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Posts posted by soupmedia

  1. Thanks Flood. Are you an official Kaspersky rep? You seem to be the only person actively monitoring these forums.

    In answer to your questions:

    1. In the android app there is a checkbox under Settings to disable parent advice but this only affects the android app. Parental advice still shows on the website.
    1. Re: Support. I purchased the premium version of Safe Kids after being impressed with the initial install. It is only after actually using it for a couple of weeks that the shortcomings are evident. Requests formally in hand by KSK devs for 603 days? Really? As a software developer this seems outrageous.
    2. The notifications for kids going over time are scoming through on the android app, they send a request to extend time which shows up in my.kaspersky.com but the android app reports No Child Requests. Clearly broken.

    Kids devices are all WIn 10, android device is a Nokia 7.1 with the latest android release.

    I want to like this solution but as stated before, it seems half baked. It is clear that the UX testing is insufficient. Having to click through multiple slow loading screens to get to settings, then having to click settings again on individual devices is frustrating for what should be simple, everyday actions.

    What makes is more frustrating is that some of these things are simple UX fixes. For a product that has been in the market for this long, I expected better.  

  2. Is there a way to instantly block access to a device even when a kid has screen time left? Also, surely there is some way to disable the “advice” from parenting experts. I can do it in the mobile app, but not on my.kaspersky.com.

    We got off to a great start with this but scratch below the surface and it seems half baked and buggy with notifications working but not child requests in the mobile app, multiple clicks through slow, cumbersome menus to get to the most often used functions, and no way to track screen time across multiple devices.  Searching the forums it seems that there is no real support either, just well meaning customers trying to figure things out on their own. Disappointing.

  3. I’m getting the same behaviour on the android app. My kids ask for extra time and the requests can only be actioned by logging in to the website.


    The android app reports no child requests even after quitting/restarting and/or refreshing. Other notifications (device blocked etc.) are coming through just fine. 

    Not a dealbreaker, but a pain to have to go to a pc and log in to allow for extra time.


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