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Thiago Borja

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  1. Em Português Utilizo o Kaspersky total security para uso pessoal e empresarial (tenho uma pequena empresa com um sócio). Vi um post onde indicaram a adição da 2FA para o kaspersky, fiz as devidas configurações via autenthicator,etc. Mas dps eu percebi que essa configuração seria apenas para acessar a conta do my.kaspersky O que realmente estava querendo era uma autenticação de 2 fatores para a senha mestra do cofre. Existe essa possibilidade? É um pouco contraditório ter tantas formas de proteção de senha e na senha principal que dá acessos a todas as outras não existir 2FA. In English I use Kaspersky total security for personal and business use (I have a small company with a partner). I saw a post where they indicated the addition of 2FA to kaspersky, I made the necessary settings via autenthicator, etc. But then I realized that this setting would only be to access my.kaspersky account What I was really looking for was 2-factor authentication for the vault master password. Is there such a possibility? It's a bit contradictory to have so many forms of password protection and the main password that gives access to all the others that there is no 2FA.
  2. Hey guys, I noticed that when I have total security activated, in some moments (I haven't noticed a pattern yet) when I'm going to write, the writing of the characters hangs. Usually I click on a field to write something, I start typing and it is stuck, the letters do not appear, after a few seconds what I wrote appears. I did the test with the antivirus on and off, this only happens when it is on. I currently use the browsed microsoft edge Version 85.0.564.63 (Official build) (64 bits) How do I solve this problem?
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