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Tony K

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  1. Quite disgusting... but o well, nothing much I can do at this point. HAHAHA... O well, I am switching to another anti-virus after a year. I only chosed kaspersky as I am so used to it but... I guess its time to try something new ?
  2. @Flood and Flood's wife After purchasing, then finally able to see the conditions... wow I just checked it for 10 devices subscription - Kaspersky plus - 10 devices VPN - 1 user, 10 devices password manager - 5 users That is quite interesting and confusing design of product... Anyway, I didn't have much to do this morning, so I am loding a complaint to nsw fair trading so kaspersky may change things a bit. I don't know if fair trading is gonna react on this complaint but o well... hahaha
  3. Hey @Flood and Flood's wife 1&2 - Yes I had been using kaspersky since there even was a subscription thing. The last purchased one was 3 year subscription and I think it was kaspersky total security. It expired about 2 weeks ago. 3. yep, I wrote last post. I accidently click submit before finishing my post, and it didn't let me edit so I had to add another post below. So 5 user accounts does work for Kaspersky plus BUT only 1 main account gets unlimited vpn. according to him, 10+ devices can have unlimited vpn if its under 1 account - which sounds wrong but he said it.
  4. continued... It is still 10 (or more according to the customer service) that you can use the vpn as long as it is under the owner account - not sure why they stated "5 user accounts" 2. "5 user accounts and 10 devices" do get the kaspersky plus - just not the unlimtied vpn According to customer service, Kaspersky plus subscription is NOT Kaspersky plus + kaspersky vpn + kaspersky password manager. Its Kaspersky Plus only for 5 accounts + 1 account gets Kaspersky plus + vpn + password manager TBH, I haven't confiremd if shared account can use password manager. So for the conclusion, - Just use 1 account to share the purchase. And If Kaspersky team is reading this - MAKE IT YOUR WORD RIGHT ON OUR F- WEBSITE. Truthly, if you actually designed your plan like this, this is quite stupid. Just don't even let it be 5 account from the first place, or let all get what they should get. + EDUCATE CUSTOMER SERVICE, I shouldn't have wasted 3+ days to notify only the "owener account" gets the unlimited vpn.
  5. Okay, another about 2 hours chat with customer service, I just found out kaspersky customer service dropped down by far... They just don't know their services well enough. Also doesn't really hear from customer(my) side. Anyway, finally, the guy I talked at last ( I think I was with about 5 different guys ...) listend after long chat... So here are the findings 1. ONLY THE OWNER ACCOUNT(Account that purchased subscription) GETS UNLIMITED VPN
  6. Hey,@Flood and Flood's wife After reading your post, I have continued communication with the support. I have sent them whatever they have requested (Which I still don't get it why they need that) And I finally got a reply saying... Dear customer, Greetings! Thank you for your response. I hope you're doing well. Looking at the screenshot and your My Kaspersky account, we see that the Kaspersky Security & VPN app is activated. Therefore, if there's no further inquiry/issue you need our help with, we would like to seek your permission to close this case kindly. Don't hesitate to contact us for any assistance. Ali || Customer Service Representative WHAT A JOKE. Nothing solved. Still has only the limited vpn... Been long time kaspersky user, but thinking about requesting refund at the moment.
  7. !!! I just realised that my shared account shows my supscription is "Kaspersky Security Cloud personal-premium" But the owner account shows kaspersky plus. Would this be the issue? If so, it this meant to be or something went wrong?
  8. FYI, I have read similar topics below. Differences are - 1. I have purchased Kaspersky Plus - not the other version. 2. The owner account has access to unlimited vpn. 3. I don't see anywhere shared account gets limited vpn.
  9. Hey guys, I just got the plus today for my family, and having some issues with using vpn. So the main account - it gets unlimited vpn. But when it comes to other account using shared subscritipn, it only gives 300mb per day. I was live chat with customer help, but it seems they are not aware what the problem is. They asked me to download debug version and AIDA64 and send the report, but I don't think its gonna fix the "account subscription" issue with whateva data they could get from it. So has anyone else had the same/similar issue and solved it?
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