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  1. Hi, I just downloaded and am trying out NordVPN and like everyone in the past I keep getting the popup to approve the new networks added. After a little digging it turns out that NordVPN deletes and creates a new network each time it is started and that is why it is asking to approve a new network because well there is a new network that was created by NordVPN. Now this only happens when you use NordLynx Tunnel and not OpenVPN. OpenVPN has much slower speeds when connected but it solves the issue. Anyway so for once I understand why Kaspersky acts the way it does and may help others with the same question. Would be nice to have an wilcard exclusion for new networks created by NordVPN though, HINT, HINT Kaspersky.
  2. Windows Certificate Store and No on Firefox Master Password If you delete the content of kl_prefs_62fbb8f7_c917_4cf7_957a_aad2b8fa768c.js and then change the attribute to read only so Kaspersky will not write back to it the issue is fixed. Kaspersky locks the lockPref("security.enterprise_roots.enabled", true); in about:config so Firefox is not able to change it to address the issue. Oh I should add that this applies to when you have a https site as your home page so the first loaded would be https and then after you wait anywhere from 30-45 seconds to load anything after that will load normally.
  3. Firefox may display a TLS connection error when your antivirus software prevents data from being sent to your browser. This happens when your antivirus software fails to register itself with Firefox as a valid issuer of TLS certificates.
  4. I updated to Firefox 70.0 and since the update on initial load FF 70.0 will hang for 30-44 seconds and then operate as normal. Had to change lockPref("security.enterprise_roots.enabled", true); to lockPref("security.enterprise_roots.enabled", false); in file kl_config_62fbb8f7_c917_4cf7_957a_aad2b8fa768c.cfg. Is Kapsersky even aware this is an issue?
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