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  1. Hello Flood, Regarding item 1 and 2 from your message: Yes, I know they are from KAV, that's why I'm asking if there's an issue, it's odd to see the program logging itself where normally the malware would show up. But if I understand correctly it is normal for Kaspersky to log normal function of the application AND also any threat alerts and warnings in the same log? If that's the case, duly noted. I guess as long as I don't see the Result column saying "Blocked" then everything is OK. Regarding the Kaspersky VPN, that was my mistake. I removed the picture I was referring to. Below is the picture: You said "Are you having actual problems". Well, I thought I was when I saw the File Anti-Virus and Web Anti-Virus were reporting KAV files. I thought those were "actual problems" hence my post. To sum it up, KAV normally logs normal function of the application in the same area where a virus or malware would be reported, correct? Thank you for you the quick response by the way.
  2. Fresh install of Kaspersky Antivirus, and when I look at the report section Kaspersky files are marked as medium importance (yellow triangle). The one below seems to be the Kaspersky VPN installer. Could this prevent the Kaspersky from working properly?
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