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  1. Thank you for your complete answer, I need some time to gather all the info you're asking. I will post ASAP.
  2. Additional information: KSK Latest (updated) version (parent PC : Windows 10 64bits) Opera GX browser is installed on child's PC with Windows 11 home edition WeChat is installed on child's Android Phone Redmi Note 12 (Android 12, MIUI 14)
  3. Hello, KSK seems to work, but my son can access many websites using an Opera based browser: Opera GX (designed for games). I do not see any log on internet history concerning this browser in the report page of internet/application activities. So I guess it does not work properly. Could you check on your side? Same with another app: WeChat (especially on smartphones), is the extremely popular alternative of WhatsApp, used by everyone in China: it can also work like a browser (since you can search the web, open links, etc.), but KSK does not seem to detect any activity of WeChat when it is used like a browser. Maybe the ports used are not standard? Could you do some verification? For me it's a big flaw, I'd like KSK to monitor properly those apps. Thank you!
  4. Yes, I have a premium license, I’ve already contacted the support but I am afraid the response will be slow. So I am trying to see how other users had the same issue and how they solved it. Thank you again.
  5. Hello and thank you for your quick answer! Sorry I am not sure to understand your question: the parent profile? Do you mean KSK parent profile? I am using my Desktop PC to monitor kid devices (computer and android phone), so on the android phone I did only set a child profile and next I’ve modified settings through my Destkop PC & My Kaspersky. I’ve never opened the parent profile on the android phone.
  6. Hello, I’ve just installed Kaspersky Safe Kids on my son's phone (Huawei Enjoy 7s, EMUI version 5.1.3, based on Android 7). When pressing the square icon at the bottom of the screen to close/clean all opened apps and free up space (by pressing the bin icon), all background applications on the phone are automatically closed INCLUDING Kaspersky Safe Kids which is then fully disabled. How can I prevent KSK from being closed so easily by a child? Thank you for your help!
  7. Thank you for your quick reply. I was not expecting an answer so quickly so I’ve tried this: disassociated the windows account with KSK, and re-associated it (fortunately, previous settings were saved and I did not needed to re-configure everything). And it seems to work again. But something was clearly “broken”. Time schedule & limits were not working properly, but were working till now. Next, internet filter had also stopped working (it was not detecting my son account anymore and was no more reporting visited websites). I will check if this happen again and will update this post if needed. Thank you!
  8. I would like to submit 2 suggestions for KSK: First: Could you improve the time limits & schedules settings? I would like to block the computer during the night, and allow kids to play no more than 2 hours during day time. There is no way to use such settings. Second: Could you add an command to immediately block the computer for a certain time without changing the whole schedule? For example, if I’d like to force the PC to shut down and block immediately the computer until next day, without changing the general time schedule. Thank you!
  9. Hello, On my son’s computer are set two windows accounts, one for playing, one for homework. The play account is set properly: 2 hours a day, and it’s working The homework account is set to block computer from 00:00 to 09:00 and 21:00 to 24:00. But it is not working at all. My son can use this account after 21:00. I’ve tried to reset the settings and set again everything, now there is no limit at all for this account… Why?
  10. Hi @FLOOD Thank you for testing! I am using Yandex Browser and it seems to work well, no problem. Concerning CleanBrowsing, it’s basic feature is to change the computer DNS, using a filtering adult content DNS, quite effective, since it can also filter Youtube content (without blocking totally Youtube). For now my kids are not aware of DNS settings, so I do not have this problem. Next, a normal user account (with no admin rights) should not be able to edit DNS settings, so it should be ok. CleanBrowsing has also a free app that allows to check/enable/disable CleanBrowsing DNS settings (with admin rights). My question was: what happens if I use CleanBrowsing with Kaspersky Safe Kids? Do I get the benefit from both filtering system? Or does KSK uses its own DNS? Thank you!
  11. Hi Flood and thank you for taking time to answer all these questions! Regarding VPN/Proxy, which browser are your children using? Mostly Yandex Browser. Please note that Yandex has a “protect” function that can use its own DNS settings (for example: Yandex DNS, AdGuard DNS, etc.). If Yandex is not recommended for Safe Kids I may change and use another browser for kids. Regarding cleanbrowsing DNS, I’ll update you. Many thanks!
  12. Hello, Does Safe Kids allow me to take real time screenshots of my kids computer to monitor his activity? How? If so, can I get screenshots from MyKaspersky Safe Kids setting webpage? Thank you!
  13. Hello, I am a new user. I wonder if it’s possible to use Safe Kids with a custom DNS like cleanbrowsing DNS service? Or it may conflict? Next, if my kids use VPN or Proxy within their browser, will Sake Kids will be able to filter adult content? A last question not fully related: my antivirus is Eset Internet Security, I got a warning when I installed Safe Kids that my Eset software was not compatible with Kaspersky products, but I do not see any issue for now… What may cause issues with Eset & Safe Kids? Thank you.
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