file: c:\a\c\d_00000000\s\product\kavkis\ppp\install\setup\setup_platform\resource_helpers.cpp, line: 128): �������� � �������.
17132:43d0 21:12:44.507 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::DnlStopped ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.507 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State change CheckSignature -> Complete ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.507 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: UnpackAndCheckFile end ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.507 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.507 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State change Complete -> Idle ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.507 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::Downloading ***
17132:43d0 21:12:44.507 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
17132:4318 21:12:44.507 *** Setup state input, autoUpdMode: 0, downloadedOk: 0, autoUpdIdx: 0, newerOnSrv: 0, localDistr: 0, forceNewVer: 1 ***
17132:4318 21:12:44.507 *** Install scenario output, action: InstallErrorRetry, attach remote distrib: 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:44.507 *** Property InstallError set value -536805323 ***
17132:4318 21:12:44.507 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::CancelEvent ***
17132:4318 21:12:44.583 *** [dfl]    Original file not found: product.msi ***
17132:4318 21:12:44.583 *** Try get application id using:  ***
17132:4318 21:12:44.583 *** Failed to obtain product info, err: 87 ***
17132:4318 21:12:44.583 *** Run page with error code 3758161973 ***
17132:4318 21:12:44.583 *** Property m_errorPageWasAlreadyShownWithError set value -536805323 ***
17132:4318 21:12:44.584 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\install_error_retry_page.html", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:44.588 *** [hdlg_base]    Browser ctrl size, cx:588, cy: 588, zoom: 100x100 ***
17132:4318 21:12:44.588 *** [hdlg_base]    Page filename install_error_retry_page.html ***
17132:42e0 21:12:44.594 *** [hdlg_base]    On before navigate, url: C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\install_error_retry_page.html ***
17132:42e0 21:12:44.698 *** [hdlg_base]    Set hk for 0x438c ***
17132:42e0 21:12:44.699 *** [hdlg_base]    OnDocumentComplete. URL: C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\install_error_retry_page.html ***
17132:42e0 21:12:44.699 *** [hdlg_base]    Set browser optical zoom to 100 ***
17132:4318 21:12:44.699 *** SetForeground ***
17132:42e0 21:12:46.275 *** [hdlg_base]    On before navigate, url: file:///C:/Users/Пользователь/AppData/Local/Temp/E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A/install_error_retry_page.html#Retry ***
17132:4318 21:12:46.276 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\check_new_version.html", was already saved 1 ***
17132:4318 21:12:46.278 *** [hdlg_base]    Browser ctrl size, cx:588, cy: 588, zoom: 100x100 ***
17132:4318 21:12:46.278 *** [hdlg_base]    Page filename check_new_version.html ***
17132:42e0 21:12:46.281 *** [hdlg_base]    On before navigate, url: C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\check_new_version.html ***
17132:42e0 21:12:46.368 *** [hdlg_base]    OnDocumentComplete. URL: C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\check_new_version.html ***
17132:42e0 21:12:46.368 *** [hdlg_base]    Set browser optical zoom to 100 ***
17132:4318 21:12:46.368 *** SetForeground ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.368 *** [DD]    DownloadVersionInfoFiles ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.369 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb38b950: ~DownloaderFile ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.370 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: Close buf  ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.370 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartEvent ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.370 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State change Idle -> Prepare ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.370 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: Close handle C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\index2.txt ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.370 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::DownloadEvent ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.370 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State change Prepare -> DownloadFile ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.370 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.370 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: StartDownload start ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.370 *** [trash_remover]    Created directory(-ies) C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0 ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.370 *** [WinInet] 0xb35d0d8: Downloader created, type 0 ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.371 *** [WinInet] 0xb35d0d8: Downloader set access type, type 0 ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.371 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.371 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.371 *** [WinInet] 0xb35d0d8: event struct DownloaderWinInet::StartLoadingEvent ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.371 *** [WinInet] 0xb35d0d8: State change Idle -> LoadReqInitRoot ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.371 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: StartDownload end ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.371 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:4128 21:12:46.371 *** [WinInet] 0xb35d0d8: Try get https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/ ***
17132:4128 21:12:46.371 *** [WinInet] 0xb35d0d8: event struct DownloaderWinInet::InitRootDone ***
17132:4128 21:12:46.371 *** [WinInet] 0xb35d0d8: State change LoadReqInitRoot -> OpenUrl ***
17132:4128 21:12:46.371 *** [TEP]    Posted msg id 1024 to thread 0x438c ***
17132:438c 21:12:46.371 *** [TEP]    StopTimer - not found TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0xb35d0d8 ***
17132:4128 21:12:46.371 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:4128 21:12:46.371 *** [WinInet] 0xb35d0d8: Open url flags: 0x84400100 ***
17132:438c 21:12:46.371 *** [TEP]    Created timer TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0xb35d0d8, id: 32618 ***
17132:4128 21:12:46.403 *** Created handle 0x00CC000C ***
17132:4128 21:12:46.403 *** [WinInet] 0xb35d0d8: event struct DownloaderWinInet::OpenUrlDone ***
17132:4128 21:12:46.403 *** [WinInet] 0xb35d0d8: State change OpenUrl -> ResponseStatus ***
17132:4128 21:12:46.403 *** [TEP]    Posted msg id 1024 to thread 0x438c ***
17132:438c 21:12:46.403 *** [TEP]    Stopped timer TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0xb35d0d8, id: 32618 ***
17132:4128 21:12:46.403 *** [WinInet] 0xb35d0d8: HTTP response: 200 ***
17132:4128 21:12:46.403 *** [WinInet] 0xb35d0d8: event struct DownloaderWinInet::QueryStatus ***
17132:4128 21:12:46.403 *** [WinInet] 0xb35d0d8: State change ResponseStatus -> GetContentLen ***
17132:4128 21:12:46.403 *** [WinInet] 0xb35d0d8: event struct DownloaderWinInet::GetContentLenDone ***
17132:4128 21:12:46.403 *** [WinInet] 0xb35d0d8: State change GetContentLen -> ReadFile ***
17132:4128 21:12:46.434 *** [WinInet] 0xb35d0d8: State change ReadFile -> FileLoaded ***
17132:16b0 21:12:46.434 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:4128 21:12:46.434 *** [WinInet] 0xb35d0d8: State change FileLoaded -> Complete ***
17132:4128 21:12:46.434 *** [WinInet] 0xb35d0d8: Successfully downloaded 5978 bytes per 64001 mks ***
17132:4128 21:12:46.435 *** [WinInet] 0xb35d0d8: event struct DownloaderWinInet::DownloadStop ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.435 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: SaveBuffer start ***
17132:4128 21:12:46.435 *** [WinInet] 0xb35d0d8: State change Complete -> Idle ***
17132:4128 21:12:46.435 *** [WinInet] 0xb35d0d8: SignalFinished, addr: b35d0d8, result: 0 ***
17132:16b0 21:12:46.435 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: DownloadBufferEventDone, addr: b35d0d8 ***
17132:16b0 21:12:46.435 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloadBufferEventDone ***
17132:4128 21:12:46.435 *** Closed handle 0x00CC000C ***
17132:4128 21:12:46.435 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:4128 21:12:46.435 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:16b0 21:12:46.435 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: Queue buf done OK for dnl: b35d0d8 ***
17132:16b0 21:12:46.435 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.435 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: addr: 063FB9B0 downloader, addr: b35d0d8 offset: 0 size: 5978 ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.435 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: SaveBuffer end ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.435 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:4128 21:12:46.435 *** [WinInet] 0xb35d0d8: State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.435 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: Fragment succeeded, addr: b35d0d8 result: 0 ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.435 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: Erase downloader, addr: b35d0d8 offset: 0 size: 0 ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.435 *** [WinInet] 0xb35d0d8: ~DownloaderWinInet ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.435 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: Download file complete ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.435 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: Close buf C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\index2.txt ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.435 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::Downloading ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.436 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::CheckDownloadStatus ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.436 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State change DownloadFile -> UnpackingFile ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.436 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.436 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: OnFragmentDownloadSucceeded end ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.436 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.436 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: Close handle C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\index2.txt ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.436 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.436 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State change UnpackingFile -> CheckSignature ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.436 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.436 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State change CheckSignature -> CheckFile ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.436 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.436 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.436 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: CheckFileSignature start ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.436 *** Checking KDS signature index2.txt, len: 5978, name signed: yes, use crl: no ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.444 *** KDS check result: 0, result flags: 37 ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.445 *** Overall KDS signature correct ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.445 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.445 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State change CheckFile -> HashAndSignCheck ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.445 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.445 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State change HashAndSignCheck -> Complete ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.445 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: CheckFileSignature end ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.445 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.445 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State change Complete -> Idle ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.445 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::Downloading ***
17132:3cdc 21:12:46.445 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.445 *** DSKM not found sign ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.445 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.445 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.445 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.445 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.445 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.445 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.445 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.445 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.445 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.445 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.445 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.445 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.445 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.445 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.445 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.445 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.446 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.446 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.446 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/bases/kavkis2021mr3/saas/index-bases-x64-2.txt' ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.446 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/kleaner/interactive2021.2/global/index-kleaner-2.txt' ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.447 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: ~DownloaderFile ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.447 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: Close buf  ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.447 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartEvent ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.447 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: State change Idle -> Prepare ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.447 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: Close handle C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\index-bases-x64-2.txt ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.447 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::DownloadEvent ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.447 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: State change Prepare -> DownloadFile ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.447 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.447 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: StartDownload start ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.447 *** [trash_remover]    Created directory(-ies) C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0 ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.448 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e7810: Downloader created, type 0 ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.448 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e7810: Downloader set access type, type 0 ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.448 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.448 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.448 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e7810: event struct DownloaderWinInet::StartLoadingEvent ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.448 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e7810: State change Idle -> LoadReqInitRoot ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.448 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: StartDownload end ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.448 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:0720 21:12:46.448 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e7810: Try get https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/bases/kavkis2021mr3/saas/index-bases-x64-2.txt ***
17132:0720 21:12:46.448 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e7810: event struct DownloaderWinInet::InitRootDone ***
17132:0720 21:12:46.448 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e7810: State change LoadReqInitRoot -> OpenUrl ***
17132:0720 21:12:46.448 *** [TEP]    Posted msg id 1024 to thread 0x438c ***
17132:438c 21:12:46.448 *** [TEP]    StopTimer - not found TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0xb3e7810 ***
17132:0720 21:12:46.448 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:0720 21:12:46.448 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e7810: Open url flags: 0x84400100 ***
17132:438c 21:12:46.448 *** [TEP]    Created timer TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0xb3e7810, id: 32617 ***
17132:0720 21:12:46.480 *** Created handle 0x00CC000C ***
17132:0720 21:12:46.480 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e7810: event struct DownloaderWinInet::OpenUrlDone ***
17132:0720 21:12:46.480 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e7810: State change OpenUrl -> ResponseStatus ***
17132:0720 21:12:46.480 *** [TEP]    Posted msg id 1024 to thread 0x438c ***
17132:0720 21:12:46.480 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e7810: HTTP response: 200 ***
17132:0720 21:12:46.480 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e7810: event struct DownloaderWinInet::QueryStatus ***
17132:438c 21:12:46.480 *** [TEP]    Stopped timer TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0xb3e7810, id: 32617 ***
17132:0720 21:12:46.480 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e7810: State change ResponseStatus -> GetContentLen ***
17132:0720 21:12:46.480 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e7810: event struct DownloaderWinInet::GetContentLenDone ***
17132:0720 21:12:46.480 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e7810: State change GetContentLen -> ReadFile ***
17132:0720 21:12:46.481 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e7810: State change ReadFile -> FileLoaded ***
17132:16b0 21:12:46.481 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:0720 21:12:46.481 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e7810: State change FileLoaded -> Complete ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.481 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: SaveBuffer start ***
17132:0720 21:12:46.481 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e7810: Successfully downloaded 4425 bytes per 34062 mks ***
17132:0720 21:12:46.481 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e7810: event struct DownloaderWinInet::DownloadStop ***
17132:0720 21:12:46.481 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e7810: State change Complete -> Idle ***
17132:0720 21:12:46.481 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e7810: SignalFinished, addr: b3e7810, result: 0 ***
17132:16b0 21:12:46.481 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: DownloadBufferEventDone, addr: b3e7810 ***
17132:16b0 21:12:46.481 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: State machine change an event on struct DownloadBufferEventDone ***
17132:0720 21:12:46.481 *** Closed handle 0x00CC000C ***
17132:0720 21:12:46.481 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:0720 21:12:46.481 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:0720 21:12:46.481 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e7810: State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
17132:16b0 21:12:46.481 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: Queue buf done OK for dnl: b3e7810 ***
17132:16b0 21:12:46.481 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.481 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: addr: 0B3E7308 downloader, addr: b3e7810 offset: 0 size: 4425 ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.481 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: SaveBuffer end ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.481 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.481 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: Fragment succeeded, addr: b3e7810 result: 0 ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.481 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: Erase downloader, addr: b3e7810 offset: 0 size: 0 ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.482 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e7810: ~DownloaderWinInet ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.482 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: Download file complete ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.482 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: Close buf C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\index-bases-x64-2.txt ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.482 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::Downloading ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.482 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::CheckDownloadStatus ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.482 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: State change DownloadFile -> UnpackingFile ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.482 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.482 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: OnFragmentDownloadSucceeded end ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.482 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.482 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: Close handle C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\index-bases-x64-2.txt ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.482 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.482 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: State change UnpackingFile -> CheckSignature ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.482 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.482 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: State change CheckSignature -> CheckFile ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.482 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.482 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.482 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: CheckFileSignature start ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.482 *** Checking KDS signature index-bases-x64-2.txt, len: 4425, name signed: yes, use crl: no ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.491 *** KDS check result: 0, result flags: 37 ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.491 *** Overall KDS signature correct ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.491 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.491 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: State change CheckFile -> HashAndSignCheck ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.491 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.491 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: State change HashAndSignCheck -> Complete ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.491 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: CheckFileSignature end ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.491 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.491 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: State change Complete -> Idle ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.491 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::Downloading ***
17132:2f4c 21:12:46.491 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.491 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb3e7358: ~DownloaderFile ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.491 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: Close buf  ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.491 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartEvent ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.491 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State change Idle -> Prepare ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.491 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: Close handle C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\index-kleaner-2.txt ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.492 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::DownloadEvent ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.492 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State change Prepare -> DownloadFile ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.492 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.492 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: StartDownload start ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.492 *** [trash_remover]    Created directory(-ies) C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0 ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.492 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e5848: Downloader created, type 0 ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.492 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e5848: Downloader set access type, type 0 ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.492 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.492 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.492 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e5848: event struct DownloaderWinInet::StartLoadingEvent ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.492 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e5848: State change Idle -> LoadReqInitRoot ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.492 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: StartDownload end ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.492 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:4144 21:12:46.493 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e5848: Try get https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/kleaner/interactive2021.2/global/index-kleaner-2.txt ***
17132:4144 21:12:46.493 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e5848: event struct DownloaderWinInet::InitRootDone ***
17132:4144 21:12:46.493 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e5848: State change LoadReqInitRoot -> OpenUrl ***
17132:4144 21:12:46.493 *** [TEP]    Posted msg id 1024 to thread 0x438c ***
17132:438c 21:12:46.493 *** [TEP]    StopTimer - not found TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0xb3e5848 ***
17132:4144 21:12:46.493 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:438c 21:12:46.493 *** [TEP]    Created timer TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0xb3e5848, id: 32616 ***
17132:4144 21:12:46.493 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e5848: Open url flags: 0x84400100 ***
17132:4144 21:12:46.530 *** Created handle 0x00CC000C ***
17132:4144 21:12:46.530 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e5848: event struct DownloaderWinInet::OpenUrlDone ***
17132:4144 21:12:46.530 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e5848: State change OpenUrl -> ResponseStatus ***
17132:4144 21:12:46.530 *** [TEP]    Posted msg id 1024 to thread 0x438c ***
17132:438c 21:12:46.530 *** [TEP]    Stopped timer TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0xb3e5848, id: 32616 ***
17132:4144 21:12:46.530 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e5848: HTTP response: 200 ***
17132:4144 21:12:46.530 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e5848: event struct DownloaderWinInet::QueryStatus ***
17132:4144 21:12:46.530 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e5848: State change ResponseStatus -> GetContentLen ***
17132:4144 21:12:46.530 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e5848: event struct DownloaderWinInet::GetContentLenDone ***
17132:4144 21:12:46.530 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e5848: State change GetContentLen -> ReadFile ***
17132:4144 21:12:46.531 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e5848: State change ReadFile -> FileLoaded ***
17132:4144 21:12:46.531 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e5848: State change FileLoaded -> Complete ***
17132:4144 21:12:46.531 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e5848: Successfully downloaded 4148 bytes per 39328 mks ***
17132:4144 21:12:46.531 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e5848: event struct DownloaderWinInet::DownloadStop ***
17132:16b0 21:12:46.531 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:4144 21:12:46.531 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e5848: State change Complete -> Idle ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.531 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: SaveBuffer start ***
17132:4144 21:12:46.531 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e5848: SignalFinished, addr: b3e5848, result: 0 ***
17132:16b0 21:12:46.531 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: DownloadBufferEventDone, addr: b3e5848 ***
17132:4144 21:12:46.531 *** Closed handle 0x00CC000C ***
17132:4144 21:12:46.531 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:4144 21:12:46.531 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:16b0 21:12:46.531 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloadBufferEventDone ***
17132:4144 21:12:46.531 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e5848: State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
17132:16b0 21:12:46.531 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: Queue buf done OK for dnl: b3e5848 ***
17132:16b0 21:12:46.531 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.531 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: addr: 063FB9B0 downloader, addr: b3e5848 offset: 0 size: 4148 ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.531 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: SaveBuffer end ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.531 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.531 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: Fragment succeeded, addr: b3e5848 result: 0 ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.531 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: Erase downloader, addr: b3e5848 offset: 0 size: 0 ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.531 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e5848: ~DownloaderWinInet ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.531 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: Download file complete ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.532 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: Close buf C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\index-kleaner-2.txt ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.532 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::Downloading ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.532 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::CheckDownloadStatus ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.532 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State change DownloadFile -> UnpackingFile ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.532 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.532 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: OnFragmentDownloadSucceeded end ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.532 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.532 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: Close handle C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\index-kleaner-2.txt ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.532 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.532 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State change UnpackingFile -> CheckSignature ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.532 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.532 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State change CheckSignature -> CheckFile ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.532 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.532 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.532 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: CheckFileSignature start ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.532 *** Checking KDS signature index-kleaner-2.txt, len: 4148, name signed: yes, use crl: no ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.540 *** KDS check result: 0, result flags: 37 ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.540 *** Overall KDS signature correct ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.540 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.541 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State change CheckFile -> HashAndSignCheck ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.541 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.541 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State change HashAndSignCheck -> Complete ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.541 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: CheckFileSignature end ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.541 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.541 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State change Complete -> Idle ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.541 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::Downloading ***
17132:0728 21:12:46.541 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.541 *** DSKM not found sign ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.541 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/bases/kavkis2021mr3/SAAS/corebases.cab' ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.541 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/bases/kavkis2021mr3/SAAS/corebasesx64.cab' ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.541 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/bases/kavkis2021mr3/SAAS/kdscrl.rdb.z' ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.541 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/bases/kavkis2021mr3/SAAS/ksde_corebases.cab' ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.541 *** DSKM not found sign ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.541 *** InternetCrackUrl failed for url kleaner.cab, err: 12006 ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.541 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/kleaner/interactive2021.2/global/kleaner.cab' ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.543 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fba00: ~DownloaderFile ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.543 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb401e78: Close buf  ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.543 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb401e78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartEvent ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.543 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb401e78: State change Idle -> Prepare ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.543 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb401e78: Close handle C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\kdscrl.rdb.z ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.543 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb401e78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::DownloadEvent ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.543 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb401e78: State change Prepare -> UnpackingFile ***
17132:3fc8 21:12:46.543 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb401e78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:4148 21:12:46.544 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb401e78: Close handle C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\kdscrl.rdb.z ***
17132:4148 21:12:46.544 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb401e78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:4148 21:12:46.544 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb401e78: State change UnpackingFile -> CheckSignature ***
17132:4148 21:12:46.544 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb401e78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:4148 21:12:46.544 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb401e78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:4148 21:12:46.544 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb401e78: UnpackAndCheckFile start ***
17132:4148 21:12:46.544 *** Unpack 7zip file: C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\kdscrl.rdb.z ***
17132:4148 21:12:46.546 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb401e78: File unpacking failed: extract 7zip file failed (last err: 5) (file: c:\a\c\d_00000000\s\product\kavkis\ppp\install\setup\setup_platform\resource_helpers.cpp, line: 128): �������� � �������.
17132:4148 21:12:46.546 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb401e78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::DnlStopped ***
17132:4148 21:12:46.546 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb401e78: State change CheckSignature -> Complete ***
17132:4148 21:12:46.546 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb401e78: UnpackAndCheckFile end ***
17132:4148 21:12:46.546 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb401e78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:4148 21:12:46.546 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb401e78: State change Complete -> Idle ***
17132:4148 21:12:46.546 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb401e78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::Downloading ***
17132:4148 21:12:46.546 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb401e78: State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
17132:4318 21:12:46.546 *** Setup state input, autoUpdMode: 0, downloadedOk: 0, autoUpdIdx: 0, newerOnSrv: 0, localDistr: 0, forceNewVer: 1 ***
17132:4318 21:12:46.546 *** Install scenario output, action: InstallErrorRetry, attach remote distrib: 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:46.546 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb401e78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::CancelEvent ***
17132:4318 21:12:46.546 *** Run page with error code 3758161973 ***
17132:4318 21:12:46.547 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\install_error_retry_page.html", was already saved 1 ***
17132:4318 21:12:46.547 *** [hdlg_base]    Browser ctrl size, cx:588, cy: 588, zoom: 100x100 ***
17132:4318 21:12:46.548 *** [hdlg_base]    Page filename install_error_retry_page.html ***
17132:42e0 21:12:46.550 *** [hdlg_base]    On before navigate, url: C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\install_error_retry_page.html ***
17132:42e0 21:12:46.639 *** [hdlg_base]    OnDocumentComplete. URL: C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\install_error_retry_page.html ***
17132:42e0 21:12:46.639 *** [hdlg_base]    Set browser optical zoom to 100 ***
17132:4318 21:12:46.639 *** SetForeground ***
17132:42e0 21:12:47.593 *** [hdlg_base]    On before navigate, url: file:///C:/Users/Пользователь/AppData/Local/Temp/E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A/install_error_retry_page.html#Retry ***
17132:4318 21:12:47.594 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\check_new_version.html", was already saved 1 ***
17132:4318 21:12:47.596 *** [hdlg_base]    Browser ctrl size, cx:588, cy: 588, zoom: 100x100 ***
17132:4318 21:12:47.596 *** [hdlg_base]    Page filename check_new_version.html ***
17132:42e0 21:12:47.599 *** [hdlg_base]    On before navigate, url: C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\check_new_version.html ***
17132:42e0 21:12:47.690 *** [hdlg_base]    OnDocumentComplete. URL: C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\check_new_version.html ***
17132:42e0 21:12:47.690 *** [hdlg_base]    Set browser optical zoom to 100 ***
17132:4318 21:12:47.690 *** SetForeground ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.691 *** [DD]    DownloadVersionInfoFiles ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.692 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb401e78: ~DownloaderFile ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.692 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: Close buf  ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.692 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartEvent ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.692 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: State change Idle -> Prepare ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.692 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: Close handle C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\index2.txt ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.692 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::DownloadEvent ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.692 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: State change Prepare -> DownloadFile ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.692 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.692 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: StartDownload start ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.693 *** [trash_remover]    Created directory(-ies) C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0 ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.693 *** [WinInet] 0x63fbb70: Downloader created, type 0 ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.693 *** [WinInet] 0x63fbb70: Downloader set access type, type 0 ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.693 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.693 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.693 *** [WinInet] 0x63fbb70: event struct DownloaderWinInet::StartLoadingEvent ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.693 *** [WinInet] 0x63fbb70: State change Idle -> LoadReqInitRoot ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.693 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: StartDownload end ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.693 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:01f8 21:12:47.693 *** [WinInet] 0x63fbb70: Try get https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/ ***
17132:01f8 21:12:47.693 *** [WinInet] 0x63fbb70: event struct DownloaderWinInet::InitRootDone ***
17132:01f8 21:12:47.693 *** [WinInet] 0x63fbb70: State change LoadReqInitRoot -> OpenUrl ***
17132:01f8 21:12:47.693 *** [TEP]    Posted msg id 1024 to thread 0x438c ***
17132:438c 21:12:47.693 *** [TEP]    StopTimer - not found TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0x63fbb70 ***
17132:01f8 21:12:47.693 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:01f8 21:12:47.693 *** [WinInet] 0x63fbb70: Open url flags: 0x84400100 ***
17132:438c 21:12:47.694 *** [TEP]    Created timer TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0x63fbb70, id: 32607 ***
17132:01f8 21:12:47.725 *** Created handle 0x00CC000C ***
17132:01f8 21:12:47.725 *** [WinInet] 0x63fbb70: event struct DownloaderWinInet::OpenUrlDone ***
17132:01f8 21:12:47.725 *** [WinInet] 0x63fbb70: State change OpenUrl -> ResponseStatus ***
17132:01f8 21:12:47.725 *** [TEP]    Posted msg id 1024 to thread 0x438c ***
17132:438c 21:12:47.726 *** [TEP]    Stopped timer TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0x63fbb70, id: 32607 ***
17132:01f8 21:12:47.726 *** [WinInet] 0x63fbb70: HTTP response: 200 ***
17132:01f8 21:12:47.726 *** [WinInet] 0x63fbb70: event struct DownloaderWinInet::QueryStatus ***
17132:01f8 21:12:47.726 *** [WinInet] 0x63fbb70: State change ResponseStatus -> GetContentLen ***
17132:01f8 21:12:47.726 *** [WinInet] 0x63fbb70: event struct DownloaderWinInet::GetContentLenDone ***
17132:01f8 21:12:47.726 *** [WinInet] 0x63fbb70: State change GetContentLen -> ReadFile ***
17132:01f8 21:12:47.756 *** [WinInet] 0x63fbb70: State change ReadFile -> FileLoaded ***
17132:16b0 21:12:47.756 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:01f8 21:12:47.756 *** [WinInet] 0x63fbb70: State change FileLoaded -> Complete ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.756 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: SaveBuffer start ***
17132:01f8 21:12:47.756 *** [WinInet] 0x63fbb70: Successfully downloaded 5978 bytes per 64308 mks ***
17132:01f8 21:12:47.756 *** [WinInet] 0x63fbb70: event struct DownloaderWinInet::DownloadStop ***
17132:01f8 21:12:47.756 *** [WinInet] 0x63fbb70: State change Complete -> Idle ***
17132:01f8 21:12:47.756 *** [WinInet] 0x63fbb70: SignalFinished, addr: 63fbb70, result: 0 ***
17132:16b0 21:12:47.756 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: DownloadBufferEventDone, addr: 63fbb70 ***
17132:16b0 21:12:47.756 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: State machine change an event on struct DownloadBufferEventDone ***
17132:16b0 21:12:47.756 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: Queue buf done OK for dnl: 63fbb70 ***
17132:16b0 21:12:47.756 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:01f8 21:12:47.757 *** Closed handle 0x00CC000C ***
17132:01f8 21:12:47.757 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:01f8 21:12:47.757 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.757 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: addr: 063FB668 downloader, addr: 63fbb70 offset: 0 size: 5978 ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.757 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: SaveBuffer end ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.757 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:01f8 21:12:47.757 *** [WinInet] 0x63fbb70: State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.757 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: Fragment succeeded, addr: 63fbb70 result: 0 ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.757 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: Erase downloader, addr: 63fbb70 offset: 0 size: 0 ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.757 *** [WinInet] 0x63fbb70: ~DownloaderWinInet ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.757 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: Download file complete ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.757 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: Close buf C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\index2.txt ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.757 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::Downloading ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.757 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::CheckDownloadStatus ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.757 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: State change DownloadFile -> UnpackingFile ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.757 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.757 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: OnFragmentDownloadSucceeded end ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.757 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.757 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: Close handle C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\index2.txt ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.757 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.757 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: State change UnpackingFile -> CheckSignature ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.757 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.757 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: State change CheckSignature -> CheckFile ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.757 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.757 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.757 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: CheckFileSignature start ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.757 *** Checking KDS signature index2.txt, len: 5978, name signed: yes, use crl: no ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.766 *** KDS check result: 0, result flags: 37 ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.766 *** Overall KDS signature correct ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.766 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.766 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: State change CheckFile -> HashAndSignCheck ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.766 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.766 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: State change HashAndSignCheck -> Complete ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.766 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: CheckFileSignature end ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.766 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.766 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: State change Complete -> Idle ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.766 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::Downloading ***
17132:0260 21:12:47.766 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.766 *** DSKM not found sign ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.767 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.767 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.767 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.767 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.767 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.767 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.767 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.767 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.767 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.767 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.767 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.767 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.767 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.767 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.767 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.767 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.767 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.767 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/SAAS/' ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.767 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/bases/kavkis2021mr3/saas/index-bases-x64-2.txt' ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.767 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/kleaner/interactive2021.2/global/index-kleaner-2.txt' ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.768 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x63fb6b8: ~DownloaderFile ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.768 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: Close buf  ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.769 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartEvent ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.769 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State change Idle -> Prepare ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.769 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: Close handle C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\index-bases-x64-2.txt ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.769 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::DownloadEvent ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.769 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State change Prepare -> DownloadFile ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.769 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.769 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: StartDownload start ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.769 *** [trash_remover]    Created directory(-ies) C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0 ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.769 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6880: Downloader created, type 0 ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.769 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6880: Downloader set access type, type 0 ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.769 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.769 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.769 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6880: event struct DownloaderWinInet::StartLoadingEvent ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.770 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6880: State change Idle -> LoadReqInitRoot ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.770 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: StartDownload end ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.770 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:415c 21:12:47.770 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6880: Try get https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/bases/kavkis2021mr3/saas/index-bases-x64-2.txt ***
17132:415c 21:12:47.770 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6880: event struct DownloaderWinInet::InitRootDone ***
17132:415c 21:12:47.770 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6880: State change LoadReqInitRoot -> OpenUrl ***
17132:415c 21:12:47.770 *** [TEP]    Posted msg id 1024 to thread 0x438c ***
17132:438c 21:12:47.770 *** [TEP]    StopTimer - not found TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0xb3e6880 ***
17132:415c 21:12:47.770 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:415c 21:12:47.770 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6880: Open url flags: 0x84400100 ***
17132:438c 21:12:47.770 *** [TEP]    Created timer TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0xb3e6880, id: 32606 ***
17132:415c 21:12:47.801 *** Created handle 0x00CC000C ***
17132:415c 21:12:47.802 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6880: event struct DownloaderWinInet::OpenUrlDone ***
17132:415c 21:12:47.802 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6880: State change OpenUrl -> ResponseStatus ***
17132:415c 21:12:47.802 *** [TEP]    Posted msg id 1024 to thread 0x438c ***
17132:415c 21:12:47.802 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6880: HTTP response: 200 ***
17132:415c 21:12:47.802 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6880: event struct DownloaderWinInet::QueryStatus ***
17132:438c 21:12:47.802 *** [TEP]    Stopped timer TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0xb3e6880, id: 32606 ***
17132:415c 21:12:47.802 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6880: State change ResponseStatus -> GetContentLen ***
17132:415c 21:12:47.802 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6880: event struct DownloaderWinInet::GetContentLenDone ***
17132:415c 21:12:47.802 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6880: State change GetContentLen -> ReadFile ***
17132:415c 21:12:47.802 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6880: State change ReadFile -> FileLoaded ***
17132:16b0 21:12:47.802 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:415c 21:12:47.802 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6880: State change FileLoaded -> Complete ***
17132:415c 21:12:47.802 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6880: Successfully downloaded 4425 bytes per 33781 mks ***
17132:415c 21:12:47.802 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6880: event struct DownloaderWinInet::DownloadStop ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.802 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: SaveBuffer start ***
17132:415c 21:12:47.802 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6880: State change Complete -> Idle ***
17132:415c 21:12:47.802 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6880: SignalFinished, addr: b3e6880, result: 0 ***
17132:16b0 21:12:47.802 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: DownloadBufferEventDone, addr: b3e6880 ***
17132:16b0 21:12:47.802 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State machine change an event on struct DownloadBufferEventDone ***
17132:16b0 21:12:47.802 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: Queue buf done OK for dnl: b3e6880 ***
17132:16b0 21:12:47.802 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:415c 21:12:47.802 *** Closed handle 0x00CC000C ***
17132:415c 21:12:47.803 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:415c 21:12:47.803 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.803 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: addr: 0B402A68 downloader, addr: b3e6880 offset: 0 size: 4425 ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.803 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: SaveBuffer end ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.803 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:415c 21:12:47.803 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6880: State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.803 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: Fragment succeeded, addr: b3e6880 result: 0 ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.803 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: Erase downloader, addr: b3e6880 offset: 0 size: 0 ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.803 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6880: ~DownloaderWinInet ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.803 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: Download file complete ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.803 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: Close buf C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\index-bases-x64-2.txt ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.803 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::Downloading ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.803 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::CheckDownloadStatus ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.803 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State change DownloadFile -> UnpackingFile ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.803 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.803 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: OnFragmentDownloadSucceeded end ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.803 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.803 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: Close handle C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\index-bases-x64-2.txt ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.803 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.803 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State change UnpackingFile -> CheckSignature ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.803 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.803 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State change CheckSignature -> CheckFile ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.803 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.804 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.804 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: CheckFileSignature start ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.804 *** Checking KDS signature index-bases-x64-2.txt, len: 4425, name signed: yes, use crl: no ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.812 *** KDS check result: 0, result flags: 37 ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.812 *** Overall KDS signature correct ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.812 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.812 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State change CheckFile -> HashAndSignCheck ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.812 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.812 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State change HashAndSignCheck -> Complete ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.812 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: CheckFileSignature end ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.812 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.812 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State change Complete -> Idle ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.812 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::Downloading ***
17132:4164 21:12:47.812 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.813 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: ~DownloaderFile ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.813 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: Close buf  ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.813 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartEvent ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.813 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: State change Idle -> Prepare ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.813 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: Close handle C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\index-kleaner-2.txt ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.813 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::DownloadEvent ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.813 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: State change Prepare -> DownloadFile ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.813 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.813 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: StartDownload start ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.814 *** [trash_remover]    Created directory(-ies) C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0 ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.814 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6fc0: Downloader created, type 0 ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.814 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6fc0: Downloader set access type, type 0 ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.814 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.814 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.814 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6fc0: event struct DownloaderWinInet::StartLoadingEvent ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.814 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6fc0: State change Idle -> LoadReqInitRoot ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.814 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: StartDownload end ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.814 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:0628 21:12:47.814 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6fc0: Try get https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/kleaner/interactive2021.2/global/index-kleaner-2.txt ***
17132:0628 21:12:47.814 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6fc0: event struct DownloaderWinInet::InitRootDone ***
17132:0628 21:12:47.814 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6fc0: State change LoadReqInitRoot -> OpenUrl ***
17132:0628 21:12:47.814 *** [TEP]    Posted msg id 1024 to thread 0x438c ***
17132:438c 21:12:47.814 *** [TEP]    StopTimer - not found TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0xb3e6fc0 ***
17132:438c 21:12:47.815 *** [TEP]    Created timer TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0xb3e6fc0, id: 32605 ***
17132:0628 21:12:47.815 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:0628 21:12:47.815 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6fc0: Open url flags: 0x84400100 ***
17132:0628 21:12:47.846 *** Created handle 0x00CC000C ***
17132:0628 21:12:47.846 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6fc0: event struct DownloaderWinInet::OpenUrlDone ***
17132:0628 21:12:47.846 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6fc0: State change OpenUrl -> ResponseStatus ***
17132:0628 21:12:47.846 *** [TEP]    Posted msg id 1024 to thread 0x438c ***
17132:438c 21:12:47.846 *** [TEP]    Stopped timer TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0xb3e6fc0, id: 32605 ***
17132:0628 21:12:47.846 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6fc0: HTTP response: 200 ***
17132:0628 21:12:47.846 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6fc0: event struct DownloaderWinInet::QueryStatus ***
17132:0628 21:12:47.846 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6fc0: State change ResponseStatus -> GetContentLen ***
17132:0628 21:12:47.846 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6fc0: event struct DownloaderWinInet::GetContentLenDone ***
17132:0628 21:12:47.846 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6fc0: State change GetContentLen -> ReadFile ***
17132:0628 21:12:47.846 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6fc0: State change ReadFile -> FileLoaded ***
17132:16b0 21:12:47.847 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:0628 21:12:47.847 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6fc0: State change FileLoaded -> Complete ***
17132:0628 21:12:47.847 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6fc0: Successfully downloaded 4148 bytes per 33586 mks ***
17132:0628 21:12:47.847 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6fc0: event struct DownloaderWinInet::DownloadStop ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.847 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: SaveBuffer start ***
17132:0628 21:12:47.847 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6fc0: State change Complete -> Idle ***
17132:0628 21:12:47.847 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6fc0: SignalFinished, addr: b3e6fc0, result: 0 ***
17132:16b0 21:12:47.847 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: DownloadBufferEventDone, addr: b3e6fc0 ***
17132:16b0 21:12:47.847 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: State machine change an event on struct DownloadBufferEventDone ***
17132:0628 21:12:47.847 *** Closed handle 0x00CC000C ***
17132:16b0 21:12:47.847 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: Queue buf done OK for dnl: b3e6fc0 ***
17132:16b0 21:12:47.847 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:0628 21:12:47.847 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:0628 21:12:47.847 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.847 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: addr: 0B405D78 downloader, addr: b3e6fc0 offset: 0 size: 4148 ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.847 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: SaveBuffer end ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.847 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:0628 21:12:47.847 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6fc0: State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.847 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: Fragment succeeded, addr: b3e6fc0 result: 0 ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.847 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: Erase downloader, addr: b3e6fc0 offset: 0 size: 0 ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.847 *** [WinInet] 0xb3e6fc0: ~DownloaderWinInet ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.847 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: Download file complete ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.848 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: Close buf C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\index-kleaner-2.txt ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.848 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::Downloading ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.848 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::CheckDownloadStatus ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.848 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: State change DownloadFile -> UnpackingFile ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.848 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.848 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: OnFragmentDownloadSucceeded end ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.848 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.848 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: Close handle C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\index-kleaner-2.txt ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.848 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.848 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: State change UnpackingFile -> CheckSignature ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.848 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.848 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: State change CheckSignature -> CheckFile ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.848 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.848 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.848 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: CheckFileSignature start ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.848 *** Checking KDS signature index-kleaner-2.txt, len: 4148, name signed: yes, use crl: no ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.856 *** KDS check result: 0, result flags: 37 ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.856 *** Overall KDS signature correct ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.856 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.856 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: State change CheckFile -> HashAndSignCheck ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.857 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.857 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: State change HashAndSignCheck -> Complete ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.857 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: CheckFileSignature end ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.857 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.857 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: State change Complete -> Idle ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.857 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::Downloading ***
17132:4168 21:12:47.857 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.857 *** DSKM not found sign ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.857 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/bases/kavkis2021mr3/SAAS/corebases.cab' ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.857 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/bases/kavkis2021mr3/SAAS/corebasesx64.cab' ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.857 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/bases/kavkis2021mr3/SAAS/kdscrl.rdb.z' ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.857 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/bases/kavkis2021mr3/SAAS/ksde_corebases.cab' ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.857 *** DSKM not found sign ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.857 *** InternetCrackUrl failed for url kleaner.cab, err: 12006 ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.857 *** Added to index: 'https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/kleaner/interactive2021.2/global/kleaner.cab' ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.859 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb405dc8: ~DownloaderFile ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.859 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: Close buf  ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.859 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartEvent ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.859 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State change Idle -> Prepare ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.859 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: Close handle C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\kdscrl.rdb.z ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.859 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::DownloadEvent ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.859 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State change Prepare -> UnpackingFile ***
17132:045c 21:12:47.859 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:0830 21:12:47.860 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: Close handle C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\kdscrl.rdb.z ***
17132:0830 21:12:47.860 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
17132:0830 21:12:47.860 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State change UnpackingFile -> CheckSignature ***
17132:0830 21:12:47.860 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
17132:0830 21:12:47.860 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:0830 21:12:47.860 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: UnpackAndCheckFile start ***
17132:0830 21:12:47.860 *** Unpack 7zip file: C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\SAAS21.3.10.391.0.2.0\kdscrl.rdb.z ***
17132:0830 21:12:47.862 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: File unpacking failed: extract 7zip file failed (last err: 5) (file: c:\a\c\d_00000000\s\product\kavkis\ppp\install\setup\setup_platform\resource_helpers.cpp, line: 128): �������� � �������.
17132:0830 21:12:47.862 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::DnlStopped ***
17132:0830 21:12:47.862 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State change CheckSignature -> Complete ***
17132:0830 21:12:47.862 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: UnpackAndCheckFile end ***
17132:0830 21:12:47.862 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
17132:0830 21:12:47.862 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State change Complete -> Idle ***
17132:0830 21:12:47.862 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::Downloading ***
17132:0830 21:12:47.862 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
17132:4318 21:12:47.862 *** Setup state input, autoUpdMode: 0, downloadedOk: 0, autoUpdIdx: 0, newerOnSrv: 0, localDistr: 0, forceNewVer: 1 ***
17132:4318 21:12:47.862 *** Install scenario output, action: InstallErrorRetry, attach remote distrib: 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:47.862 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::CancelEvent ***
17132:4318 21:12:47.862 *** Run page with error code 3758161973 ***
17132:4318 21:12:47.863 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\install_error_retry_page.html", was already saved 1 ***
17132:4318 21:12:47.863 *** [hdlg_base]    Browser ctrl size, cx:588, cy: 588, zoom: 100x100 ***
17132:4318 21:12:47.863 *** [hdlg_base]    Page filename install_error_retry_page.html ***
17132:42e0 21:12:47.866 *** [hdlg_base]    On before navigate, url: C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\install_error_retry_page.html ***
17132:42e0 21:12:47.949 *** [hdlg_base]    OnDocumentComplete. URL: C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\install_error_retry_page.html ***
17132:42e0 21:12:47.949 *** [hdlg_base]    Set browser optical zoom to 100 ***
17132:4318 21:12:47.949 *** SetForeground ***
17132:42e0 21:12:48.823 *** [hdlg_base]    HtmlDialogBase::OnCancel ***
17132:4318 21:12:48.823 *** Property SequenceState set value 18 ***
17132:4318 21:12:48.824 *** Property HasBackPage set value 1 ***
17132:4318 21:12:48.824 *** Show error logic state input, wasErrShown: 1, ruleShowErr: 1, ruleShowLogs: 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:48.824 *** Show error logic scenario output, showErr: 1 ***
17132:4318 21:12:48.824 *** Run page with error code 3758161973 ***
17132:4318 21:12:48.825 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path "C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\install_error_exit_page.html", was already saved 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:48.826 *** [hdlg_base]    Browser ctrl size, cx:588, cy: 588, zoom: 100x100 ***
17132:4318 21:12:48.826 *** [hdlg_base]    Page filename install_error_exit_page.html ***
17132:42e0 21:12:48.829 *** [hdlg_base]    On before navigate, url: C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\install_error_exit_page.html ***
17132:42e0 21:12:48.918 *** [hdlg_base]    OnDocumentComplete. URL: C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local\Temp\E6A9B53C-7BDA-11ED-898D-4CCC6AF87F5A\install_error_exit_page.html ***
17132:42e0 21:12:48.918 *** [hdlg_base]    Set browser optical zoom to 100 ***
17132:4318 21:12:48.918 *** SetForeground ***
17132:42e0 21:12:50.435 *** [hdlg_base]    HtmlDialogBase::OnCancel ***
17132:4318 21:12:50.435 *** Property PCID set value {253A6DEC-2CA2-4E99-AC13-565A26659AE8} ***
17132:4318 21:12:50.435 *** Ksn stat. install mode: 1, err cat: 9, err code: 3758161973, product type:81, version:, machineId: {FFFFF368-B9D1-F5D7-864F-23DA788134D3}, inst id: 50B23BD4-C713-55D7-C27A-76286A35D1D7, inst duration: 0, inst flags: 0, bundle product type: 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:50.435 *** Err code hex: 0xe0010035 ***
17132:4318 21:12:50.435 *** Should check status: 1 ***
17132:4318 21:12:50.435 *** Is RDP accepted: 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:50.435 *** PCID: {253A6DEC-2CA2-4E99-AC13-565A26659AE8} ***
17132:4318 21:12:50.436 *** Skipped bundle install for ksn product type 76 ***
17132:4318 21:12:50.438 *** Delete scheduled task 'Kaspersky_Product_Update_{20C91119-626A-4305-906C-90F5A4B77B67}_SAAS', res: -2147024894 ***
17132:4318 21:12:50.439 *** Property SequenceState set value 20 ***
17132:4318 21:12:50.519 *** [dfl]    Original file not found: product.msi ***
17132:4318 21:12:50.519 *** Try get application id using:  ***
17132:4318 21:12:50.519 *** Failed to obtain product info, err: 87 ***
17132:4318 21:12:50.519 *** Ksn stat. install mode: 1, err cat: 9, err code: 3758161973, product type:81, version:, machineId: {FFFFF368-B9D1-F5D7-864F-23DA788134D3}, inst id: 50B23BD4-C713-55D7-C27A-76286A35D1D7, inst duration: 0, inst flags: 0, bundle product type: 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:50.519 *** Err code hex: 0xe0010035 ***
17132:4318 21:12:50.519 *** Should check status: 1 ***
17132:4318 21:12:50.519 *** Is RDP accepted: 0 ***
17132:4318 21:12:50.519 *** PCID: {253A6DEC-2CA2-4E99-AC13-565A26659AE8} ***
17132:4318 21:12:50.519 *** Skipped bundle install for ksn product type 76 ***
17132:4318 21:12:50.519 *** [main_dlg]    Cancel end session delay ***
17132:4318 21:12:50.519 *** Install result key not defined ***
17132:4318 21:12:50.519 *** [trash_remover]    RemoveAll started from [TrashFilesRemoveAlways] ***
17132:4318 21:12:50.519 *** Start OM shutdown ***
17132:3b7c 21:12:50.520 *** [TEP]    Posted msg id 18 to thread 0x438c ***
17132:438c 21:12:50.520 *** [TEP]    Exit thread 0x438c ***
17132:3b7c 21:12:50.520 *** [LogReporter]    State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
17132:3b7c 21:12:50.520 *** [stat_sender]    State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
17132:3b7c 21:12:50.520 *** [stat_sender]    State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
17132:3b7c 21:12:50.521 *** [stat_sender]    State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
17132:3b7c 21:12:50.521 *** [stat_sender]    State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
17132:4318 21:12:50.522 *** OM shutdown finished ***
17132:3c10 21:12:50.522 *** [i_lock]    Add request for Unlock, id 3c10 ***
17132:3c10 21:12:50.523 *** [i_lock]    Request complete with result Success, id 3c10 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:50.551 *** ~BrowserControlSiteStub ***
17132:42e0 21:12:50.552 *** IE options override key removed ***
17132:4354 21:12:50.577 *** [main_dlg]    ShowWindowWatchProc: stopping watch due to dialog destroying ***
17132:42e0 21:12:50.578 *** Closed handle 0x00CC0004 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:50.578 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
17132:42e0 21:12:50.578 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::CancelEvent ***
17132:42e0 21:12:50.578 *** [DownloaderFile] 0xb402ab8: ~DownloaderFile ***



У вас там хвосты от нескольких антивирусов.

Причем от Kасперского еще и Kaspersky Antivirus.

Я бы рекомендовал обратиться в раздел "Помощь в удалении вирусов" клуба Лаборатории Касперского (потребуется отдельная регистрация), выполнив порядок оформления запроса о помощи.

Дело не в том, что у вас могут быть вирусы (хотя тоже проверить не помешает). Там могут почистить вам систему и восстановить права на нужные папки при необходимости.

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