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  1. Thankyou Flood and Flood's wife for such a detailed response. I shall check through all of your advice for settings etc to make sure that I have got them right before travelling. However I am still uncertain about changing my passwords to high security ones that I cannot remember because I fear that installing KPM on a borrowed laptop would be out of the question. I cannot believe that the staff at an airline or hotel counter having a laptop available that would allow that to happen. We are all being bombarded with information about online security from government, banks etc etc advising us about secure and unique passwords but I am not seeing solutions developed that really offer practical solutions.
  2. I am reluctant to change my passwords for banking and booking sites from low security ones that I can remember to high security ones generated by Kasperski that are impossible to remember. If my only device (smartphone) get lost, stolen or broken whilst travelling how am I suppose to get money transferred or book flights, hotels, hire cars, etc? just can't wrap my head around how to deal with this situation. Has anyone else thought this one through? I would be interested to know if you have a solution.
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