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  1. Many thanks for your detailed answer - wow! I normally use Google Chrome; the new laptop has Microsoft Bing. Everything working fine accessing the meetings I have set up on my old laptop. No reports in Kaspersky on new one. What happened was, I tried to access the meeting I have set up as a test on the new laptop. A kaspersky box flashed up about blocking ????? - I pressed it too quickly. So, from here. when I, as per normal, pressed start meeting in Zoom, the meeting will not start on my new laptop - it will on my old one! I am using a different Kaspersky activation code and account on my new laptop. Any inspiration? I did wonder about linking it to my old activation code in Kaspersky as I have a couple of spare licenses..to see if that would resolve the problem. It was a pop up window in kaspersky that was the problem.
  2. Help please! I'm an online trainer using Zoom (note a user not a tech guru!). I set up my new laptop today with Windows 11. I use Zoom via zoom.us login as the host. I added the new computer to Kaspersky Plus, went into Zoom us. and clicked on a Kaspersky "alert box" that has basically now stopped me being able to open my own meeting. I have gone into Kaspersky-security-intrusion prevention...can't see Zoom there. Waaah. What to do???
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