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Posts posted by YMi

  1. Hi All

    I am really struggling to fix the issue that I am facing and I am unable to get any information for my issue on the internet. To further discuss my problem, I have a CLOSED network that does not connect to the internet. I usually download updates using the Kaspersky Update Utility and then manually copy the updates on a local folder in C driver and then distribute them to all my clients using the KSC update task. I had installed Kaspersky 10 about 3 years ago and everything was working fine up until a few months ago. Whenever I tried to copy the updates to my administrative server I would get some errors "Failed to translate the component KDBD" etc, there were many components that failed and the Task "Download updates to the administrative server repository" passed but the message was not all components have been updated or if I tried again I would get a message Update task has completed. A file necessary for the database update is missing from the update source". Hence I decided, that it was time to upgrade to KSC 14. I updated it and to my utter dismay I was receiving the same issue. So then I tried to troubleshoot myself by the following means;

    1) I downloaded updates using update utility 3.0 and then tried 4.0

    2) I downloaded updates from two different computers on two different networks thinking that my corporate network must be blocking something.

    3) I raised a ticket with my Kaspersky Company Account and they said to check the option "Download updates using old schema". That did not work too. They requested logs which my corporate policy does not allow me to share, hence I was back to troubleshooting on my own.

    4) I decided to completely uninstall KSC and the SQL database and do a fresh install but not on the live server. I took a copy of my Kaspersky server and deployed it on my test network.

    5) I removed KSC on my test environment and reinstalled it, downloaded the updates and it worked. I was momentarily happy until I tried to replicate what I did on my test network to my live network. For some reason the live network does not like me and decided to throw the same translate error again. This the time I started pulling my hair out because now I have a broken KSC with all my settings lost (obviously I had a backup but the backup is useless as it fails to translate for some reason.

    6) Then I decided to delete some items from Program data on my test environment, that experiment failed too.

    7) The I said to myself, let me try it again as it worked on the test environment why are the same steps on working on the live environment. Different day same result, even worse, now when I copy updates to my C drive it gives me file download error. I am doing the exact same thing that I have been doing for 3 years. I copy the updates from my internet machine and paste it in a shares folder on C drive and then use the task download updates to the repository but now I can do even that. At this time I was becoming partially bald with all my hair pulled out.

    8. I read a similar discussion on this forum and tried the steps mention here but that too did not work.

    9) Then I decided may be my Update Utility is Broken so I deleted it and then downloaded a fresh copy of it. Now the problem is that its not creating a updates folder and no updates are downloading.

    10) I have tried pretty much everything but Kaspersky is not working, I need some assistance. I hope there is a solution to this because I am not the only one facing this. 

    I have spent a month on this and its getting really annoying. The versions that I am currently using are KSC : and Kaspersky Endpoint Security :

    Kind Regards





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