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  1. Hi @Flood and Flood's wife. I am sorry about this, I really thought you were an employee of Kaspersky. If all you do here is on a volunteer base, Kaspersky is lucky to have you, as well as all the people that freely help maintaining the community. My main goal here is to get a follow-up on this matter. I can definetly understand hitting roadblocks in solving problems. But Kaspersky saying 24h, then radio silence (until someone asked for an update) can be frustrating. It feeds the feeling of being a number, not a valuable client. To @Igor Kurzin, thank you for the update. If you still have no answer from your colleagues in 12-36h, could you let us know more details, so we can better understand? Thanks,
  2. Another 24h without news. I am paying extra dollars for Kaspersky to get service, which is definetly not what we are getting here. I understand business days, but it is now been over 48H of “business days”, with only words saying “working on it”. MTGO is a world-used computer-only software that has been in use for years. This situation needs to be solve swiftly, and we need constant update on the situation. Going more than 24h without updating your clients is frustrating for us. I feel like a number, which affect the trust I have in your company. Please help me regain trust in Kaspersky by giving a thorough follow-up.
  3. I have the same issue. Since it is a first for me, can you tell me how much time can this analysis last (approx ETA)? Are we talking hours, days, months? Just to set expectations here. Thanks!
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